Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1453

Chapter 1453

For the rest, Bao Zixuan no longer wanted to participate. There are still a lot of things to work out, and it's not a problem to be in Iraq all the time. But some countries still have to deal with it; so after leaving Iraq, they went to Jordan and Israel. However, there are only two days in each country. After all, time is tight, and it is not good to stay too much.

At present, the development plan of the Dead Sea in Jordan has been able to produce benefits; every year, there are female beauty vacations from all over the world, and many female stars will come to maintain it regularly. The Jordanian tourism industry is developing rapidly, and the momentum is getting stronger and stronger. The world has realized here that the richest man in business cannot be underestimated. Even the female beauty industry is so proficient, what else is this man not capable of!

The Jordanian royal family is too enthusiastic, and Bao Zixuan is not easy to refuse. Therefore, agreeing to expand the production capacity of the automobile factory is an increase of investment.

But for the others, there is no agreement yet. After all, Fucaira is the core in the future, and other places must be controlled. Then from Jordan to Israel; because of the geographical size, it is unrealistic to build too many factories in Israel. CNC machine tools and chip factories are already the limit.

But every time he came to Israel, he was shocked by the richest man. The Jews absolutely spared no effort in supporting Israel. Now a little bit powerful chip companies have production bases in Israel.

At present, the general manager of Black Cloud Chip Company has been based in Israel for a long time. After all, the production capacity of Xiangjiang headquarters is no longer comparable to here, unless Heiyun Town is put into use; but it will take a few years. Therefore, it is understandable that Fukuyama is working here.

After Fukuyama introduced the situation in Israel to Bao Zixuan, he said directly: "President, the chips we produce now are not much worse than Intel, and even more stable than the other party. As for Motorola, they have already left them behind. ."

"But why do you want to buy the CPU from Motorola? Almost all engineers can't figure it out. They get high salaries every year, but the products they develop cannot be mass-produced. Every time they make technical reserves, in the long run, the enthusiasm of engineers is inevitable. will be hit."

In fact, Bao Zixuan doesn't know, but the time is not ripe. After all, the Americans have not yet started, and this is not the time to reveal their strength.

But engineers also need to be reassured, or else their enthusiasm will surely be discouraged. Research and development not only requires ability and knowledge, but also because of love and feeling that you can use your talents. Every time the latest product is developed, technical reserve processing is done. Just ask who can stand it; everyone has pursuits, not to mention the history; but at least hope that the products developed by themselves can be circulated on the market.

Let relatives, friends and family know that he is an inventor. Although vanity is not a good word, it can often make people feel great satisfaction.

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Some things, especially for engineering men, can't be solved by spending more money.

Bao Zixuan: "Call the engineers and I'll invite them to dinner tonight."

Hearing this, Fukuyama immediately understood what he meant. The boss wants to do ideological work, and it seems that he has not made up his mind. But as a company executive, he can still understand. To achieve a certain scale, an enterprise needs to balance the interests of all parties. If it makes you feel like you're out of control. That's a very dangerous thing, especially if the Black Cloud Group is not an American company; it will definitely be worse then!

Fukuyama: "I'll make arrangements now."

Heiyun employees all know that the boss is here, but Bao Zixuan was in the workshop during the day to inspect for a day. When the chip engineers heard that the boss was going to invite them to dinner at night, they were immediately excited. In fact, eating and seeing the boss are only one aspect. Most importantly, they can brief the boss about the situation.

The chip developed by itself has advanced technology and stable performance. Why not bring it to the market, always make technical reserves, who can stand it.

Wherever the Black Cloud Group goes, the highest food standard will come. Israel, as an important branch of the Black Cloud, is of course no exception.

The core staff who were able to attend this dinner were all from Xiangjiang; most of the people recruited from Israel were ordinary employees. For some ideas, it is good that the core members know it, and all employees know it, and it is estimated that it is not far from the whole world.

In a large box at night, all the senior engineers of Black Cloud Chip were present. In fact, these people also occupy almost half of the technical force of Heiyun Chip; as a chip production base, it is not too much to send how many people here.

