Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1637

Chapter 1637

In fact, what Anthony Bofors analyzed is very reasonable. There are not many partners for Heiyun Group and Bao Zixuan to choose. This is especially true in the field of military aviation. As for other civilian products, with the current technical strength and market share of the Black Cloud Group, there is no need to cooperate with any company at all.

Heiyun is already doing well, and it's not going public; exactly, it doesn't need to go public at all. The company itself is very profitable, and at the same time there is no shortage of technology, there is no need to find a partner who gets in the way; and then restrain yourself.

Although Sweden's military industry also needs to be kept secret, Sweden and Fucaira are themselves small countries; and there are no major hostile countries. Therefore, there is no risk of weapon leakage, at least both countries can bear it.

But either party wants to independently develop advanced weapons and equipment; perhaps there is no problem. But how much time, money, and resources need to be wasted; the product may be outdated before it is developed.

Therefore, if you want to quickly occupy the market, the combination of the two parties may only be the best choice. If they fight against each other, they are likely to be defeated individually. After all, the state's support for them is limited, that is to say, the military enterprises of the two countries; if they want to develop for a long time, they must go out. The military industry of the Soviet Union and the United States has huge purchase orders from their own military; even if it is particularly poor, there will be military help to pay for it, otherwise there will be no weapons to use.

As for the French military industry, the same is true. In addition, France has so many colonies in Africa and other loyal partners; it can also support the research and development and production of high-end weapons and equipment.

Sweden has a population of 10 million and is itself a neutral country. If weapons and equipment cannot be sold abroad, then how can there be funds to continue research and development. Not to mention government subsidies, the Swedish royal family can be said to be the least expensive of all the royal families in the world, but even so. There are also many people in the country who are saying that the Swedish royal family spends too much money. Do they want to control the expenses?

If you let the public know that the government is taking taxpayer money to subsidize military industrial enterprises, it is estimated that people will take to the streets the next day. However, high-end weapons and equipment, the research and development funds are not a small number; if you have insufficient blood production, you still want to survive in the world; then you can only find partners.

Now the Black Cloud Group is very suitable, and it can be said that neither side can find a more suitable partner than the other.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Thank you Mr. Bofors for recognizing our work attitude. I hope we can cooperate in more fields in the future."

Hearing that Bao Zixuan also had the idea of increasing cooperation, Anthony Bofors immediately had an idea. The opportunity is right in front of you. If you don't seize it, you won't have such a good opportunity in the future.

After all, Bao Zixuan is really busy, it is not so easy for the two to meet.

Anthony Bofors said with a smile: "After this cooperation, Saab has seen the strength of the Black Cloud Group, so he wants to increase the cooperation. I don't know if Mr. Bao is interested!"

What does it mean to increase cooperation. Saab mainly produces from the field of military industry, do you want to cooperate in this area? Bao Zixuan suddenly thought that it was really possible, after all, this was a Swedish company. If it is replaced by other major country's military enterprises, it is very difficult to introduce technology; it can be said that it is almost impossible to cooperate.

Any military product will give priority to meeting domestic needs. If it is to cooperate with foreign companies, then the domestic military is in the process of using it; in case of a human accident, the final result will not be very good.

Although Sweden also has an army, it has always been kind to people. It cannot be said that the army is just a decoration, but there will never be any conflict with Fucaira. After all, the two countries have no direct conflict of interests, let alone enemies.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile, "Saab is a country that ranks among the top in the world in terms of technical strength. I would like to know how you would like to cooperate."

From the expression and tone of the other party, Anthony Bofors knew that Bao Zixuan also had cooperation intentions. Especially in the field of third-generation machines, although Black Cloud Group purchased a complete set of technical technologies from Dassault, it is not so easy to achieve mass production. A fighter jet, wanting to actually serve, is a complicated process.

And the aircraft produced by Dassault also requires the cooperation of the entire French military system. That is to say, without other parts suppliers, Dassault could not have put the plane into the sky.

