Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1361

Chapter 1361

Bao Zixuan still didn't know what the modern Lao Zheng family wanted to do. However, from the eyes of the other party, it can still be seen that he wants to buy a super passenger plane. Then just wait until the test flight of the plane is over and discuss it with others. Getting on the pole is not a business, and you can't get yourself too low. Cooperation is based on the equality and mutual benefit of both parties, there is no need to please!

Even as a supplier of Heiyun Group, Bao Zixuan is the same. You will never deliberately look down on people just because they depend on you to make money.

The countries and companies that pay attention to UFOs are not the only modern ones. There are many engineers in Japan's Mitsubishi of the United Aircraft Factory, but they see everything in their eyes. It can't be said that they are spies, but what they do is similar; and even Bao Zixuan doesn't know much to say, after all, it is for the interests of his own business; it is understandable!

As Japan's largest military enterprise; how can you be indifferent when you learn about UFO technology. And now the Koreans have taken the initiative to come to the door, don't they just do nothing and wait there stupidly.

If so, Mitsubishi is a state sinner.

At this time, a Mitsubishi engineer at the United Airlines factory was reporting the relevant situation to Iwasaki Hony.

The Mitsubishi engineer said directly: "President, today Bao Zixuan conducted an overall test on the aircraft, and I was right next to me. Mr. Bao's computer level is definitely higher than the outside rumors. Moreover, the test software used by the Black Cloud Group is still not yet available. There is no listing, it is likely to be developed in-house.

"Mitsubishi has fallen far behind in terms of electronic computers. Now is not the time of World War II, and the production of aircraft has become very complicated. Aircraft design and manufacturing require the cooperation of multiple disciplines, among which computers are the most important."

"In terms of machinery, Mitsubishi is absolutely no worse than any company. Even if the Black Cloud Group has a large-scale fully automatic industrial machine, the machining accuracy of Mitsubishi machine tools will not be worse than his. But in terms of work efficiency, we are far behind. The root cause is that there is a big gap between electronic technology, especially computer technology and others.

"At the same time, the aircraft designed by McDonnell Douglas has many commendable points. Mitsubishi has demonstrated the large passenger aircraft internally, but the wind tunnel effect is definitely not as good as the aircraft tested today. That is to say, we are already behind the United States in terms of design concept. too many people."

"At the same time, in terms of radar technology and avionics. Motorola is also stronger than any company in Japan. Plus there is an engine bonus from the Black Cloud Group; so this is indeed a very good performance aircraft, even more perfect than the Boeing 747. ."

"But Mitsubishi's role in it is very limited, and we want to be able to develop and grow the company in the future. In these fields, we must catch up. Now we are a cooperative relationship, but the four companies seem to belong to Mitsubishi. No existence. This situation must be changed, otherwise the three can play together without Mitsubishi at any time.

The engineer in front of him is an old man of the company; and Japanese companies have always pursued a lifetime system for employees. It can be said that when Grandpa Iwasaki Hongyi was in charge of the company; he was already working at Mitsubishi, and he was definitely a master of technology.

The Japanese people's sense of crisis can definitely be ranked in the forefront of the world. Hearing the engineer's analysis, Iwasaki knew that if Mitsubishi wanted to continue to exist, major changes had to be made. Although Japan has made great achievements in many fields, many technologies currently lag behind American companies and Black Cloud Group.

It's not too late to find out now. When people really don't need you, it's too late to cry.

Hiroyuki Iwasaki said very seriously: "Chief Engineer Yasuda, as the chief engineer of the Mitsubishi aircraft project. I want to know what plans you have, or what Mitsubishi will do in the future."

Yasuda did not dare to be slighted at Shaodong's question. If the Iwasaki family can take it seriously, wouldn't things be easier to handle! And this is exactly what he wants to see. As an old engineer who has dedicated his life to the company, he must have deep feelings in it. Everyone hopes that Mitsubishi can always exist and have a pivotal position in the world.

I felt fine in Japan before, but after cooperating with the United States and Hong Kong companies, I realized that the world's technology is developing too fast, and they are already a bit outdated. If you don't catch up, you will be eliminated sooner or later.

