Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1184

Chapter 1184

After the negotiation with Ian Wright, Bao Zixuan was not idle; he was also thinking about how to deal with it next. Unlike the other party who has a virtuous inner helper, the richest man in Bao can only analyze by himself. Peng Yifei was sent to East Germany and could not return in a short time. Zhang Zhan is also planning construction in Fucaira, training soldiers, and helping Sala to stabilize the situation. There are still not enough talents, and there is no one to discuss matters at the critical moment.

As for the wife, just giving birth is one aspect. The most important thing is that he has never participated in any affairs of the group before, and suddenly he can't give very good opinions. At this time, the richest man in Bao thought that many technologies must not be preserved, and the US military is not so easy to fool. It is necessary to see what can be exchanged to maximize the benefits.

I haven't figured it out after thinking about it, it's too good for weapons and equipment; even if the U.S. military was to retire, people wouldn't agree. Others dislike it and want Americans to pay; not to say impossible, at least it is very difficult.

I can only let Ian Wright make a move first, otherwise I really don't know what to do.

But what the richest man did not expect was that Ian Wright actually gave him a very formal greeting. Want to visit Heiyun Town to witness the miracle of industry and design.

What kind of medicine is sold in the old boy's gourd is really incomprehensible. Could it be that he wants to use Heiyun Town to put pressure on it, but after all, the British are in charge of it, and the US military is not good to cross the bar. Moreover, China will not agree to it. If it really participates in Hong Kong affairs, it will inevitably cause international disputes.

The visitor is a guest, although he does not understand what the other party means. But as long as you ask for a visit, you can't turn away people thousands of miles away, which will make you feel guilty and have no confidence. Therefore, it is not only necessary to let the other party visit, but also to make the scene bigger. Let everyone know that the American general came to the Black Cloud Group; it may be able to bring unexpected gains.

After Bao Zixuan agreed to Ian Wright's request, the two sides started a new round of analysis and planning. Heiyun is no longer the richest man alone, Zhao Tingting was called over. As the vice president of the company in charge of administration; there are VIPs who visit and need reception, so she is the most suitable.

Bao Zixuan handed Ian Wright's invitation to Zhao Tingting, and said at the same time: "Assistant to the US Secretary of Defense, Lieutenant General of the Army, Ian Wright wants to visit Black Cloud Town. Although I don't know what the other party means. But don't let this matter be concealed, at least let the UK and China know."

The boss has many secrets, and she also knows a thing or two. But as a subordinate, it is better than anything else to do your job well. Things that should not be worrying about must not be involved; otherwise, the days of the dark clouds will come to an end.

I have cooperated with the U.S. military before; now that the Secretary of Defense is helping, and the lieutenant general of the army is coming in person, there must be more important things to discuss. As long as the reception work is done well, as for the specific matters, it is better for the boss to negotiate in person. When it comes to military procurement, you cannot participate too much.

Zhao Tingting: "Boss, what should you pay attention to!"

"Will it cause unnecessary misunderstanding and how to explain it to China and the UK."

The senior generals of the U.S. Army came over. If it is pure procurement, then there is no problem. After all, the Black Cloud Group has a military license, and the sale of weapons and equipment is a basic business category.

However, if you visit Heiyun Town directly, it is open to question. After all, Black Cloud Town is just some unformed buildings, what does the American general mean; do you want to check the terrain, or understand the internal structure of the building in advance.

It's not that there is no such possibility, China and the UK will definitely feel uncomfortable.

Bao Zixuan: "That's why I say it's more solemn. It is to tell the British government and mainland China that the Black Cloud Group has absolutely nothing to do with the US military. The transactions between us are all fair and above."

Doing so can indeed eliminate suspicion, and it also means letting the Soviets know. It's just that some things can't be said clearly. A woman should not be too involved in international affairs. As long as the action is done well, it is the biggest return for the enterprise.

The boss has made it very clear that if you don't understand, it is a problem of understanding and ability.

