Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1455

Chapter 1455

As for why Angela Rothschild came to Israel, I really don't know how to explain it to Bao Zixuan. After all, it is related to the family and the whole Jewish secret. But on second thought, if you want to be absolutely safe, or protect yourself. Then there must be external intervention. Once things are successful, then she is likely to become an abandoned child.

In the Rothschild family, this kind of thing is very common. Grandpa can marry him to an old man for this matter, and there is nothing else he can do.

However, there is still a need to sell it now, and it may be better to talk about this topic in bed.

Angela Rothschild: "I came here with a secret mission. If you want to know the result, then it depends on whether your performance is satisfactory to me. After that, I walked to Bao Zixuan and took off my clothes as I walked. "

At this time, the richest man in Bao was a little confused. She was simply a big lascivious woman, and she thought about that when she came up. But on second thought, beauty doesn't matter, he is a big man so troubled. And many things must take the initiative, which involves the issue of dignity.

He stepped forward directly, hugged Angela, and walked towards the bathroom. It is better to check it, if there is something hidden on the body, it is not safe for one's own life. If you die on a woman's bed, then you will really lose your hair.

Angela Rothschild also thought that she wanted to take a bath with her, but she did not refuse. That's how it is between men and women, once the window paper is pierced, it may feel indifferent to what you may do.

So in the bathroom, a fragrant scene was staged, and the picture could not bear to look directly.

It took more than an hour to take a shower, and no one was there.

Then Bao Zixuan carried the woman to the bed again and started the next move. After waiting, Angela lay on Bao Zixuan's chest. And the fingers kept drawing circles on the chest.

The man's performance did not disappoint him, and he just discovered that this man seems to be much stronger. At least the figure is not out of shape, which is really too rare.

In fact, the richest man in Bao knows very well that the body is the capital of the revolution. Therefore, I will keep exercising every day. After all, the richer you are, the more afraid of death you may be.

Angela Rothschild said shyly: "Didn't you ask me why I came to Israel!"

"Then answer me a question first, do you know King Solomon and his story!"

Solomon, king of ancient Judea. Son of David and Bathsheba. Reigned about 971-931 BC. His deeds are contained in the Old Testament. Solomon's father, David, started the Jewish dynasty and sought to build an empire from the borders of Egypt to the Euphrates. When Solomon came to the throne, he eliminated his political enemies and placed his friends in positions of military, government, and religious institutions. Solomon also strengthened his position through marriage. He married the daughters and sisters of kings of various places, one of whom was the daughter of Pharaoh of Egypt; Pharaoh captured and burned the Canaanite city of Gaza, and gave it to Solomon.

Like all empire founders, Solomon maintained his territory by force, and in addition to the infantry, he had amazing chariots and cavalry. The network of trading posts established by Solomon later became the nucleus of the Jewish ghetto.

The Solomon Empire was dominated by commerce, and all government agencies served trade. He built pavilions around the capital, Jerusalem, for the main foreign trade missions in Israel. and built the walls and temple of Jerusalem. At the same time, he was an energetic administrator. He re-divided the original 12 tribes of Israel into 12 administrative districts. Each district was appointed by the king with a governor, and the 12 governors were controlled by a grand governor.

King Solomon was also known for his sagacity; he was also a famous poet who wrote more than 1,000 poems. The reign of Israel was the peak period of the United Kingdom of Israel and Judea. The army was strong, the commerce was prosperous, the Temple of Jehovah and the magnificent palace were successively built in Jerusalem.

The greatest king of ancient Israel may not only be familiar to the Jews, but it is estimated that the whole world knows his existence. Although Bao's richest man did not study international history, he has heard of his name.

A sudden mention of Solomon, a figure from 3,000 years ago. What does this mean, does it have something to do with Solomon? Solomon is the most mysterious thing, and at the same time, the most crazy thing about the Jews; not only his exploits, but also the huge treasure. Of course more important are the Jewish relics; the golden ark is among them.

Seeing that Bao Zixuan was lost in thought, he should know what he was talking about.

