Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1185

Chapter 1185

The value of a good lady is reflected, in order to support her husband's work and career; Mrs. Wright stayed up all night, the purpose is to complete the report in hand as much as possible. Although it was very hard, it was a very happy moment for Mrs. Wright at this time, because her talent was finally recognized.

Before that, no matter how great the ability was, there was no room for it. At this time, these problems do not exist, and I can play to the fullest; it can be said that this sense of achievement and satisfaction cannot be described in words. Since graduating from college, I have never felt more emotional than I am today.

The Times and Xinhua News Agency have both been notified that the Assistant Secretary of Defense of the United States; Lieutenant General Ian Wright of the Army is going to visit Heiyun Town, and the Heiyun Group took the initiative to inform. Of course, the two media understand what it means, and the investigation of the reality only informs the two media.

It fully shows that the Black Cloud Group has not colluded with the US military, and that some things are unavoidable. The world knows the dominance and strength of the Americans, and the UK and China should understand Bao Zixuan's situation. And it can also cause some estrangement between Britain and the United States. Although it can't control the overall situation, it is good to be disgusting for both sides.

Britons who don't know why would definitely think that the U.S. military forced Heiyun Group and Bao Zixuan. After all, Xiangjiang is their sphere of influence. For the arrogant Britain, it is no wonder that they can be happy.

Moreover, Bao Zixuan believes that the U.S. military will definitely not reveal that the Heiyun Group has acquired German technology; there is no evidence to say it, and it is easy to cause associations; it will even affect allies.

I have long known that Bao Zixuan brought back German technology from Poland, so why didn't he inform the UK immediately. You must know that the British Empire declined after World War II, and the United States became the world's largest power. The British were dissatisfied with bringing so many German scientists back to the U.S. back then; the loss of the British Empire was far greater than that of the United States.

Moreover, it is with the help of German scientists that the United States has gradually taken the lead in technology, military, aerospace; these British people can see it in their eyes, just because their strength does not allow it, they do not talk about it. At this moment, it was discovered that the Black Cloud Group may have mastered the technical materials left over by Germany. Instead of ventilating it with the British Empire, it came directly to Xiangjiang and wanted to take it for itself.

Xinhua News Agency was a little surprised when it received the notice, but it also understood what Heiyun Group and Bao Zixuan meant. The return of Xiangjiang is becoming more and more clear, indicating that Bao Zixuan wants to ask China for help. However, the other party did not say it clearly, and it is not good to speculate too much at this time. Let's take a look at what the United States means. If there are particularly excessive requirements, China mainland will never ignore it.

Early the next morning, Ian Wright took a special car to the outskirts of Black Cloud Town. There is no pass at this time, and there is no way to enter the interior at all. As for the Xinhua News Agency and The Times, more reporters are sent to observe them on the periphery. Without a formal invitation, it is not good to directly enter the internal interview.

With the intelligence capabilities of the United States, of course, he knows the small movements of the Black Cloud Group. But Ian Wright didn't want to hide it from anyone when he came here, as long as it can solve the problem; it doesn't matter if you get what you want.

The banner on the wall is also very clear, I am afraid the whole world knows that he came to Xiangjiang to meet with Bao Zixuan. Some things can't be hidden even if they are hidden. The moment he entered the country, the UK and China already knew about it. It's just that they came here as a private vacation, and they didn't come to the door.

The richest man Bao personally came to the door to greet him, showing great importance; he also gave a good angle so that the reporter could take a picture of the two shaking hands more clearly.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Welcome to General Ian Wright to come to Heiyun Town. As a military expert, you need to give more valuable advice. If war comes, what should Heiyun Town pay attention to; It needs to be strengthened.

Although it is a bit nonsense to ask the American general to give his opinion, Ian Wright is still very comfortable listening to Bao Zixuan's words. It seems that this kid knows where his strengths lie. Even a good architect cannot possibly understand the extent to which buildings can be destroyed by modern weapons.

Ian Wright: "Mr. Bao, you're welcome, Heiyun Town is run by the world's top design team; they are all professionals, and I don't dare to mess around."

If you are humble, you still have to get it. If you can't compliment you, you don't know how much.