Chief Engineer Yasuda said very seriously: "At present, we should send more engineers to participate in the United Aircraft Factory, even if Mitsubishi pays for the study, there is no problem. At the same time, we send international students to Xiangjiang to study at Yulin Institute of Technology. Sony, Panasonic , Sumitomo and many Japanese companies have increased the number of students who have their children in Hong Kong, and Mitsubishi must not fall behind.

"This time I worked with many Heiyun engineers. They are all very young. Most of them graduated from Yulin Institute of Technology. I dare not say anything else; but in the field of computing, they can definitely beat the world."

"Thinking of Sony's Yulin Institute of Technology graduates is enough to show that in the computer field; Xiangjiang Yulin Institute of Technology is well-deserved as the world's first institution. Even if the company does not take the initiative to contact the Heiyun Group, I will take my grandson Sent to Xiangjiang to study."

"For aircraft design, we can have more exchanges with McDonnell Douglas. As for communications, Motorola is a good partner. Mitsubishi owns a shipyard; it needs navigation and communication equipment. This is a good opportunity to steal a teacher, Mitsubishi should not be missed."

One thing that the Japanese deserve to be affirmed is that they are very good at learning, which is recognized throughout the world. Therefore, when Chief Engineer Yasuda finished speaking, Iwasaki Hiroyuki immediately had an idea. He said with a smile: "It seems that this cooperation is really right, although many problems have been exposed. But it is also a good thing for us to find out in time."

"When I go back, I need you to write me a specific execution plan. I have to convince the board that Mitsubishi must change."

The attitude has been very clear, and Mr. Yasuda is relieved. As the future heir of the family, Hiroyuki Iwasaki's guarantee is still very strong.

Now that the study and the super-large passenger aircraft have been discussed, the next thing we must talk about is the black cloud flying saucer that everyone is paying attention to today.

Iwasaki Hiroyuki: "You will follow up on the super-large passenger aircraft. If there is any need for cooperation, the company will fully support it. What do you think of today's flying saucer test flight."

This is an absolute empowerment for himself, probably not only because he has worked at Mitsubishi for many years; more importantly, what he said just now moved Hiroyuki Iwasaki. As a boss, as long as you arrange things, you will naturally have subordinates to do other things.

Suddenly asked the UFO again, and he must answer truthfully. And this is his job. As an expert in Mitsubishi Aviation, the company can't support you for nothing.

Yasuda: "Black Cloud UFO is indeed a subversive product. And today Koreans have come to look for it. They mean to introduce UFO technology and production lines from Heiyun Group."

A compact aircraft capable of vertical flight, fast speed, and not low altitude; absolutely perfect for South Korea. As a professional, I still have a thorough understanding of the overall performance of UFOs. In the case of mastering absolute air supremacy, this weapon and equipment is definitely a great weapon. At least attacking ground targets, there is no problem at all.

Of course, if the opponent's air force is weak; even if it does not have air superiority, it is not a big problem. The suddenness of the UFO, combined with its advantages in radar, avionics, and computers, definitely has the ability to fight.

But if you don't have air dominance, it doesn't really mean much. Therefore, this aircraft is very rarely suitable for Koreans; but for Japan, I don't know how to judge.

The imaginary enemy is a country with a very powerful air UFO attack is almost the same as a live target.

Hearing that the Koreans wanted to introduce technology and production lines, Iwasaki Hongyi immediately paid attention. This time, the Koreans could not be the first.

Iwasaki Hiroyuki: "Chief Engineer Yasuda, is it necessary for Mitsubishi to follow the Koreans and introduce technology and production lines."

In fact, he already has an idea in his heart now, but he just wants to hear what the other party has to say.

Yasuda explained his analysis without any hesitation; the meaning was obvious, and he did not want to spend a lot of money on introducing flying saucer technology and production lines.

Hearing this, Hiroyuki Iwasaki said very seriously: "Chief Engineer Yasuda, UFO technology cannot be stopped forever; no one can imagine what the future will develop into. When the Wright brothers invented the aircraft, it didn't seem like a big deal."

"It's also a brand new aircraft, a brand new technology field; Mitsubishi, and Japan as a whole, can't miss it. We have fallen behind before, and now we have to catch up."

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