Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1186

Chapter 1186

The analysis report that the wife worked so hard all night, but it can't be done in vain; it must be guided on the steel, and it doesn't matter if you suffer a little loss. And Bao Zixuan is very good, he has never let his partners suffer, which is recognized all over the world. In other words, the business reputation is very good, and they never like to take advantage of anyone.

Seeing that a truck was transporting steel, Ian Wright knew that the opportunity was coming, so he said with a smile: "That is, Mr. Bao has such financial resources, if he were to switch to other enterprises; the huge consumption of the Black Cloud Town project will definitely put the The business collapsed. The amount of steel purchased alone is a huge amount of money.

Bao Zixuan was so smart, he immediately understood what the other party meant. Why all the materials are not mentioned, but steel is mentioned; Ian Wright must be referring to something else, otherwise how could it be possible to mention steel alone, there must be a story here.

And it seems that the other party can't wait; as a general, he goes out on business, and he is not sick to fight; leaving for too long is prone to changes. He can't compare to himself in this regard, Heiyun Group is one of his shareholders; relatively speaking, commuting to and from get off work is very free, and no one dares to have any crooked thoughts.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "General Wright sees the problem very accurately. The Heiyun Town project is indeed very expensive. If the business is not good, it may not be able to support it."

You can't mention the stubble of steel now, and it may be better to let the other party say it.

Ian Wright said with a smile: "I don't know if there is a quieter place nearby; I want to communicate with Mr. Bao about some things."

Finally, I couldn't hold back anymore, and things got a lot easier.

Bao Zixuan: "General Wright, please come with me. This area belongs to the Black Cloud Group. It's easy to find a place."

After finishing speaking, I took Ian Wright to the office area, which has not been officially put into use yet; but the reception room has been opened normally, and it is a temporary venue.

After checking the room in detail, the American security personnel indicated that there was no problem, and then stood guard outside the door. The reporter's concealment methods can't escape professional bodyguards at all, and it can be regarded as a preventive measure. After all, the matter negotiated by the two is confidential and cannot be known to outsiders.

Ian Wright didn't talk nonsense, and directly handed his wife's report to Bao Zixuan. Seeing that it was the hotel's document bag, Bao Zixuan knew that it was made after he came to Xiangjiang. It seems that the old boy has not been idle for the past two days; such an opponent is not easy to deal with.

In any case, it is the result of the other party's hard work, and it is still in front of others; Bao's richest man is not easy to refuse, and he looks at it seriously.

I don't know, I was shocked when I saw it. The data listed in this document by Ian Wright is very detailed. How much is the steel output of Heiyun Group and how many gaps there are. Several of the major buildings need to consume as much steel as they actually consume. Could it be that there was a traitor inside, but it was immediately rejected. After all, most of the reported data are estimates. If there is a business espionage stealing information, the wording cannot be so ambiguous.

Unless Ian Wright is a master of disguise, but it doesn't look like it. And from the tone of the report, the person who made this report is definitely a woman; it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a business elite. Report the data analyzed, the solution is very reasonable. It can be said that according to this report, the Black Cloud Group will definitely not suffer.

Bao Zixuan read it quickly, put down the report and said: "General Ian Wright's men are really capable people, when will I have the opportunity, let me meet this lady and see if the other party is interested in coming to work in the Black Cloud Group, the annual salary is Definitely more than ten times as much as working in the U.S. government.

"Although the data is not particularly accurate, it is basically the same. For example, the amount of steel used in Heiyun headquarters is only less than 5% different. It can be seen that the people who make the report are very strict, and the ability to notify and judge is even more amazing."

Then Bao Zixuan compared the amount of steel used in several places with access, which shocked Ian Wright. It is said that this kid has an unforgettable ability, and he really saw it today. Just reading it once, you can memorize the entire report. This kind of memory is too scary.

And after reading the report once, you can know that it is from the hands of a woman, and her analytical skills are also very strong. It is no wonder that such achievements have been achieved at a young age. From the perspective of insight and memory, it is unreasonable for others to fail.

