Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1173

Chapter 1173

As chief engineer, Professor Jankodowski dared not be sloppy; he carefully checked every detail. It has been almost 4 years since I came to Xiangjiang from Poland. During this period, apart from making a little contribution in the university, I did not have any outstanding achievements. At least the old man felt a little sorry for the salary paid by Bao Zixuan, and felt that he deserved it!

Everyone has a steel scale in their hearts, as a high-level intellectual; especially a science and technology man, he is even more embarrassed. For this time being entrusted with an important responsibility, he dare not slack off. Yankodowski is already quite old, and he is unable to do many things. Coming to work at Heiyun Group, or teaching at Yulin Institute of Technology, may be his last employment contract.

Now that I can become the chief engineer of an epoch-making product, I can't say how excited and excited I am, but at least I will be greatly satisfied in face. It also proves to the world that he is still useful, even Bao Zixuan of the Black Cloud Group is very recognized.

No one dares to doubt the vision of the richest man in Bao, especially in Sony Takakura Jiro. The other party is a college student who has just graduated, and is still an undergraduate student; he actually achieved such a result. The Japanese media has rated him as the first person in domestic software; it shows the popularity.

Putting such an important project into his hands now shows that his Yankodowski ability is not bad. Although the University of Warsaw is well-known, it is not well recognized in Western society. Mainly because of limited funding for running a school, plus other reasons; mainly because there has not been too important academic achievements in recent years.

The Black Cloud UFO project is not only about his own success or failure. All professors and students from Poland are paying attention. Failure cannot be tolerated, so I dare not let go of any detail.

After confirming again and again that there is no problem, Yankodowski signed the test flight application. I saw Bao Zixuan sitting in front of a computer and working like an ordinary engineer. The old man did not hesitate, standing directly in front of the commander-in-chief.

The boss's intention is obvious, he will do his job well as an engineer, and he is still the chief engineer in charge of the command.

Sabochuk fastened his seat belt and helmet. After confirming that there was no problem in all aspects, he said into the microphone: "This is the Heiyun No. 1 flying saucer. I am the main pilot; now apply for take-off and ask for approval."

Jankodowski: "The individual subsystems report monitoring."

I only heard a reply from the temporary command headquarters: "The power system is normal, the electronic control system is normal, the wireless communication system is normal, the auxiliary system is normal, and the computer system is normal."

After the report was completed, Yankodowski said into the microphone: "UFO No. 1, this is the headquarters. All systems are tested normally, and the take-off request is approved. Pay attention to safety."

Hearing the command's approval for the test flight, Sabochuk said to the co-pilot and the mechanic: "The pre-flight work check begins."

The two did not dare to neglect, and quickly checked the various subsystems inside the flying saucer in detail. After all, they have to rise to an altitude of more than 10,000 meters, and if they make a slight mistake, they will really not be able to come back. Although it was designed with an ejection device, if there is a problem with the first take-off, it is really uncertain whether the ejection device can work normally.

After all the inspections were completed, Sabochuk said: "The take-off inspection passed, and the engine was fired."

Two powerful turbofan engines started working, and each engine also drove two small fans at the same time. To say that it is a small fan is relatively speaking, the size is similar to that of a ceiling fan at home; but the design is extremely precise, and there are more fan blades.

The four fans rotate at high speed to provide upward lift for the entire flying saucer, plus the original turbofan nozzle; the flying saucer leaves the ground quickly, and the rising speed is getting faster and faster.

At this time, everyone's heart was almost in the throat, for fear of falling down during the flight.

In less than 5 minutes, it has risen to a height of 5,000 meters, which is still controlled by Sabochuk, otherwise the climb will be faster.

The design is to reach a height of 12,000 kilometers, but you should pay attention to the first flight. After the flight was stable, Sabochuk adjusted the angle of the fan and began to fly forward. At this time, the flying saucer can no longer be seen by the naked eye, and can only be observed by radar.

Fortunately, there is unlimited communication on the flying saucer, so I don't worry about losing contact.

