Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1152

Chapter 1152

Needless to say, I know where I have struggled before in the past. Ibuka must have seen Takakura Jiro's team. Is it because he is not satisfied with his arrangement? Or an old man in the company complained. Otherwise, why would you say that? It seems that many old people really want to beat it hard, but they actually moved Jingshenda here.

They still can't tolerate a group of children, which is really outrageous.

In fact, the reason why Takakura Jiro was excluded has a lot to do with their father's position. The first group of Sony children who went to Yulin Institute of Technology to study, their parents were not high-ranking. At most, it is an ordinary engineer. When the children of executives come back, many of them will choose to work at Sony. This is inheritance, and Akio Morita will have no opinion on this. For example, Ibuka's granddaughter, Hanada Haruko, is in the personnel department.

Even if the father's position is high, the child needs to start from the basics. However, the sons of Sony who graduated from Yulin Institute of Technology set up a new department directly after returning to Japan. Takakura Jiro was appointed as the technical director. Although the salary may be lower, the position is not low at all.

In Japan, where the seniority ranking is serious, the resistance it has suffered is very large. That is, Akio Morita has a high prestige in the company, otherwise

Akio Morita: "I gave that place to a group of Sony kids who just graduated from college. Could it be that someone came to you to gossip."

Hearing this, Daisuke Ibuka certainly understood what he meant. So he smiled and said, "I'm already a retired person, so I don't know."

"Where did I go at 11 o'clock last night, and I left at 1 o'clock in the morning, they have been working. But on the way home, I saw many old employees who just came back drunk. How about the drunk people, are they still working the next day! On the other hand, looking at the group of young people, there is really no comparison, so there is no harm."

"Before, I was more conservative in my ideas, and I always thought that young people couldn't believe it. Now it seems to be my fault. Fortunately, you gave them this opportunity."

"I went there again at 5 o'clock this morning, and they have already started work. The Japanese are definitely the most hard-working people, and I can see the hope of Sony's future from these young people."

"Before you let the sons of Sony go to Yulin Institute of Technology to study, I didn't understand very well. Now it seems to be the most correct choice; I heard that all sons of Sony, except for some graduate students, all return to work in the headquarters."

"This is very good. Enterprises need to inherit, and Sony needs to do this. I am old, and many ideas are no longer rooted. I came here to tell you, don't have any concerns. Whether it is the board of directors or privately, I support you unconditionally. any decision."

"Mr. Shengtian, do it boldly. The reason why the Black Cloud Group is developing so fast is because Bao Zixuan does not follow the rules and boldly recruits young and talented people. I heard that there is a secret research and development organization within the Black Cloud Group, and I just heard that high Kurujiro said something."

"Sony can learn from any good management methods of its competitors. At first we learned from China, then from Europe, and now from the United States. Learning is not to underestimate ourselves, but to continuously strengthen ourselves."

Although Ibuka is an engineering man, he may not be as smooth and thoughtful as Morita Akio in terms of dealing with people; but he is definitely not bad. After all, he is a man who has served as the chairman of Sony, and he still has some management skills.

Akio Morita didn't expect the always stubborn Ibuka meeting to say so, it seems that Takakura Jiro is really struggling. As long as Ibuka has no opinion, then there is really no one inside Sony who dares to object.

The first three Sony executives, Maeda Taman, have passed away and left Sony after World War II to work in the government. Only he and Ibuka are left. If it was 5 years ago, Ibuka's prestige would have been higher; but now the two are evenly divided. In the past, there were some diehards who blocked the promotion of many policies.

Ibuka is a diehard among diehards. Fortunately, this person is not greedy for power and has not participated in the specific affairs of the company for so many years. But not speaking has also given the diehards confidence. Now that they have this attitude, things will be much easier to handle.

Many elderly people at Sony can make certain adjustments as appropriate. At least not in a high position, because their ideas have not kept up with the times. However, the person will be fired directly or sent home to retire. Akio Morita doesn't have the guts yet, after all, it's not his business. If it were to do so, perhaps Sony would become the public enemy of its full name.

