Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1172

Chapter 1172

This time, he entered the Weasel Factory as an ordinary engineer. Although it is difficult for employees to admit that he is an ordinary engineer, the first thing to do is to restrain yourself. Professor Yankodowski has already devoted too much to the project, but he cannot replace people at this time; what is the difference between killing a donkey and crossing a river and tearing down a bridge.

Fortunately, they are all engineers. It is a bit awkward to command the boss, but it is not unacceptable. Yang Kodowski himself is a university professor and often gives classes to prominent students, otherwise he might not adapt so quickly.

He was an ordinary engineer in his previous life, and his research and development work may be more familiar. Bao Zixuan completely abandoned the halo of the richest man and began to strictly demand himself as an engineer.

Professionalism is one aspect, and more importantly, he likes his current job, which can be regarded as a memory! At the same time, I also understand that with the increase of wealth and the growing of children, such opportunities will inevitably be pitiful in the future.

Decades of software skills beyond this era make it possible to do things quickly. At least when it comes to writing code, it will be more concise. Seeing that the bosses are working so hard, the employees can't be sloppy; it's a good time to behave.

With Bao Zixuan joining in, not only is the concept more advanced, many problems can be solved quickly, and the most important engineer is working more seriously than before. It can be said that the Weasel Factory has only exerted its strongest strength now.

Everyone has very little time to rest every day. As long as they have energy, they will immediately devote themselves to work. For these Yankodowskis, he was speechless for a while. If he worked so hard earlier, maybe the project would have been completed.

In the blink of an eye, a week later, the first prototype was assembled and entered the testing phase.

Seeing the unpainted round disc-shaped aircraft in front of him, the sofa was covered with dazzling metallic luster. Bao Zixuan was very emotional, even if no company in later generations has developed such an advanced product, Heiyun has come to the front again. The unique luster of titanium shines on people's faces, and it may be the best gift for engineers.

At the same time, Bao Zixuan also sighed, what happened to German scientists during World War II, and why the weapon design was so advanced. Is it really getting alien technology, or being possessed by aliens, otherwise the explanation is completely different; even he, a traverser who specializes in aviation, can't do this.

Fortunately, only China and the Soviet Union have large stocks of titanium metal. If they are obtained by German engineers who are against the sky, it is almost unimaginable what miracles they will create.

The completion of the assembly is only the first step. The next step is to do a static test. After all, it has to fly to a height of more than 10,000 meters. Even if you have confidence in the product, you can't be so sloppy. The problem must be found on the ground. After the sky, the engineers will have the final say.

Fortunately, there were large industrial computers for simulation before, at least in this field, the Black Cloud Group definitely ranks first in the world. The division of labor among engineers is very clear, and the responsibilities are assigned to people. Who is in charge of the place, who has been to the test; if there is a serious error, it means that the work in the black cloud is over. No one dared to be sloppy, all worried about problems.

After a day of detailed inspection, the Black Cloud UFO met the flight test conditions.

Now that everything is going well, so what are you waiting for. The project has been in progress for half a year, and the engineers are also human. I also worry about not going home for a long time. Many people have family affairs. Fortunately, they all live in the Heiyun employee area, and there is no **** plot.

The employee handbook clearly stipulates that any employee who is involved in seducing a colleague's girlfriend or wife. They will all be expelled, never used, and reported to the whole society to know. Bao's richest man has absolutely zero tolerance for this.

The diameter of the black cloud flying saucer is 11.3 meters, and the height at the highest point in the middle is 2.38 meters; the edge height is 0.6 meters; however, three retractable wheels are designed, making the landing height 3.3 meters. The interior can accommodate three people; the positive and negative drivers, and the mechanical engineer; the co-pilot also plays the role of radar officer.

The three people are in a triangular layout, with the positive and negative drivers in front, and the front view can be seen through the 120-degree windows.

The field of view is still good, especially when the pilot's vision itself is very good, it can see more clearly. The richest man Bao came to the cab to feel it. The overall layout is relatively reasonable, and most importantly, it is very simple. When the Germans designed it, there were no electronic computers, let alone liquid crystal displays; all instrument panels were used, unlike today's few screens.

However, at present, due to the size of the flying saucer, the cockpit can only be entered from the bottom; the pilots are good at it, so it is not impossible to get in.

Most places in the New Territories are black cloud sites, and there are few aircrafts entering them at ordinary times. Moreover, after obtaining a military license, there are also many advantages; low-altitude aircraft do not need to be specially reported, as long as they fly within their scope.

Early the next morning, the engineers who were supposed to rest were not ready to rest. After all, today is a very important day for them. If the test flight is successful, it means that half a year of hard work has not been in vain; if it fails, I still don't know what to do.

In fact, many people have also thought about failure, but they just don't know what to do after failure. After all, countless simulations have been done on the computer before, and it can be found that the problem has been solved. Moreover, the overall design is also based on mature German products, and even the appearance and size are restored one-to-one. It's just that the control system, power system, and electronic system are too old. Black Cloud is the most technical technology company in the world; if it uses various subsystems left by the Germans during World War II, it will not be eliminated.

Whether it is simulated wind movement or real wind tunnel testing, the effect is perfect. Engineers are not confident and have no reason to fail.

At 9 am, all three crew members were in place. They had performed countless simulated flights underground before, and they were already very familiar with the various control buttons of the flying saucer.

For this point, Heiyun Group has come to the front again. Every time a new aircraft is developed, it needs to build a one-to-one simulated flight cockpit on the ground. This is not only for the safety of the pilots, but also to maximize the safety of the aircraft.

Only when you are particularly familiar with it on the ground can you calmly deal with problems in the sky. In peacetime, when it comes to flight safety issues, as a private enterprise, you can't dare to cut corners and cheat. At that time, it may be the lightest title to be crowned as rich and unkind.

Sabochuk is a retired Soviet pilot who previously worked on the aircraft-carrying cruiser Kiev. Because of the last Fusha war, he was involved with the Black Cloud Group. I don't want to continue serving in the army, and I like challenging So my family moved to Xiangjiang, and my child is already studying in Heiyun Middle School.

He has experience in the vertical take-off and landing of the Yak-38, and has served as a test pilot in the Soviet army, although loyalty remains to be considered. However, the family is in Xiangjiang, so I don't dare to do anything.

Sabochuk did not expect to be assigned tasks so quickly. It seems that joining the Black Cloud Group is the right choice. It has always been his childhood dream to fly more aircraft. Black Cloud Group is also a group with super strong technological strength. The most important boss, Bao Zixuan, can always create miracles. In addition, the salary is five times that of the Soviet army, which is still the official exchange rate; if calculated according to the black market exchange rate, it may be more than ten times. After all, no country in the world will particularly recognize the ruble; but whether it is the US dollar or the Hong Kong dollar, they are all very popular currencies.

The treatment of the Black Cloud Group is notoriously good, and the Soviet military is not comparable to others. Although he served in the Soviet Army, it was to defend his homeland. But he has done so much for the country, it's time to repay his family.

My daughter is already in middle school, but women see each other very little and have no time to accompany them. Every time I want to buy a favorite toy for my daughter, I can get his salary;

It was the first time he saw the smiles of his wife and daughter when he got the Heiyun Group to pay for the settlement. Therefore, I especially cherish the hard-won opportunity, otherwise it would be impossible to stand out from many groups; become the main pilot of the first test flight of the Black Cloud UFO.

In fact, it has a lot to do with Sabochuk being able to stand out in many groups because he served in Poland. Good Polish allows him to communicate better with the chief engineer Jankodowski, which saves him a lot of trouble. At the same time, it also proves that it is very important to learn a foreign language well.