Sabochuk: "Command, UFO 1 has entered the stage of level flight, and the current speed is 600 kilometers per hour; the aircraft is in good condition. Next, the speed will be increased to 1000 kilometers per hour."

Hearing that the speed was directly increased from 600 to 1000, Yankodowski was also a little worried, but he had absolute confidence in the aircraft, and the boss was watching. Say it's an ordinary engineer, ignore it. But the fact is absolutely so simple, you must hand in a perfect answer.

Yankodowski: "It is agreed to increase the speed to 1,000 kilometers per hour, and all departments pay attention to monitoring the working status of the various subsystems of the flying saucer, as well as the power output."

The blood of the fighting nation was revealed at this time, and Sabochuk turned on the afterburner; the power of the two turbofan engines increased instantly, and at the same time, the speed of the small fan was also rapidly increasing.

I saw on the LCD display that the flight speed was constantly soaring. In less than 20 seconds, it has reached 1000 kilometers per hour.

No wonder many people say that the saucer is the perfect flying machine. Not only does it rise in a straight line, but even when moving forward, the speed of improvement is so fast.

For the first flight, 1000 kilometers is enough; if the aircraft is to be mass-produced, it must pass continuous test flights and inspections. Otherwise, no one dares to take risks, and the richest man cannot take human life seriously.

Next, a few simple actions were performed, and all the scheduled subjects for the first test flight were completed.

Yankodowski: "UFO One, all the scheduled subjects have been completed, and now we will start to return."

No matter how daring he is, Lao Maozi would not dare not obey orders. If he really dared to do that, his future in the Black Cloud Group would come to an end.

In less than 3 minutes, the flying saucer fell smoothly to the place where it took off. Compared with the helicopter, the flight status is much better.

Without any hesitation, the engineers immediately began a comprehensive inspection of the flying saucer. After the test flight, the data is relatively real, which has great reference value for future improvements.

The richest man Bao was not idle, but chatted with the test pilot.

It is said to care about pilots and buy people's hearts. In fact, I want to learn about the flying saucer driving experience through pilots. In his previous life, Bao Zixuan often chatted with pilots from various countries. After all, pilots have the most say in flight performance, especially the power system.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile, "Sabochuk, how do you feel?"

The boss was so polite, he didn't check the flying saucer for the first time, but cared about him. Such a boss is really hard to find, and it is impossible to understand in the Soviet Union. The people in Moscow don't care about that. When producing advanced fighter jets, they care more about how much they can how much they can get.

Sabochuk: "The overall feeling is very good, and the engine performance is very outstanding. However, during the ascent and transition to level flight, the computer can not keep up; there will be a stuttering phenomenon. Fortunately, it is not a big problem, but it can work normally. "

Hearing this, Bao Zixuan knew that it was a hardware problem. It is indeed difficult for a small computer to drive such a complex system. But a large computer is difficult to fit inside a flying saucer. This is a very contradictory thing that can only be improved by boosting hardware performance.

The software problem, the richest man thinks he has solved it perfectly. Not to say that it is flawless, at least it is beyond the times.

Bao Zixuan: "The computer hardware is still not enough. Now it's just an ascent to level flight, and then there will be a freeze. If there are combat deployments and launch of missiles and rockets, will there be more serious problems. Your opinion is very good, only in person Only by operating can you experience the performance of the machine.

After seeing that there was no problem with the test, Yankodowski said excitedly: "My colleagues, after half a year of hard work, our flying saucer finally flew. Just now, all the subsystems have been confirmed, except for some small problems in some places. , all others meet the design requirements; the Heiyun No. 1 flying saucer has achieved a staged success, congratulations to everyone."

After speaking, there is also a sense of relief. In the past six months, no one has been more stressed than him. Bao Zixuan knew that computer problems could not be detected on land, after all, they were only detected in a theoretical state. Today is a happy day, and it must not be spoiled by small problems.

And for computer performance, he is still very confident. The Heiyun chip department is already stepping up research and development, and I believe that it will definitely succeed in less than a year, and it will not delay the progress of the flying saucer. At present, use the old chip to make do with it, as long as the weapon system is not loaded, there is still no problem.