Ian Wright said with a smile: "Mr. Bao has won the prize. I don't know if he is satisfied with this report. If it is feasible, we can go to the next step."

Gu "In 1984, China's steel production was about 40 million tons, while the United States was twice that of China's mainland. But for metal consumption, the US infrastructure has been basically completed. More consumption is the production of vehicles, ships, aircraft and other means of transportation, A large amount of steel can be saved every year. On the other hand, in mainland China, although steel production has steadily increased, consumption has grown faster.

"At present, domestic consumption cannot be met, and it can only be imported from neighboring countries such as Japan. The Black Cloud Group had no good suppliers before, otherwise these businesses could be taken over."

"Since the end of World War II, the annual steel output in the United States has never been lower than 80 million tons. The U.S. military has a large inventory. Rather than storing these steels in warehouses, it is better to exchange some technology and funds."

"There are a lot of steel bars, steel pipes, and steel plates in stock in the U.S. military warehouse. It can be said that you can use it. They are all basic models used by the U.S. military, and there is absolutely no problem with the quality. You just need to pay a certain amount of freight, but For Mr. Bao, this is nothing at all."

"Let's not talk about the infrastructure projects in Heiyun Town and China Mainland, Fucaira needs a lot of steel. Although Heiyun can solve some of the problems, the gap is still huge. As long as Bao Zixuan agrees to exchange technology, then I will I don't think that's a problem."

The other party definitely came prepared, and looked at the problem very accurately. At present, the entire Chinese continent is seriously lacking in steel and cement. As Ian Wright said, although steel production has increased a lot every year, more shortages have been eliminated. And with the deepening of reform and opening up, there are too many places that need steel products.

As an industrial skeleton, any building, any bridge, or any highway is inseparable from steel.

Bao Zixuan: "General Ian Wright's idea is very exciting, at least there is no reason for Heiyun to reject it. Whether it is technical data or production lines; Heiyun Group can exchange them, but the price will not be compromised; After all, Black Cloud products have a strong singularity, I think you can understand this.

"At the same time, steel wants to give me a discount, many of which are products from decades ago, which can also be regarded as clearing inventory for the US military."

As long as you agree, it's fine. As for the stock steel, it is not unacceptable. As Bao Zixuan said, many of them are products from decades The other party did not purchase at the price of scrap iron, which is very reasonable.

But there is still a troublesome thing in the middle, that is, it is useless for the US military to ask for production lines and technologies. They do not directly produce weapons and equipment, and must involve several major domestic aviation giants.

Of course, Bao Zixuan understood what the other party meant, so he smiled and said, "General Ian Wright, there are only the two of us here, and there is no monitoring equipment. If there is anything, I will just say it directly, I hope you can think about it carefully."

"At present, the products that Heiyun can come up with, or the weapons and equipment that the U.S. military can see; the ghost stealth fighter bomber, the Xiangjiang monster ground effect aircraft; and the just-developed flying saucer."

"These three products are all related to aviation. As long as Heiyun Group can provide production lines and corresponding technologies, they can be produced immediately. And even the flight test link can be omitted. They are all mature products, and the quality is absolutely guaranteed."

"The Wright family is a well-known family in the United States, but the only fly in the ointment is that there are no decent companies under it at all. As a result, the family has never been able to take a step closer, mainly because the financial resources are not allowed, and there is no way to compete with other families."

"Instead of handing over these three technologies to other companies, it is better to set up a new company. Everyone is a friend. As long as General Wright is in need, the Black Cloud Group will do its best to help."

"The three weapons and equipment should be able to get orders from the U.S. Department of Defense, and the deposit is the inventory of steel. In this way, the Wright family will have an aircraft manufacturing enterprise that is not inferior to McDonnell Douglas."

"There is no need to worry about talent, at least the CEO already has it. I don't know how the lady who made this report is related to you, but it should be very familiar. Is there a more perfect plan than this for ready-made business managers! "

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