Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1360

Chapter 1360

The pilot of the Hyundai Group reluctantly left the exhibition hall of the United Aircraft Factory. Any civil aviation pilot who sees such an excellent aircraft, of course, wants to experience it. But there are no test flights yet, and they have no formal training; it will take a while to fly the plane.

Zhengzhou Yong couldn't calm down for a long time after visiting the plane. It stands to reason that at his age, plus many years of ups and downs in the business world, he has long since cultivated the ability to stay calm. Not to mention that there is a thunder in the chest and the face is like a flat lake, it has rarely been influenced by external firms.

But meeting Bao Zixuan today was too shocking to him. This young man, who is about the same age as his granddaughter, is a model of self-made in the world, and a young entrepreneurial leader. Unexpectedly, even though he is already so rich, he can still maintain his original intention.

People are afraid that after becoming famous, they don't know what they are doing. Perhaps now Heiyun Group no longer needs him to engage in scientific research and development, but it is very rare to be able to maintain the enthusiasm of an engineer. He was only a car mechanic before, but now he feels disgusted when he sees a car mechanic.

Although it can't explain anything, it can also reflect from the side that he is not as young as a young man.

After all, he is too old, and today is negotiating and climbing, so the exhibition has not closed, Zhengzhou Yong went back to the hotel to rest. Except for the son and granddaughter, everyone else is still visiting the air show. After all, it is not easy to come here once, and I want to know more about the development of aviation technology in the world.

Although South Korea is not strong in aviation technology, everyone has a heart for progress. And for Hyundai Group employees, the boss can rest, but they don't have that right;

After returning to the hotel, only the family was left, and Zhengzhou Yong didn't have so many scruples; he said directly: "Today, it's the first time for you to see Bao Zixuan, so let's talk about your views."

Zheng Mengjiu was really afraid of what to do, even though he was 20 years older than Bao Zixuan. But in the eyes of the father, it is always the child. Now it is understandable to take the richest man in a bag to spur himself. As for her own daughter, she may have more say. After all, he was studying at Bao Zixuan's alma mater, Oxford University. While not very well known while studying at Oxford, there are sure to be some people who will delve into it.

Seeing her father's eyes, Miss Zheng knew that she was asking herself to speak first. Perhaps among the three, she knew Bao Zixuan better. Heiyun Group has many Oxford alumni, and has invested in many laboratories and scientific research projects; therefore, Oxford students will never be unfamiliar with Heiyun and Bao Zixuan.

Miss Zheng: "Although I haven't met Senior Bao before, after all, when he came to Oxford to study, he was never here. But the legend about him in Oxford can be written into a book."

"Although it has only been two years, it has still become a legend in Oxford. There are many students from Xiangjiang who come to study in the UK; basically, their families are well-off, so gatherings are common. But you know what! According to Xiangjiang students Said, Bao Zixuan has never attended a party and belongs to a forgotten person."

"At the same time, it can also show that the students from Xiangjiang don't like him very much. It may be related to his family background. After all, media reports have depended on his mother since childhood. Every day, except for classes, laboratories, libraries, and dormitories; it seems to be part-time work."

"In the Oxford period, the performance was not as outstanding as MIT. The only impression of the librarian is that this kid has read a lot of books; as for his studies, it is only an upper-middle level."

"Now Heiyun Group has invested a lot in Oxford, and the campus network we use is donated by Bao Zixuan, and the two sides have cooperated on many projects. Hong Kong Yulin Institute of Technology and Oxford University belong to a strategic partnership. The two sides also recognize each other. Education, these are all because of Bao Zixuan's relationship."

"I heard that Mr. Bao Zixuan doesn't like business management, but loves scientific research more. I didn't think it was possible before. After all, the other party can make the business so big, how could he just let it go. But when I saw it today, I feel really incomprehensible."

Although the granddaughter said that a hammer in the east and a stick in the west are not related at all. But Zhengzhou Yong and his son still heard a lot of what they needed; especially about Yulin Institute of Technology, old man Zheng was very interested.