Angela Rothschild continued: "After Solomon inherited the throne from his predecessor, King David of Judea, he spent nearly ten years building a vast and luxurious palace with all of Israel's power, on which The "Temple" on Mount Zion in Jerusalem. The most precious thing in this temple is the "Golden Ark of the Covenant" placed in the rock hall with a height of 30 meters in the temple. It combines the "Ten Commandments of Moses" and the "Code of Sinai" "Stored in the "Golden Ark of the Covenant" made of pure gold, it will be passed down as a national treasure forever."

"Jerusalem at that time was the birthplace of Judaism, so every year, countless believers from home and abroad came to this holy place to pay homage. Since it was a pilgrimage, it was natural to make a huge tribute to Solomon."

"Before Solomon died, he hid all his treasures in a secret passage under the "Holy Rock". Later generations called this secret passage "Joah's secret passage." After Solomon, dozens of rulers who ruled this land Like him, he put all the gold and silver jewelry that he collected in his life in this secret passage."

"So, the prestigious "Treasure of Solomon" does not refer to the treasures of a monarch, but to the common treasures of successive rulers of Jerusalem. It is generally accepted by historians that with the destruction of the Jewish kingdom of Israel by Babylon, the destruction of the Temple After a fire that lasted three days and three nights, the Babylonians were unable to find this legendary secret passage in the ashes."

Therefore, this huge wealth disappeared into the sea of history like the Jewish kingdom, and no one knows its whereabouts.

"Fifty years ago, two American explorers, Steven and Richard, traveled thousands of miles to Jerusalem, and their goal was the legendary lost treasure. Because of their advanced detection equipment; Sure enough, there was a harvest. In the secret passage of Joa under the altar, two Americans searched for a staircase leading to an unknown location. Due to the age, the staircase has been tightly blocked by sand."

"So, the two concluded that there must be treasures under the sand. They started working day and night with shovels, intending to take the treasures under the sand as their own. The two of them worked so hard that the quicksand structure in the tunnel almost took theirs. In an instant, the quicksand filled the dug tunnel, making the two return without success. In the end, the two encountered a large storm on their way back to China, so that the boat they were on was buried in the sea. "

The Ark of the Covenant has something to do with the Jews, but what does it mean when it refers to two Americans. Is it because the American expedition was funded by the Rothschild family. It's not impossible, but Bao Zixuan doesn't want to be involved so much.

Although he is building a museum, some things are not destined to belong to him. If you really get the Golden Ark of the Covenant, you will not be able to tell the truth. And it must be returned to the Jews, otherwise they will have to work **** you. Even Solomon's treasure has nothing to do with you.

The strength of the Black Cloud Group is not weak, but the strength of the Jews is stronger; the most important thing is the United States and Israel. It may not matter to make some money, but if you want to take possession of other people's sacred objects, you will inevitably become the enemy of life and death.

Bao Zixuan: "So you came here for the treasure. As a Jew, you should know the weight of the golden ark in the hearts of the Jews. It is really difficult for outsiders to participate in this matter. UU read If you need money or equipment ; I can provide; as for the rest, forget it!"

"But there's one thing I can't figure out, why are all the Rothschild men dead! Is it a bit too useless to let a woman come over to take risks."

Angela Rothschild was very happy to hear that the man in front of him was complaining about himself. After all, this is caring about her, which shows that he still has some status in his heart. At least not as the kind of woman who comes and goes when she is called.

Angela Rothschild said with a smile: "Since I have told you, I will definitely continue. But I want to get more answers, but I must be satisfied. Only then can more content be unlocked, let's continue!"

Bao Zixuan is also strange, I really don't know what this woman's body is doing. But for the sake of what has been said, I definitely can't admit it. This is about man's dignity, and he really wants to know the purpose of sending this woman here.

The Rothschild family, certainly not so playful, especially when it comes to the entire Jewish relic. That is to say, the woman under her is definitely indispensable; or she has a secret that others don't know.