Zhao Tingting went down to make arrangements quickly, and it should not be too grand, as it seemed to be flattering. But you can't keep a low profile, appear guilty of being a thief, whether there is any shameful activity between the two parties; the scale must be well grasped. Vice President Zhao, who understood what it meant, immediately arranged for people to pull up banners in several obvious places on the periphery.

Written in traditional Chinese and English, Welcome to U.S. Army Lieutenant General Ian Wright. This is the first time in the history of the Black Cloud Group that the Governor has never received such treatment. It can be said that Ian Wright has created a precedent.

Not only must there be a banner, but the media must be informed in advance. Zhao Tingting intends to control the scale, so there are only a few media outlets in advance. But the media in the UK, Hong Kong, and mainland China must have one to get involved.

It can be said that in order to welcome the arrival of Ian Wright, Heiyun also took great pains. Vice President Zhao is still very satisfied with his work; as for the specific situation, we can only wait until someone arrives.

Meanwhile, Ian Wright and his wife

, and also discuss the matters to be paid attention to tomorrow at the hotel.

At this time, Ian Wright has been completely conquered by his wife; at least when he looks at the problem, his wife is obviously better. And all the ideas are made by the wife, and the final negotiation should require a lot of instructions.

Ian Wright: "Tomorrow, I will go over to negotiate with Bao Zixuan. The other party has already replied to the invitation I just made; they said they will be waiting for you at Black Cloud Town."

Saying this seems a little self-inflicted, but you are replying in Chinese; the translation is not very accurate, that is, to express a basic meaning!

When his wife gave him the advice, Bao Zixuan said that when he sent a car to pick him up, he must refuse. The American representative must have the spirit of the American representative. The president's visit needs to be transported by air from the country. Although he is not so high-level, it should not be too bad, let alone use the car of the negotiating opponent.

Although Heiyun Automobile is an American company, Bao Zixuan is not an American. It is therefore a matter of principle that the office must provide vehicles. Diplomacy and business negotiations are not that easy, and every detail must be paid attention to.

Mrs. Wright: "I was making an analysis report based on intelligence data just now, but I just don't know how many metal materials and steel materials are not in the US military warehouse."

Hearing this, Ian Wright is also one of the first two; he was only responsible for the procurement of weapons and equipment before, and was not responsible for material management. Fortunately, as the assistant secretary of defense, I still have access to some reports and data, but I only know an outline.

I don't want to be embarrassed in front of my wife, he is so good, doesn't he make him even more incompetent! As a senior official of the Ministry of National Defense, if you don't even know how many properties are in the warehouse, you will not be eliminated!

And the data is inaccurate, which may make Bao Zixuan feel that you are fooling him; in the end, he still needs to come out and wipe his Seeing her husband's embarrassment, Mrs. Wright continued: "It doesn't need to be specific, I just I want to know a rough idea. And it doesn't matter how much inventory the U.S. has; as long as you know how big the steel gap is in China, Fuchaila, and Heiyun Group, I think Bao Zixuan can understand what it means.

"As for the amount of the US military inventory, I just want to give you a general impression. If Bao Zixuan has too much appetite, it is not enough to give him all the US inventory, so we are not more passive."

Ian Wright: "There are too many scrap metal items in major warehouses in the United States, but there will be reselling in many bases. Of course, mainly foreign troops. The situation in the United States is slightly better, but there is no guarantee that there will be absolutely none. Therefore It is really hard to estimate how much scrap steel is not used or has been eliminated."

"But according to my estimate, it is definitely enough for China to use it for one or two years. The United States has been stockpiling various substances since World War I. It reached its peak during World War II. Later, because of the Korean War and the Vietnam War, the stockpile has been kept for a long time. Stay high."

"Even if there are daring officers who re-sell military materials, they will control the quantity. If they are caught, the consequences will be very serious."

The husband has read his own analysis report, since he dares to guarantee that he will be able to use it for one or two years in mainland China; it means that there is absolutely no shortage of inventory. Moreover, in the United States, steel is worthless, and military materials are rarely touched; she is relieved to say that.

So they continued to report, and it was necessary to analyze as many steel gaps as possible. The more detailed information you have, the greater the probability of successful negotiation.