Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1359

Chapter 1359

Hearing Bao Zixuan say this, Zhengzhou Yong certainly understood what he meant. Not only to introduce the company's technical and economic strength, but more importantly to show its identity. Koreans will certainly have no trouble buying this plane. At present, many things need to rely on the United States, such a large-scale commodity that American companies can produce; in the past, when companies from other countries bought it, things were not easy to handle.

To tell you right now, there are two American companies involved. If Boeing has any block, then McDonnell Douglas and will definitely intervene.

Since the United States will not stop it, the problem will be much easier to handle. And this time, isn't it just to buy a large airliner! Who to buy is not to buy, and the four companies are leaders in their respective fields. Maybe there is still room for cooperation, who can say for sure in the future!

Zhengzhou Yong said with a smile: "This time I came here mainly to buy a large passenger plane. The original plan was Boeing 747, but when I saw this one, I already had other ideas. As the world's top aviation expert, Mr. Bao designed and developed products. ; certainly not bad.

The Boeing 747 has been in service for 15 years so far and can be said to be a very mature model. Although there have been many air crashes, it is rarely because of the aircraft itself.

It can be said that for business operations, it is still very trustworthy.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "I can't guarantee the performance, but the passenger capacity is about 100 more than the Boeing 747. And because of the engine, the fuel consumption is lower than the Boeing 747."

In commercial operations, the biggest expense is, of course, aircraft fuel. Especially with the rise in international crude oil prices, the major airlines are suffering. Now heard it can carry 100 more passengers than a Boeing 747 and consume less fuel. Could it be that Heiyun Group's aviation technology has reached such a level that it has only been a few years since the other party made a fortune.

Aviation industry, unlike others. If there is no deep background, it is difficult to achieve convincing results. After all, technical accumulation is very important, and there are still many problems that cannot be avoided. The Hyundai Group has also been established for 40 years; however, in the aviation field, it is still basically blank.

Heiyun's achievements in the aviation field have made Zhengzhou Yong see the hope of Hyundai Group to develop the aviation industry. Heiyun Group can, because Bao Zixuan is a super genius, and of course there is a huge investment in research and development. Then, as long as it finds a genius in the aviation field, coupled with huge capital investment, Hyundai Group is not without opportunities.

There is no problem in producing cars and ships, and it is not difficult to make aircraft. Moreover, this time, the flying saucer technology of Heiyun Group has been introduced; on this basis, in-depth research will be carried out; it will definitely bring the aviation industry strength of Hyundai Group to a higher level.

Zhengzhou Yong said with a smile: "Hyundai Group plans to buy 6 super-large passenger planes. I don't know what the price of this plane will be."

Zhengzhou Yong really has nothing to worry about whether the aircraft design is reasonable. If the product is not up to standard, as Bao Zixuan, he will never let the plane go to the sky. And there are several other multinational giants behind it. McDonnell Douglas itself is not much weaker than Boeing, plus the technical integration of Mitsubishi and , as well as the aviation engine of the Black Cloud Group.

Not to mention the Boeing 747, but at least the card will never be worse than the 747.

It seems that the appetite of Koreans is not small, but it is just 4 billion US dollars; now there are 6 large aircraft, do they have that much money!

However, since the business has come to the door, and the other party does have an airline; it is also a big customer, of course, it cannot be neglected!

Bao Zixuan: "The price of this aircraft starts at US$230 million. On this basis, it can be customized according to customer preferences. We will introduce many different seat layouts, and the final choice is up to the customer."

$230 million is a starting price, but it's not cheap. But if it can achieve what Bao Zixuan introduced, it is worth the price.

Zhengzhou Yong: "I don't know if we can visit it, so that we can have a macro impression."

The customer is God, this requirement; of course it will be satisfied.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "No problem, but I hope you can understand that we can't take pictures at the moment. The air show will be held tomorrow, and we don't want to expose the plane to the public right now."

