Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1358

Chapter 1358

But Zheng Zhouyong's thoughts, Bao's richest man does not know. I thought that the other party was also impatient, or that he knew his character. After all, I don't know that much about the situation among Korean companies. But since the words have already been said for this sake, then it will definitely be slaughtered. Koreans have already been delivered to your door, so what's more polite.

When UFO technology was sold to Americans, it wasn't much of a secret. It's just that many people don't know it now, and they don't know whether Americans can fully understand the technology. Time is money, especially when it comes to national defense and security. Therefore, no one wants to take risks. Instead of waiting until the Americans understand the technology, it is better to take the initiative and negotiate with Bao Zixuan.

In fact, this is also the reason why Bao Zixuan deliberately tricked Ian Wright into entering the military industry, that is, to let him start from scratch; that way, even if a country wants to buy UFOs from Americans, they will consider it carefully. A newly established aircraft manufacturing company has no foundation in itself. Even with flying saucer technology and production lines, it would be difficult to produce them, so how could it be possible to export technology to the outside world.

In addition to purchasing weapons and equipment from Americans, there will be many political conditions attached. The money may be less, but after a comprehensive analysis, the price may be higher. There are never any additional conditions to cooperate with Heiyun Group; as long as the price is right, there is really nothing to worry about. Bao Zixuan was just an ordinary businessman, at least on the surface; so it would be easier to cooperate.

Bao Zixuan: "Since Mr. Zheng is a straightforward person, I can't be too rude. Heiyun Group has authorized production to three companies, but they are all through exchange. But at present, there is really nothing that Heiyun Group needs in Hyundai. Technology, or no technology is equivalent to flying saucer technology."

"So we still discuss the price directly. I think this is very convenient for both parties."

"$4 billion, which is a very reasonable price. Black Cloud Group will sell a complete set of technology and production lines. The production equipment of the engine is also included."

"Of course, we can't say all the equipment, including electronic components such as chips and LED screens, which need to be purchased from supporting factories. The standard production capacity of the production line is 20 flying saucers per year."

$4 billion is definitely a sky-high price. However, the production equipment, including the engine, made the Koreans very excited. As for electronic components, it's really not a big problem. Hyundai Group itself has chip and electrical factories; it is very professional to produce these.

Seeing that the other party did not speak, Bao Zixuan continued: "The quotation is calculated based on a combination of comprehensive technical evaluation and production equipment. There is absolutely no premium component. After all, the cooperation needs to be carried out for a long time. Do you want to do business only once."

In fact, Koreans are thinking about whether it is worth spending so much money. And Bao Zixuan made it very clear that this offer is the final offer. After all, in the identity of the other party, I really disdain to cheat people for a sum of money. When a company achieves a certain scale, reputation may be more important than profit.

Although the Hyundai Group has deep pockets, it is really not that easy to take out $4 billion at one time. They definitely have assets, but with such a huge sum of cash, it is estimated that there are not many companies in the world that can come up with it. But this is the world. When you have technology that others don't have, you can naturally gain pricing power.

Third-rate enterprises rely on service, second-rate enterprises rely on quality, and first-rate enterprises set standards. As for flying saucer products, other companies don't have them at all; Heiyun Group is not only setting standards, but also the only standard; it is estimated that the same will be true in the future.

As the head of the Korean delegation, Cha Zijun is also from a family. Of course, he knows the difficulties of Zhengzhou Yong and the comprehensive strength of major Korean companies. He is still very clear.

So give Zhengzhou Yong a firm look, the meaning is obvious, South Korea can not miss this opportunity.

Before coming here, the two had already negotiated, and even agreed on a lot of secret codes! After all, it is very rude to discuss things in front of the client; at the same time, it will make people feel that you are not in control, which is a shameful thing. Koreans still cherish their own face, especially such a big chaebol family.

In fact, the code they agreed on was very simple. It was just a sign that they must do whatever it takes. The premise is to bring the family with him, and no one will help in vain, and always make wedding dresses for her.