Ibuka did not continue to disturb Morita Akio's work, and his attitude has shown that it is the best choice to go home directly. Letting Shengtian let go of his hands and feet may be one of the few contributions he can make to the company!

People are selfish, and Jingshenda is no exception. Akio Morita is not too young, can't the next generation of Sony leaders return to the Ibuka family!

Meeting Takakura Jiro today made him see the possibility of realizing his ideas.

In Japan, wealthy entrepreneurs must give birth to daughters, and the family property is taken care of by their son-in-law. But the son-in-law must take the wife's surname, and the children born must also take the wife's surname. If it is a son, the son's qualifications and abilities cannot be chosen; but if a daughter is born, a son-in-law can be chosen. Many Japanese sons-in-law inherited their father-in-law's company and did not change their surnames or their children's surnames after their father-in-law had a hundred years. They abide by the rules of themselves and their father-in-law very much, which is also the integrity of the Japanese. They do not call them son-in-law, but "Japanese son-in-law".

Takakura Jiro seems to be a tailor-made son-in-law for the Ibuka family; his ability, hard work, technology and management ability are also outstanding among his peers.

Seeing Jing Shenda come back, Jing Shen Yahe said quickly, "Father, I want something to eat."

After all, when Dad left, he hadn't eaten yet, so he must be hungry now.

Jing Shenda: "You can come as you like. When you get old, you can't eat anything."

Hurry up to the kitchen to prepare, and now I can live here; but it is all up to my father, so I dare not be slighted.

Seeing that his father had finished eating, Yahe Jingsuka hurried over to clean up.

Ibuka laughed and said, "Yaho, what do you think about Haruko?"

Although she is her own granddaughter, she still needs to seek her mother's opinion on marriage matters. Even if the opinion is not important, it counts as a form of respect.

Of course Yahe Jingsuke understood what he meant, did his father already have a suitable family. I had mentioned before that I wanted to give Haruko the children of a noble family. In this regard, I am sure that my father has a wider network, but I didn't expect it to be so fast.

"It's all up to my father," Yaho Ibuka replied.

She is a smart woman. Her father has loved her granddaughter since she was a child;

Ibuka Dai: "Today I saw a young man in the company. If Haruko is with him, I believe I will be happier."

Hearing what he saw inside the company, Yahe Ibuka was a little unhappy. The father must want to recruit a son-in-law, so his dream of a wealthy mother-in-law will be shattered.

Ibuka still knew his daughter very well, and of course he knew what she was thinking. He must have looked down on Sony's internal employees, thinking about marrying his daughter into a wealthy family all day long. As everyone knows, once you enter a wealthy family, it is like the sea. If your husband is good, you will be happy, but this possibility is really unlikely.

Sony's internal employees are completely controllable, and with the help of the Ibuka family; coupled with its own capabilities, it will not be difficult to take charge of Sony in the future.

Ibuka: "I don't know whether people can see Haruko, I just have this idea. This young man is very good, at least among his peers, he is definitely outstanding."

"The future is bound to be bright, if it weren't for the reluctance to give up on Sony; maybe now he has an annual salary of tens of millions in the black cloud. Haruko married him, and I was by my side to assist and guide, and it would not be a problem to take charge of the entire Sony in the future. difficult."

She knew exactly what her father's character was. I have never praised a young man like this before. Compared with young people, there must be something special. If he can really take charge of the entire Sony, then it is not impossible for Haruko to marry him.

Masahiro Ibuka hurriedly said, "As long as my father feels right, and Haruko has no opinion; I don't have any problems here. Young people who can be attracted to my father can never be wrong. Besides, he is an internal employee of Sony, so he knows the bottom line. Haruko will definitely not suffer when she gets married, and it can be regarded as a kind of happiness."

Takakura Jiro didn't know yet, but the father and daughter of Ibuka were already thinking of him.