Bao Zixuan: "General Wright is too polite. The designer is indeed a professional in terms of construction. However, when it comes to destroying buildings with weapons, and the strength of the damage; I guess no one can compare to you."

"There are specialties in the surgery industry, and some things really need military experts to evaluate. It is very important to prevent problems before they occur."

He is an expert in destroying buildings with weapons. Didn't he say that the US military likes to start wars in disguise?

Although I was a little unhappy in my heart, I also knew that I couldn't be angry; otherwise, this kid would easily lead him into a ditch.

The two put on their helmets and went shopping in Heiyun Town. The construction party has been notified in advance, and there are professionals to lead the way, but it will not go to the dangerous area. And Ian Wright came here just to show an attitude, which means to tell Bao Zixuan that you lack steel, I know it.

There is not much else in the United States, and there is indeed a lot of scrap steel. During World War II, before entering the war, but a lot of exports to Japan. Now selling to the Black Cloud Group, or exchanging technical information, there is no problem.

You must know that it was a state of war at that time, and the things the Americans did were quite inauthentic.

Before the outbreak of the Pacific War in 1941, among the strategic materials that Japan imported from the United States, the largest quantities were petroleum and scrap iron and steel. Weapons such as rifle grenades. In 1939, the United States exported 9 times more scrap steel to Japan than in 1938. From 1932 to 1939, 70% of Japan's scrap steel, 90% of copper, and 75% of oil came from the United States. With the steel production capacity of the United States at that time, This number is not surprising at all.

Until 1940, the United States found that the Japanese had no more oil and water to fish; mainly Japan's foreign exchange reserves and gold were almost used up. Coupled with the danger brought by Japan's southward march, it began to reduce material exports to Japan. So once the Americans finally announced the implementation of the material embargo, the Japanese were anxious. Because the total steel production of the mainland, the peninsula and the Northeast is not enough to maintain the huge consumption of the war, the Americans are tantamount to strangling their necks.

For example, in August 1940 alone, more than 300,000 tons of pig iron, scrap iron and other materials were shipped from the east coast of the United States to Japan, which was almost equal to the total export to Japan in the first half of 1940. Production is of great strategic importance, and Hoshino, President of the Japan Planning Institute, made it clear at the imperial meeting on September 19, 1940: "We intend to produce 5.4 million tons of steel this year, but if the United States bans the export of scrap steel, steel production will drop. to 4 million tons.

Therefore, the US military is very familiar with the sale of scrap

Seeing the steel consumption of Black Cloud Town, Ian Wright is more confident; at the same time, he is more recognized for his wife. Find the opponent's weakness, or explain what the opponent needs; it is the premise and guarantee of cooperation. Obviously, the wife sees the problem more thoroughly.

The town is so huge that if you visit carefully, a week is not enough. The two are busy people, and Ian Wright wants a quick fight, but he can't afford it.

Go directly to the Black Cloud headquarters, and the infrastructure has been basically completed at this time. Even the well-informed Ian Wright was shocked that the floor space was larger than the Pentagon where he worked; and the construction was more difficult.

Drawing a circle on paper is easy, just use a compass. But it is very difficult to construct a circular building. Just closing the mouth is a hassle, and the precision requirements are very high, and there can be no mistakes.

Ian Wright said with a smile: "When I was in the United States, I heard that the design of the Black Cloud Headquarters is very advanced; the appearance is very grand. Now it seems that the media still underestimates Mr. Bao's determination and courage. This building cannot be magnificent. It should be the product of the next century; if it hadn't been for Mr. Bao, it might not have appeared on Earth."

What does the old boy's compliment mean? There must be something in his words. The other party proposed to visit Heiyun Town, and he knew that things were not that simple. Now that I say that, I want to answer it myself. But some words should be said by the other party, otherwise it is easy to get caught.

Bao Zixuan: "General Ian Wright has won the award. It's just an ordinary building, and it's nothing special."

Ian Wright was a little disappointed to hear that the richest man in Bao did not take up this stubbornness, which was not in line with the envisaged script. Did this kid do it on purpose, did he want him to make it clear.