Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1454

Chapter 1454

Now that the matter has been explained clearly, and I have finally come to Israel once, I must have a good communication with the engineers. These talents are the cornerstone of the future development of Heiyun Group, not to mention retaining them all; but at least let them feel the care and attention of the company and the boss.

The idea of science and engineering men is relatively simple. Money is one aspect, and the most important thing is to be respected; and work can generate value. There are some things that can't be done now and can only be made up for in other ways.

Although he drank a lot of wine, it was really not a big deal for the richest man. Back in the room at night, an unexpected phone call came.

A female voice came: "Did you miss me, I know you are also in Tel Aviv. How about we meet at night, it's been a long time since we haven't seen you, it's even missed."

Hearing this woman's phone call, the richest man in Bao immediately sobered up a lot. Isn't he in Europe! Anyway, in Tel Aviv, but it's normal to think about it. After all, this is the Jewish stronghold, and it can be regarded as one's own home.

As a man, it is certainly impossible to refuse such a request.

Bao Zixuan: "Of course you're welcome. I'm at the Black Cloud Chip Base and I'll ask someone to pick you up."

This kind of thing can only be done by bodyguards. After all, it is not good for too many people to know. Fortunately, Tel Aviv is not very big, and where the richest man wants to go, some bodyguards will come over in advance; familiarize himself with the geographical environment to deal with emergencies. This is Israel after all, go to women; it's definitely not appropriate, and he doesn't dare. If there is a problem, it will not be explained at that time.

You must know that it is easy to handle in Hong Kong, but in other countries, you still have to pay attention to safety.

In less than half an hour, a beautiful woman appeared in the room. Seeing the beauty's face, Bao Zixuan realized that the woman in front of him became more beautiful after not seeing him for so long. Or has it been suppressed for too long recently, and I feel a little uncomfortable; everyone is a beautiful woman.

After the bodyguard completed the task, he withdrew. They knew exactly what the relationship between the boss and the woman of the Rothschild family was. At this time, it must not be disturbed. In that case, the boss should not stay by his side.

Angela Rothschild said with a smile: "I didn't expect to meet here!"

The last time they said goodbye to Xiangjiang, the two were not in touch. Taking the initiative to contact him today is definitely not simply to have **** with him. The richest man in Bao is not an animal who only thinks with his lower body, so he still wants to see what women say.

Bao Zixuan: "I really didn't expect that last time, didn't you say you want to go back to Europe! Why did you come to Israel all of a sudden? It's really a surprise."

Seeing the expression of the man in front of her, Angela Rothschild said: "I think it should be more shocking! After all, you have several confidantes in the Middle East, aren't you afraid they will know."

In fact, there is such a thing, but in front of a woman, you can't admit it.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "My courage is not that small, and you all say that you are a confidante. It seems that a few more, a few less seem to be fine, isn't it the same between us!"

If it was in front of Aisha and Sarah, I would definitely not say that. But for the woman in front of him, it doesn't matter. It is okay to say that the two sides are related, but it is understandable to say that the two sides are not related.

Europeans are still very open about this.

Angela Rothschild: "It's said that men become bad when they have money. It seems that you can't be exempted from it. But this time in Paris, it's really impressive. I want to call you several times, but I'm also worried about calling you." You asked for trouble; decided to let you go."

In fact, it is not only to find trouble for the richest man Bao, he is also worried that he will get into trouble. After all, they are married now, although this kind of marriage is more in name, but also pay attention to the impact, at least do not want to affect the image of both parties because of some trivial matters.

This kind of secret communication is very good, and it is quite exciting.

Bao Zixuan: "I haven't said why you are in Israel, don't tell me to come and wait for me. This will make people very moved, but at this time, I don't want to be too emotional."

At this time, Angela Rothschild felt very strange. It stands to reason that the layer of window paper between the two has been pierced. In addition, he is a big beauty, Bao Zixuan is a young man with strong blood. Why did he just want to chat with himself, but he didn't do anything. If it wasn't for one night, I would really think that the man in front of me might not work, or I prefer men.

Then it can only show that people want to make things clear first; even if they go to bed with a woman, they must clearly understand what is going on. It can only be said that this kind of man is too calm, and even a little scary.

Angela Rothschild said with a smile: "The night is so short, don't you want to do something!"

This is a deliberate test to see if this man is what she guessed.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile, "It's better to explain some things. After all, both parties are responsible for the family. And I have a cleanliness addiction, otherwise, in my capacity, there should be no shortage of women in bed every day."

Hearing this, it really confirmed my conjecture. But talking about cleanliness makes Angela Rothschild very uncomfortable. Is it only men who have it? That woman is also unwilling to share a man with other women, but this society is often able to forgive men; once it happens to a woman, it will definitely be blamed by thousands of people.

Angela Rothschild said with a smile: "You are really interesting, but to be honest, it's worth affirming. It's good to have a little bit of cleanliness for a man of your status. So as not to get sick, to It's too late to regret it."

"After I returned to Europe, I married my cousin, Normanna Rothschild. But this old guy, who had a mild stroke at the time, couldn't do anything. So he's still leaving Hong Kong. The state at the time, and it will continue to be maintained, otherwise it will never come to you."

The granddaughter of the patriarch, married to a second-married old man who also suffered a mild stroke. What exactly is this operation, I really can't understand. You must know that they used to be known as the sixth empire in Europe, even if they are now in decline; but the right of the patriarch is not like this!

Haven't heard of Norman Rothschild's stroke before. Could it be that this woman was looking for someone to do it. It's not that there is no such possibility. The most poisonous woman's heart is applicable to that country. Then, when you interact with him, you should be careful, so as not to get burned. It is still too dangerous to stay with such a woman.

With my current status, I can't find what kind of woman I want; but I can't fall into the hands of a woman.

Seeing Bao Zixuan's doubts, Angela Rothschild said with a smile, "Don't get me wrong, although I really want to, but I definitely didn't do it. Maybe my body was not good before, and other factors were added. , causing a stroke."

"Of course, it may also be done by other people in the family. After all, there are many people who want to get me. Although they do not have the power of Norman Rothschild, it is still possible to make small moves in private."

In fact, these richest men don't care, and he is not Ximen Qing. There is no need to poison or kill because of a woman. And I don't want to know, if things are too complicated; when it's time to break, you must not be soft-hearted.

Bao Zixuan: "That's your business, UU reading is good to control it yourself; if you need help, you can ask it. One night husband and wife are a hundred days of kindness, and Bao is not a man who will not accept the account when he lifts his pants. . But why did you come to Israel all of a sudden, is there any big move by the Rothschild family. Needless to say it is inconvenient, after all, this is your personal business."

One night husband and wife, one night of grace, let Angela Rothschild listen very well. And saying that he didn't put up his pants and didn't recognize the person showed that the man in front of him was not a hypocrite.

Angela Rothschild said with a smile: "As long as you are willing to admit it, you are also my mother's man. At least you are the only man now. As for whether you can do it in the future, it is really hard to say."

Hearing this, Bao Zixuan really didn't know what to say. After all, if a beautiful woman says so, it is impossible for a man to be indifferent. But it remains to be seen whether what the woman in front of her is saying is true or false. It may be that the man's vanity is at work, and his instinct will choose to believe. This makes him very embarrassed, after all, women have already said this for their sake; if they don't come forward to protect them, they all feel that they are not men.

But in what name to protect others, or just want her to be her lover forever. That seems a little selfish, and the woman in front of him cannot be at ease and just be a lover, and his character cannot accept it.