As more and more graduates enter the society, they continue to create achievements. It made Yulin Institute of Technology very famous. Many people even say that it is the number one university in Asia.

However, the number one university in Asia, which people call it, rarely recruits students from South Korea. You must know that South Korea's economy is developed, and basic education can be ranked in the forefront of Asia. Now, there are very few Korean students in the number one university in Asia. How can that be done?

Zhengzhou Yong said in surprise: "You mean that Yulin Institute of Technology and Oxford University recognize each other's education."

In fact, this is very understandable, after all, Oxford is one of the top universities in the world. It's definitely not that easy to get his approval. Especially Yulin Institute of Technology, a university that has only been established for a few years.

After all, recognizing the other party's academic qualifications means that they have obtained an official certification from Oxford, but they are responsible. If the students of Yulin Institute of Technology are not at all level, the enterprises and the public will even question Oxford. For a century-old world famous school, this is an unwilling result.

Miss Zheng: "Of course, do you actually know! The computer major of Yulin Institute of Technology is definitely stronger than Oxford, and it is more popular with major companies. It's just that they rarely appear in other companies, such as Hyundai, and they can't be recruited. ."

"Japanese companies, Middle Eastern royal companies, and the most important thing is the Black Cloud Group; students have been allocated, and other companies may not even be able to drink soup. And not only Oxford University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology also recognizes Yulin Institute of Technology. academic qualifications, and are highly recognized for their academics.

"It's just that there are no students from Yulin Institute of Technology who have come to work in South Korea, so you can't get in touch."

This young man is really not easy, as two of the top universities in the world; you may not be recognized by others if you have money. After all, the more well-known colleges and universities are, the more they will choose reputation in the face of money and reputation. Because as long as the reputation is still there, money can be made at any time. But losing reputation will greatly reduce the attractiveness of outstanding students.

At that time, it will inevitably create a vicious circle, and finally kill yourself.

Zheng Mengjiu never expected that Yulin Institute of Technology would have such strength and influence to be recognized by two world-class universities. You must know that there is not one in South Korea; for this alone, Xiangjiang is already at the forefront. If an enterprise wants to develop, it is inseparable from talents; this is even more the case for technology enterprises.

Seeing his father's eyes, he immediately understood what he meant.

Zheng Mengjiu said very solemnly: "My father wants modern children to study in Xiangjiang. I have heard similar news from my Japanese counterparts. There are many children from large companies in Japan who will go to Yulin Institute of Technology to study. But they are all Heiyun Group. A partner who participated in the establishment of Yulin Institute of Technology in the early days, and can be said to be a member of the school board."

Of course, Zhengzhou Yong also knew about these. So he said directly: "When the test flight of the super passenger plane is over, we will place an order. Then we can take the opportunity to ask the other party about the enrollment of modern children."

"Japanese companies and the royal family in the Middle East are not stupid. The loyalty of corporate children is much higher than that of others. Unless you have no confidence in your own company, I advise you not to continue."

"If Hyundai Group wants to make a difference in the fields of technology and computers, Yulin Institute of Technology is a good choice. Japan is more developed than us, but they still send so many international students to Hong Kong every year, isn't that enough to explain the problem!"

"Don't always think that South Korea's economy is developing very fast, we are not afraid of anyone now. How much heritage and strength we have, and how much technology we have accumulated; don't you know! If the Japanese deliberately embarrass us, then it can only be Let anyone be slaughtered."

"It's not just me, you should also continue to pay attention to Heiyun Group and Bao Zixuan. There are many things that we can learn from the development of others. Modern children must go to Hong Kong to study, this matter is not negotiable. I will be back tomorrow. Korea, you are responsible for discussing with Bao Zixuan about anything."

"This is a test for you, and it also lets you know that there are days outside the sky, and there are people outside people."

It stands to reason that the son is already so old, and he is still in front of his granddaughter. I shouldn't be talking about this, but Zhengzhou Yong still expressed the meaning directly, and it is estimated that he wants his son to pay attention to it!

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