Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1153

Chapter 1153

The product has been developed, and the next step is to promote it. Takakura Jiro fulfilled his promise and gave everyone two days off, but everyone was doing it separately, and someone had to stay in the computer room. But he did not rest. As the core of the team, the role of example is very important. After deciding to become the supervisor of these people, there is no room for slack.

We are all classmates, graduating from the same major at the same time. Why do you come up as a supervisor, and we are ordinary employees. Is it because the first place in the graduation grades, the reason may not be able to fully make sense. The word "leader" sounds very comfortable, but it is not so easy to do, especially when there are people of the same age around.

Akio Morita heard that it was because of Takakura Jiro's team that he changed his mind, and of course he wanted to come and see it in person. These young people spend a lot of money, and if they don't show convincing results, it's not easy for him to explain to the board of directors. Businesses are not charities, and every investment must be rewarded. If you don't get anything in the end, it's not enough to lose money.

Seeing Akio Morita coming, Jiro Takakura said excitedly: "Your Excellency President, the first phase of Sony's office inventory management system has been successfully developed. It has reached the conditions for listing and is now considering how to promote it."

Hearing this, Akio Morita was very happy, and at the same time he knew why the Ibuka Conference was so supportive of these young people. It turned out to be seeing results; but this is also good, at least it shows that taking charge of Sony still brings some changes.

Takakura Jiro didn't talk much, and started to demonstrate to Akio Morita. No discourse, nor look at real objects and data more directly.

Akio Morita is also well-informed, but he knows that Japanese domestic companies definitely do not have such an easy-to-use office system. Perhaps only American companies; of course, with the technical strength of the Black Cloud Group, they may have already mastered it. Now that you see results, you must consider how to realize them.

Such an easy-to-use system should be used internally by Sony first; after all, fat and water do not flow to outsiders. And it is also more convincing, how can the quality and advantages be reflected in the products that even their own companies do not believe in.

Akio Morita said very seriously: "Since it has been successfully developed, it will be used within Sony first. All departments of the company must cooperate fully, and employees must work hard to learn. This is the trend of the future, and Sony must not fall behind."

Sony and Mitsubishi can jointly produce large industrial computers, plus they can produce home computers. As for the network cables and routers, they can only be purchased from the Black Cloud Group at present; the establishment of the office system is not a problem.

But personnel application is a hassle; when it comes to computer systems, even in Japan, it is synonymous with high-end. Many Sony employees don't know how to use a computer, let alone a specific application.

Takakura Jiro: "Everything else is easy to handle. After all, Sony can produce many products by itself. It's just that personnel training is a hassle. This system needs everyone's cooperation. If any link is supported, the final effect will be greatly reduced."

Hearing this, Akio Morita felt that this was really an opportunity. The response speed of the businessman can be described as incisively and vividly at this time.

For old employees who do not study hard or do not want to study. Either move away or do something else; In the future development of enterprises, a large number of computers will inevitably be used; if you don't even know how to use computers, you may not be suitable for working in a high-tech company like Sony.

Akio Morita: "Takakurkun, don't have any burdens in your heart. You are only responsible for teaching; don't worry about others. As for those who don't learn, they may not be suitable for working in Sony anymore."

"But I only have one requirement, and that is speed. Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone will come to the company to inspect in half a month. I hope Sony's office inventory management system can work."

Hearing the president so supportive, plus the prime minister will come. This group of young people who graduated from Yulin Institute of Technology are all excited. When the Prime Minister comes, he will inevitably bring the media with him. Isn't this a great opportunity to promote your product! The chain must not be dropped, this is a once-in-lifetime opportunity.

For the Takakura Jiro team, the most important thing is work enthusiasm and efficiency. They all want to achieve a career, and each company has limited positions. It can only be done by breaking the rules.

With the instructions of Akio Morita, doing that, it is estimated that his days at Sony will come to an end.

The construction team of more than 200 people made the construction period progress rapidly. In less than a week, Sony's major leadership offices, various workshops, departments, factory warehouses, including the library have installed computers.

Many people are sighing that the company's treatment is getting better and better; they are equipped with computers for each of them.

What employees don't know is that computers are where the nightmare begins.

No matter who they are, as long as they reach a certain position, they must be proficient in the Sony office inventory management system. An employee who at first thought it was simple and happy; now regret it. Every day there is new data to be entered, and it was previously based on notes. Now it is necessary to add notes and computer input, which increases the workload invisibly. Moreover, he is not very proficient in computer operation, and must work overtime to complete it.

There is no reason to work overtime for no reason, and there is not much benefit, and no one is willing to do it. The development of science and technology requires a process, and it also takes some time to accept new things. But Akio Morita was obviously not going to waste too much time in this link, which made Sony's internal complaints begin.

Maeda Kijiro is one of the founders of Sony and the grandson of Maeda Taman. After Ibuka retired, he became the leader of the diehards. At present, he is the vice president of Sony in charge of personnel; it can be said that the appointment and removal of personnel, the recruitment of employees, etc. are all under his responsibility.

Before Akio Morita set up a new department and promoted Takakura Jiro exceptionally, Maeda Kijiro was very dissatisfied, which was absolutely intolerable for him. Akio Morita was destroying his authority and ignored his vice president.

In the view of Kijiro Maeda, there are personnel problems within Sony. Especially when it comes to recruitment, new recruits, etc., it should be through him, the vice president in charge of human resources. Although the matter is not big, it is child's play to have a child serve as a supervisor-level leader.

Now let all departments of the company go to learn from a group of hairy children, and if they fail to learn, they will be transferred from their posts. It was absolutely unbearable that he didn't communicate with him beforehand.

Don't dare to look for Akio Morita directly, after all, although the latter is not a few years older than him. But after all, it is one of the three Sony carriages that work with my grandfather and uncle. I can discuss this matter with my uncle.

Maeda Tamon has four children, Maeda Kijiro's father is the eldest son, and Ibuka's wife is the youngest daughter. In other words, Ibuka is the uncle of Maeda but the aunt is no longer alive.

For the arrival of Maeda Kijiro, Ibuka was very surprised. Since he retired and this kid became the vice president, he basically hasn't been to the house. Which one is he singing today, he would come to see him, a man who is idle at home.

And it looked like something must have happened. This kid is a person who can't afford to get too early, and he will never come over without asking for anything.

Ibuka Dai: "It's Kijiro who is here. I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you doing recently?"

Ibuka didn't like this nephew very much either. If it weren't for my father-in-law's affection, I really didn't want him to work at Sony. It is precisely because of his existence that Sony lags behind other companies in talent recruitment. And this kid is very lecherous, of course it's normal as a man.

But the rabbit didn't eat the grass on the edge of the nest, and this kid chose the internal staff to start. He wiped his **** a lot before, which made the company a mess.

Come home now, it's definitely not a good thing.

Maeda Kijiro said aggrievedly: "Akio Morita is getting more and more domineering, and he doesn't pay attention to the rules and regulations you made in the past. Our human resources department is simply useless."

"He decides everything by himself, and he is especially greedy for power. It is nothing to describe him as domineering."

Hearing that his nephew was getting more and more outrageous, Ibuka hurriedly interrupted: "If you have something to say, can Akio Morita arrange it behind your back!"

The foreshadowing has been completed, and Maeda Kijiro doesn't want to talk nonsense. He said directly: "There is a college student who has just graduated, and he is still studying in Xiangjiang. He is not very talented, but he has a good temper. Akio Morita actually handed him the newly formed department and appointed him as the department head. It is seriously inconsistent with the company. The process is very chilling for the old employees."