These suppliers will definitely spare no effort to support Dassault. Once it is replaced by the Black Cloud Group; it may be better to say when there is no conflict, but once it enters a state of war; then it may not even let you ship a screw out of France. Bao Zixuan understands such superficial truth better than anyone else.

Now Saab takes the initiative to step forward, and no smart person will refuse.

Anthony Bofors said with a smile: "At present, the Black Cloud Group does not have a third-generation fighter jet in service. I know that Mr. Bao has far-reaching plans and more ambitious goals. However, if a fighter jet wants to be recognized, it must pass the actual combat test. ; otherwise the data on paper is pretty and doesn't make any sense.

"Although the Black Cloud Group has obtained all the technical information on the third-generation fighter jets from the French Dassault Company, it will take a long time to enter service. After all, the production and imitation of many parts and components, as well as other key technologies, have to be started from scratch."

"Although Saab does not dare to say that it has stronger technical strength than Dassault, it has a history of 50 years since its establishment. It still has some experience and technical reserves for the development of fighter jets."

This is to introduce the strength of the company in front of himself, and of course to fight for the right to speak. After all, after cooperation, they do not want to let the other party take the initiative. At present, the Black Cloud Group is definitely stronger, after all, where is the scale of the enterprise. Although money can't decide anything, it can let the other party know that you can afford it!

Bao Zixuan suddenly thought that maybe Anthony Bofors is also in pain. As an expert in the aviation field in the previous life, of course, he knew what happened to the third-generation aircraft that the other party said.

The Saab-37 fighter; codename: Lei, is an all-weather multirole fighter developed by the Swedish Saab Aircraft Company in the 1960s.

Saab intended to export several times after the "Ray" entered service, but since Sweden is a neutral country; it cannot export weapons to NATO's so-called belligerents. In the 1970s, when the "Ray" entered service, some NATO countries such as Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway and other NATO countries began to seek new fighters to replace the outdated F-104 Star Warrior fighters. Saab and its partners Ericsson and Volvo. Cooperate to launch the Saab 37E fighter, the letter E stands for European fighter.

Also competing for the contract are Dassault's Mirage F1, Northrop's F/18 Hornet and General Dynamics' F-16 Fighting Falcon. For the Saab 37, these are all new fighter jets, among which The F-16 was the most competitive; because the aircraft had been selected as the standard fighter by the US Air Force at that time, it had a great advantage in price and technology. For the Saab 37E, it is more suitable for the Nordic combat environment than the F-16. After all, the F-16 is designed to operate mainly in temperate regions.

Saab soon realized that if it could get the contract, more NATO orders would follow; therefore, when competing for the contract, it kept the price of the Saab 37E as low as possible to seize the market first.

However, since Saab's aircraft manufacturing capability is already very strong, if it gets this contract again. It is likely to pose a threat to the U.S. arms export trade in the near future, so the United States has used political pressure to force these countries to finally choose its F-16. In addition to the above-mentioned countries, Australia, Japan and even India were also interested in "Lei" later, but also due to the interference of the United States, these three countries did not purchase Saab 37 in the end.

In the end, the only foreign user of "Lei" is Austria, and its export results are not even as good as the dragon style.

Exports are blocked, not only because of the obstruction of the United States. After all, that country has to consider the overall cost-effectiveness. The purpose of buying fighter jets is to fight wars, not to deliberately curry favor with the United States for the sake of appearance. Competing against the opponent, of course, has a lot to do with the performance of the fighter; that is to say, the performance of the Thunder fighter is much worse than that of the F-16.

This is an indisputable fact, and Anthony Bofors has to admit it. And because of some special characteristics such as national conditions, we found a company to cooperate with; there is also an additional way out for exporting weapons and equipment.

At this moment, the richest man in Bao is also weighing the pros and cons. If the third-generation aircraft project cooperates with Saab, the speed of research and development and service will naturally be greatly improved. Even if there is some decline at present, as Anthony Bofors said; Saab's heritage is absolutely incomparable to ordinary enterprises. At that time, they made Americans very jealous, which is enough to show their extraordinary strength.


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