Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1635

Chapter 1635

As researchers, the three master the full set of blue light-emitting diode technology. Although other institutions and enterprises need to pay patent fees. But once the competitors master all the principles, it is a threat to the Black Cloud Group. If the other party deliberately avoids patent barriers and develops products with similar performance; re-applying for patents will seriously damage the interests of the Black Cloud Group.

Therefore, their words and deeds need to be kept confidential; especially when it comes to professional fields. But now his alma mater, Kyoto University, has invited him back to give a speech. On the surface, there is no risk of leaks. But what should you do if the other party invites you to the lab or expresses another opinion.

He clearly has the latest technology in the world, and he is a university professor; if students at Kyoto University ask you questions, don't they answer any questions? Then, do you want to come back to Japan in the future? Isn't the road blocked!

However, the answer will inevitably involve professional knowledge. At present, all technical patents of blue light-emitting diodes belong to the Black Cloud Group. It has not authorized any enterprise or institution; intentional disclosure is a serious violation. If it is really pursued seriously, it is bound to bear legal responsibility.

Bao Zixuan looked very talkative, and didn't feel like a boss. But that is because you can bring value to him, but once you find out that you are harming the interests of the company, you will never be soft-hearted. Capital does not say that it is bloody, but it is almost the same. Even if you don't get yourself cleaned up, legal action will bring you down.

Once you lose the lawsuit, not only your own problems, but also your family may be implicated. Because the amount of compensation is enough for the family to pay back for several lifetimes.

Now we must find a way, otherwise things will not be resolved. On the one hand, his alma mater invited him, a well-known alumnus, to go back to give a speech, and he was worried about technical leaks.

Akasaki Isamu thought for a moment and said, "I just came back. You can see how I will give a speech when I return to Beijing University in three days; after all, I have no preparations at all."

Hearing this, Nishijima Anze certainly understood what the other party meant. When you return to your alma mater, you need to prepare at least one copy of the speech, which is a basic operation. Although the other party himself is a professor, he is also a Nobel Prize winner in physics. But the more you have this identity, the more you care about your reputation.

Not ready, in case something goes wrong in the middle of the speech; but can't afford to lose that person. After all, the status is different at the moment, so naturally, he will cherish his reputation more.

Nishishima Anze said with a smile: "Everything is up to the senior. I'll go back and make arrangements. Let the students of the school have a good look at the old senior's demeanor."

Although the speech could not be dismissed, in order to prevent Bao Zixuan from misunderstanding, it is better to report it. And Akasaki Isamu feels that people may already know it at this moment.

With such a huge size of Heiyun Group, combined with Bao Zixuan's willingness, in the field of intelligence, the investment will definitely not be too low. They returned to Japan, and they possessed a lot of top-secret scientific research information. If you are not prepared for this, it is estimated that the business will not be so big; technical secrets have long been taken away by competitors.

But since he went to Yulin Institute of Technology, there seems to be no leakage incident. Could it be that foreign capitalists are all good men and women, pay attention to fair competition, and imagine that it is impossible.

Then there is only one point, it can only be said that the protection itself is very good; there is no chance for commercial spies. Now dare to let three people go back to Japan, which means that everything has been arranged.

Isamu Akasaki picked up the encrypted phone and called Bao Zixuan directly; as a Nobel Prize winner, he already had the right to speak directly to his boss.

In fact, Bao Zixuan certainly knew about the specific situation of the three in Japan. It's just that some things can never be said. As long as they don't harm the interests of the company, then everything is up to them. If the management is too rigid, it can even make engineers feel that their personal freedom is restricted. Then once it comes out, Heiyun Group and Yulin Institute of Technology will inevitably fall into a passive situation and will definitely be criticized.

Many things can only be done, but absolutely cannot be said. Fortunately, the staff of the intelligence department are all confidants. And also recruited some retired KGB agents, who are professionals themselves. Wages are now five times higher than in the Soviet Union. In addition, his wife, children, and children have already lived in Fucaira or Xiangjiang; if you want to betray, you must also consider the consequences that you need to bear.