What made Bao Zixuan more gratified was that he saw several students. As the president of Yulin Institute of Technology, it can be said that any graduate is his student.

Students have been able to contribute to the enterprise, once again confirming the success of the school.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Everyone, come to Israel and get used to it! I know it's not easy for you, but you still have to overcome some things. Young single men can find local girls. Jewish girls are not only beautiful, but also very virtuous. I'm already married, otherwise I really have some ideas."

All of a sudden, the distance was shortened, especially the students who graduated from Yulin Institute of Technology. I feel that the principal is still very good at talking, and when they are in the same school, they are completely different. The identity of the principal can't be fooled all day; how can it educate the students well; for this, the richest man Bao is still very concerned.

Seeing that no one was talking, Bao Zixuan continued: "Feng Gang, do you have any difficulties in life or other aspects in Israel?"

Hearing that he was called, Feng Gang was very moved. During his school days, his grades were only average. I didn't expect the principal to remember his name. It seems that this boss really treats everyone equally. You must know that Heiyun Group has more than one million employees, and there are tens of thousands of graduates from Yulin Institute of Technology every year.

It is not surprising that the boss can remember the names of executives and the principal can remember the names of outstanding students. It is shocking to be able to remember the name of an ordinary student who has just joined the staff. It is said that Bao Zixuan has a super memory, and now it seems that what he said is true.

Since I have pointed to myself, I must introduce myself. Although he is still studying and working at the same time. He shouldn't have made too many demands; but so many people told him to speak first, it must be because he graduated from Yulin Institute of Technology. It seems that the disciples of the emperor are applicable everywhere.

Feng Gang: "Thank you for your concern. Although I have not been in Israel for a long time, I feel that there is no difference between this place and Xiangjiang. However, there is one problem. I still don't understand how to reflect the value."

"Our group of engineers work overtime every day. And we have also developed results, at least the technical level, which is absolutely no worse than that of any other company. However, the CPUs used within the group are still purchased from Motorola and Intel. This is very difficult. It's understandable, at least I can't figure it out."

Hearing that someone finally spoke out the question, the on-site engineers were quietly waiting for the answer. After all, they want to know what it means to work hard every day.

Bao Zixuan also knew that it would not be a problem in the long run. But it must be done now, at least not yet with the ability to lift the table.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile, "Does everyone think this way!"

After seeing everyone nodding in agreement. After drinking a glass of wine, he continued: "Actually, I also have the same idea, why can I produce the most advanced chips by myself, but I still have to purchase it from other manufacturers."

"But in this world, we are not the only company. To achieve a certain scale of business, we need to balance the interests of all parties; among them, the ideas of the Americans have to be considered. The Black Cloud Group has undergone numerous antitrust investigations, but these have been investigated by Dissolve them one by one.

"If we don't use American chips now, they will feel that we are completely out of control. They will find various reasons and excuses to investigate us. What product safety, information security, etc.; Even if you don't understand it, it should be clear."

"Continuing to use American chips now is to reassure them; so I hope everyone can understand. As for why we continue to invest in research and development, we know that the CPU will not be listed. Technical reserves are one aspect, and we don't want to be strangled by the neck. If on that day, the U.S. official does not agree with Motorola and Intel to supply chips to Heiyun. What should we do at that time, don't we produce any electronic products!

"And now our CPU technology level is at best a little better than Motorola, and its overall performance is worse than Intel's. The technology is not ahead, and it can be said that all three have their own advantages."

"Our products will only be launched to the market when we finish the technical crushing on them. This requires your unremitting efforts. After all, I am not proficient in chip technology."

"Don't have any burdens in your heart, do your job well, and I will consider other things myself!"

Engineers are not stupid. The boss has already made his words so clear. Although I really want to prove myself, I also know that this is not the time. Therefore, this turmoil has been calmed down; Bao Zixuan also knows that this is not a problem; at present, we should really find a solution. Otherwise, these people will get sick sooner or later!