Gu Meng Che Zijun not only represents the military, but there are also Che Zijun behind him. With his assurance and support, things will be much easier. Even if the funds were not in place for a while, the military was behind him; and the strength of the car family should not be underestimated, all of which gave Zhengzhou Yong great courage.

Zhengzhou Yong said with a smile: "The price is not cheap, but compared to the technology and production line of the flying dish, it is still very reasonable. Although I have not seen the specific equipment list, I believe that Mr. Bao's character and the business reputation of Heiyun Group . Really won't deliberately cheat us for such a small amount of money. According to Mr. Bao, 4 billion US dollars; Hyundai Group purchased the complete technology and production line of flying saucers. "

Bao Zixuan didn't expect the old man to be so tough. No wonder he could become one of the top five chaebols in Korea, and he is even the boss at present. It is this courage that ordinary people do not have. Anyone else would definitely look at the equipment list and verify the technical feasibility. But Zhengzhou Yong even omitted all these steps. You must know that this is the first time the two have met; it is also the first time to cooperate with the Black Cloud Group. Is the trust level so high!

In fact, Bao Zixuan's business reputation is one aspect, and more importantly, the South Korean military is involved. I believe that as long as they are normal people, they would not dare to easily entrap a country's army. Although the Heiyun Group is the largest company in the world, Bao Zixuan is known to be rich enough to rival the country. But after all, it is not a country, so many things are bound to be estimated.

If you really dare to pit a country's military, then things are not so simple. No matter how the other party wants to retaliate against you, he is the richest man at this time; he will never put himself in danger because of billions of dollars. Not to mention Bao Zixuan, even Zhengzhou Yong would not do this at this time. When the wealth reaches a certain level and the business reaches a certain scale, deception does not exist at all.

Everyone does not talk about being open and aboveboard in business; but as long as it is cooperation, basically they will make money on the bright side.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "I didn't expect Mr. Zheng to be so refreshing, so the deal will be based on 4 billion US dollars. However, the specific details can be finalized after returning to Asia. We can simply sign an agreement."

Although the price has been reached, there are many terms involved after all. Moreover, this is in Paris, and neither is the two main venues; when it comes to technology transfer and production line procurement, there is really no need to directly trade at the air show.

At this time, the richest man Bao did not know whether the money was worth it, although he could earn half of the profit; but at the same time, he also brought the related technology of aircraft to South Korea.

But now I don't care so much. After all, the Koreans don't buy technology and production lines from Heiyun Group; they will buy other weapons from the United States. It is better to earn the money yourself than to let the US military industry strengthen its strength. Moreover, the UFO technology is only the first generation of products, it looks very bluffing, and the combat capability is limited after all; it can't control the overall situation! As for what other people want to say, it doesn't matter so much.

The business is done, and everyone is happy. But seeing the plane in front of him, Zhengzhou Yong had other ideas. Hyundai Group owns airlines, and there are many exchanges between South Korea and the United States; isn't such a huge aircraft exactly what South Korea needs urgently!

Zhengzhou Yong said with a smile: "Mr. This aircraft is very pleasing to the eyes; Hyundai Group owns an airline; I don't know if we can cooperate in this regard."

As the main introducer of this super-large passenger plane, he is the spokesperson to be exact. Several other companies looked at him, and of course they could not refuse the business delivered to the door.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "I didn't know much about Korean companies before, but Bao was ignorant. It seems that if there is a chance, I really want to go to Korea to learn about the development of Korean companies."

"This time, Zheng Sheng personally visited, and the international status of Hyundai Group will not make people suspicious. If it is another powerful company, if it is not investigated beforehand, it is not a missed opportunity for cooperation."

"This aircraft is jointly built by four companies. The Black Cloud Group is responsible for the engine system; Motorola is responsible for the avionics and radar systems; It can be said that the four strong alliances are united, so Mr. Zheng can definitely rest assured."

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