The voice of Bao Zixuan came from the other end of the phone: "Professor Isamu Akasaki, why did you call me all of a sudden, did you encounter some problem! Or is there something difficult that needs the help of the group to solve."

Hearing that Bao Zixuan thought that he encountered difficulties and the group helped solve them, Professor Isamu Akasaki was still very moved. In fact, it is normal to think about it. After all, if there is no urgent matter, an ordinary professor would not dare to disturb the boss at all.

Isamu Akasaki: "Just now, President of Kyoto University Yasuzawa Nishijima came to visit and invited me to give a speech at Beijing University. In fact, I know that this is the drunkard's intention not to drink alcohol. The purpose must be about the technical problem of blue light-emitting diodes."

"If a student asks me for advice, it's not good to not answer a few questions. Kyoto University is my alma mater after all, and I am now a university professor."

Hearing this, Bao Zixuan is still very happy; it seems that Akasaki Isam knows who he is, so things are simple. I am afraid that some people are self-righteous and like to make their own decisions, but it is easy to make mistakes.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Professor Isamu Akasaki, don't worry, students can answer questions. Don't be afraid, even if they know the principle, it doesn't matter. The patents are all in our hands. Beijing University can do some experiments at most; For commercial use, unless authorized by us."

Many things are better to be blocked, and the three R&D backbones are all Japanese. Therefore, it is impossible to achieve complete technical blockade, and it is better to make the other party look good. Moreover, the technical patents of blue light-emitting diodes must also be authorized. Any epoch-making or technology that is of great significance to future development cannot be owned by just one company.

Even if the company is an American company, it will not work, not to mention the Heiyun Group is an out-and-out Hong Kong company. Perhaps with the exception of military technology, although blue light-emitting diodes are also used by the military, they are more widely used in the civilian field.

Bao Zixuan's answer made Akasaki Yu do not know what to do, what the young boss meant. Although blue light-emitting diodes have been commercialized, the penetration rate is not very high. At present, it is only applied to Heiyun high-end products. Now that you can answer students' questions, isn't it disguised to tell Beijing University's technical points!

All are professionals, and even the selected students are all graduate students in this field. Although there is technical patent protection, they are also worried that the other party will bypass the technical barriers, so that their income will also decrease.

This is the cleverness of Bao Zixuan. Engineers have R&D technology patent dividends; although the points given are not many, as long as the product sales are good, the future income will definitely be very considerable. Unless he leaves the company halfway through the black cloud, it is after death; the family can also continue to collect patent fees until the end of the protection period.

Therefore, this can be a good guarantee that developers will not easily leak secrets. After all, that doesn't do them any good, and as for resigning, it's better to consider family benefits.

After that, the two sides exchanged a few words before ending the call. Although a little confused, I still don't know what the boss means. Let him answer the questions of Beijing University students at will, whether it is sincere. Companion is like a tiger, and it seems that it is similar in Heiyun Group. Because I can't guess the boss's mind at all, I can only rely on myself to explore at present.

If all parties are satisfied, then everyone will be happy. If Kyoto University feels that his alumni is always hiding, it will definitely have a big opinion. At the same time, leaking too much confidential data is not easy to explain to the current owner.

The problem is thrown directly at himself, making Akasaki is very embarrassed.

But things always need to be faced, and he has promised Nishishima Anze that he must not lose his trust.

He should have brought Amano Hiro there, but when he thought that the other party was with his fiancee, you were arrogant. This student is more introverted, and it was difficult to find a wife; now, don't disturb their two-person world, it's better to deal with it by yourself.

So Isamu Akasaki began to prepare speeches, and he was absolutely familiar with these; as for the three days needed, he was just thinking about responding to the questions raised by the students.

Being able to tell students the answer without revealing company secrets; this scale can be difficult to grasp.
