Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1171

Chapter 1171

Everything is arranged and there is an explanation for the partner. Bao Zixuan is ready to return to his old business and do what an engineer should do. Now he is very helpless, dealing with interpersonal relationships and managing the company involves too much energy; making time in the laboratory and workshop less and less. But this is impossible. There is still a big difference between a boss and an engineer.

Weasel Factory, the most important project at this time is the first-generation UFO research and development plan of Heiyun. On the basis of the predecessors, it has a full set of design drawings of many German flying saucers; as well as the technical assistance of the American AH-56 and V-22 aircraft. Combined with the technical advantages of Heiyun's own engine and electronic control system, the research and development of the flying saucer is not smooth, but it is not too technically difficult.

It's just a hassle to fully integrate these technologies together. Fortunately, Professor Yankodowski has a very solid foundation. Except for a slight deficiency in computer software, he really can't find any shortcomings. Moreover, he has participated in the relevant research and development plans of German UFOs, and he is familiar with it at this time.

Many people were very curious about the weasel factory before, including Professor Jankodowski himself. After entering, I found that the supporting facilities here are very complete, and the work efficiency is particularly high. Take a rest when you are tired, go to eat when you are hungry, and then go to work. As long as you have an idea, you must speak it out immediately, otherwise it is likely to delay the progress of the project.

When the drawings of the parts are designed, the skilled workers will process them as soon as possible without delay. Although it violates labor laws, it is not unacceptable for a man in science and engineering.

Seeing Bao Zixuan coming over, the engineer acted as if he was nothing; after all, in the Weasel Factory, no boss ever said anything. This is only based on technology and strength. If there is no strong technology, it will be difficult to conquer this group of proud people.

As the chief engineer of the project, Jankodowski could not remain indifferent. When the boss comes over, he must report the progress of the project, at least let him know that the investment is not in vain, and the results they have achieved are worthy of the boss's trust.

Heiyun Group's application for scientific research funding is very simple, and it will never discount it. Every time it asks if it is enough. Just like in Poland, if you want to apply for some R&D funds, you need to report it at every level, and then approve it at every level. At the same time, a lot of reports have to be prepared. Not to mention wasting time, and the funds at hand are even more pitiful.

Each layer has to be scraped off a little, and the end result is that nothing can be studied. Entering the modern society, with the rapid development of science and technology, it also means that the research and development expenditure is constantly increasing. The price of any kind of equipment is not cheap, and the computing power of computers is hundreds of millions of times that of humans. Does the data really need to be calculated manually? Then, when it is developed, the earth may be destroyed.

It will be a little tiring after Heiyun enters the project, but the logistical support is in place. Apart from not being able to meet family members, there is nothing else. When the Weasel Factory completes a project, there will be a one-month paid vacation, and it is not too late to accompany it at that time.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile, "Professor Yankodowski, how is the progress of the flying saucer?"

Everyone already knows the boss's behavior, which is simple and direct; After getting acquainted, I may chat with you a few more words; for ordinary engineers, most of them are working in communication.

The boss talks to you about work, and this is still a research and development site; then you must face it up, at least not let people pick out faults.

Yankodowski said very seriously: "The project is progressing smoothly. Through the computer simulation, all the indicators of the flying saucer have passed. At present, the production of parts is being stepped up, and two prototypes will be assembled and tested at the same time."

UFOs are different from ground-effect aircrafts, and are produced entirely in accordance with German technical materials; at most, improvements have been made in raw materials, power, and electronic control systems. But these are all thinking of a better direction and have not changed any appearance structure. In addition, the flight altitude is very low, and it is still flying over the sea, so the test project is not as strict as the flying saucer.

The flying saucer has to undergo a variety of tests, at least the airworthiness certificate must be obtained. Otherwise, it can't be promoted at all. At the beginning of the design, it was not just thinking about fighting. After the product comes out, some military enthusiasts will definitely buy it. Mosquitoes are also meat when they are small.

Bao Zixuan: "When will the prototype be assembled, and those technical issues have not been resolved."

Jankodowski: "The first prototype can be assembled in a week, and the second prototype in ten days."

"After the first prototype is assembled, the test flight will be carried out. At present, there are no problems with the hardware, but the software adjustment still needs to be optimized."

The flying saucer is too small to have a built-in computer. Even though the emergence of the Black Cloud Group has brought the current computer level to the 1990s, chip upgrades require a process. Intensifying research and development can at most improve the progress of research and development; it is unrealistic to want to eat a fat man in one bite.

The Black Cloud UFO is developed and designed by combining the technical characteristics of the three types of aircraft, and the internal system is very complex. With the running capacity of the existing computer, it is still a bit difficult. However, the technical indicators are proposed by the boss, and the engineers are not opposed to it.

Now that the chief engineer, Professor Yang Kodowski, said that, the richest man in Bao also realized the problem. But everything has taken shape, and it is too late to change. It is not only a matter of time and economic loss, but also delays the progress of other projects. And even if it can't play its full combat effectiveness now, with the improvement of chip performance, it will be able to meet the design requirements sooner or later.

In the early stage, low-speed production can be carried out to accumulate experience. Although it is risking human life, there are some things that have to be done. If there are difficulties and do not solve them, and always think about waiting for the technology to mature, then Heiyun Group will close down sooner or later.

Bao Zixuan: "In terms of hardware, I will urge computer and chip companies to improve, but I can work **** software. Living people can't let their urine suffocate, and I will be in charge of the software department."

Yankodowski was very happy to hear that his boss was personally in charge of the software, and there was no way to stop it. For Bao Zixuan's technical strength, I am afraid the whole world will not doubt it.

Hardware cannot be assembled by software, although it is a bit far-fetched; but a good software can indeed bring computer performance to the extreme. At most, the service life is shorter, but this is not a problem for the Heiyun Group, which is rich and powerful.

Being able to work with a boss is a joy for many engineers. Not only can you learn something, but also let the boss see his own technical strength. Many people are not but the opportunity is not good. If you miss such a good opportunity, you will definitely regret it later.

When I got home at night, only my wife and mother were left at home. After her daughter has finished confinement, the third lady has to go home even if she is reluctant. This is the rule. But as long as there is time, it will come. Not only to take care of her daughter, but mainly to see her two children.

Seeing her husband's expression, Zhang Youran immediately understood what it meant. It's about getting busy and maybe even living in the company. Although they have only been married for a year, they are already used to this kind of thing.

Bao Zixuan: "The company has been busy recently, and a scientific research project has encountered a bottleneck."

Li Yulin must not express any opinion. As a mother, no matter what her son does, she will support it unconditionally. There is nothing in the house, and there is no need for help from my son. Men still have to focus on their careers, and the company has so many things to solve. But now that the son is married and has children, many things still have to consider the feelings of the daughter-in-law.

Zhang Youran said with a smile, "Now that my daughter is still young, you can't help you with your clumsiness. It's still up to you. The company's affairs are also very important. In the future, the daughter's dowry will still need you as a father to earn."

The family problem has been resolved, and the wife agrees to let it go; then everything will be much easier. Although I like my daughters very much, I really don't know how to communicate with them. Maybe the child is too young, or maybe he just hasn't found a way.

A wife with high emotional intelligence will definitely help her career. Zhang Youran is moving in this direction. After becoming a mother, he has become more careful about the issues.

In this way, Bao Zixuan came to the Weasel Factory again. I will be working here for a while in the future. Although the UFO project is not particularly important, it is also a brand new weapon system. If it is developed, there will be customers who will buy it; I am still very confident about this.