Koreans understand this, after all, the product has not yet been launched; maintaining a sense of mystery is also a kind of propaganda. If the aircraft shape and technical parameters were leaked because of them, it would be difficult for Bao Zixuan to explain. Manufacturers let you visit first in order to take care of your emotions. But because of you, it affects the propaganda, which is too inappropriate.

Zhengzhou Yong said with a smile: "I am very grateful to be able to visit in advance, and it will never make it difficult for Mr. Bao."

Then he said to the entourage: "When visiting the aircraft, be sure to follow the instructions of the engineering and technical personnel; no one can take pictures or disclose relevant information about the aircraft. If found, they will be fired directly."

Attitude must be put forward, at least on both sides to be passable.

Zhengzhou Yong was a little overwhelmed when he walked up the ladder. The plane is really too high, the whole is equivalent to a 7-story building. Even the height of the entrance on the bottom floor is equivalent to climbing up to the third floor. Where is the age of the old man, he is definitely not as good as the young man.

As soon as I entered the plane, I felt very comfortable. Although it is only one floor below, and looking at the layout, it is known that it is economy class. However, even in economy class, there is more space in the seats than other aircraft.

Such a large aircraft basically performs intercontinental flight missions. If the seat space is too small, it is also a torment for the passengers. Airplanes are convenient for people to travel, but also a way to enjoy travel. It is very uncomfortable to hold my body in the air for a long time.

From this point of view alone, it is much stronger than the Boeing 747.

Whether it is seat space or other supporting facilities, it is very reasonable. Absolutely humanized design, at least let people not pick out a little fault.

There are two spiral staircases in the front and back, which can go up to the second floor. Under the leadership of the richest man Bao, the Koreans came to the upper space. The upper class simply did not know how to describe it. Even the well-informed Zhengzhou Yong feels very luxurious and enjoyable.

The front is full of high-end first-class seats, and there are many small rooms in the back. You don't have to think about it, on a plane; you can do absolutely anything, as long as you're willing to pay for it.

As an aeronautical engineer, Bao's richest man made reference to the spatial layout of many large aircraft in his previous life. Then we designed this plan, which can be said to be more luxurious than the special customized version of the previous Airbus A380 flydubai, and the most important space utilization is more reasonable.

Most of the people who can take this kind of plane are not bad money. South Korea to the United States, to Europe, the journey is quite long. If Hyundai Group owns this aircraft, it must be a huge bright spot. Other airlines want to compete, but they have to weigh them carefully.

Among the members of the Korean delegation, there are many pilots, and of course they have to take them to the cockpit to take a look.

The titanium alloy isolation door can only be opened from the inside. If you want to open it from the outside, unless the captain, the flight attendant, and a random flight attendant, three keys. If you use brute force, then congratulations, no matter what tool you use, it is very difficult to destroy in a short time. Even if the atomic bomb exploded nearby, it would be hard to hurt it.

The emergency procedures can only be activated unless there is an emergency; to open the door, you must obtain authorization from the ground, and only then will you know which flight attendant has the right key. UU reading Every time I fly, I choose it at random. If it cannot be opened twice in a row from the outside, the door will be locked; if you want to open it, you can only ask the people inside for help.

Normally, the captain rarely leaves the cab; therefore this door is rarely opened from the outside.

This was done to ensure the safety of the aircraft. There were many hijacking incidents in the previous life; since the Black Cloud Group participated in the research and development and manufacturing, the first thing to do is to ensure the absolute safety of the aircraft.

The doors may be a bright spot, but what really attracts Koreans is definitely the layout of the aircraft dashboard. Looking at the simple layout, it seems like a work of art. They have all flown many different types of aircraft, after all, they can't bring them to France without experience.

I can guarantee in my heart that no aircraft has a more advanced instrument panel design than Black Cloud. Although there is a mechanical instrument panel for backup, most of the data is displayed on the LED screen; what you want to see is clear at a glance.

Although is responsible for the development of the electronic system, the Black Cloud Group also produces a lot; of course, it cannot be ignored if it is able to have the most advanced technology. The selling appearance must be stronger than other aircrafts to be worthy of the name of the four joint products.

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