Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1154

Chapter 1154

Hearing this, Ibuka certainly knew who this kid was talking about. If it was before, I might be really angry. No leader or manager wants the policies and plans formulated during his administration to be overturned. This is not only a matter of respect, but also a disapproval of one's past.

Fortunately, I saw Takakura Jiro's performance, work attitude, and level of responsibility; it was not a little better than the one in front of him. Most of Jingshen wanted to marry his granddaughter, which shows how much he loves him. Sony can only have a way out and hope if it uses a large number of talented young people. If they are all managers like Maeda Kijiro, who are jealous and capable, then this company will not be too far away from bankruptcy.

Ibuka was very surprised, and said at the same time: "I'm retired, and Akio Morita is a cautious person. He must be justified in doing so. Don't make assumptions. Helping the president to manage the company is better than anything else."

It can be said that Jing Shenda actually has a childish mentality at this time, and it is estimated that there are flaws; I want to see what this kid in front of me means. If you say it directly, or show support for Akio Morita and love for Takakura Jiro. Then there will never be a backstory. Although Maeda Kijiro is not good at managing the company, his ability to observe words is not weak.

After all, I have managed personnel affairs at Sony for so many years, and I see more people every day; of course, I can practice some skills.

Maeda Kijiro could see all of the performances of Daisuke Ibuka in this way. It seems that the old guy is already uncomfortable, and everyone is the same. The single-handedly created company was rejected as soon as he stepped down as the president. You must know that Ibuka is still the largest shareholder. If it is not stopped, then I am afraid that the world only knows that Sony has Akio Morita, and there is nothing about the Ibuka family.

Maeda Kijiro: "Akio Morita is more than what I said. Xiangjiang Yulin Institute of Technology is not famous in the world at all. It's just that the founder Bao Zixuan has some **** luck and became a super rich. But even Bao Zixuan With such a little ability, the students who are taught will definitely do it!"

"Akio Morita established a computer software department, and directly let Takakura Jiro, who just graduated from Yulin Institute of Technology, be the director. They have spent a lot of money in the past six months, which is higher than the research and development expenses of Sony's music department."

"Jiro Takakura has no experience at all, which is not in line with the company's personnel process at all. He didn't even greet me before, is he a bit arrogant?"

"And this time it's even more extreme. In order to support Jiro Takakura's new project, Akio Morita asked Sony to learn from them internally. The management of the company and the specific contacts of each unit need to learn the system that a group of children made."

"Employees have been complaining, and the workload has increased invisibly. And it's still meaningless work. Things that could be done with pens and ledgers before have to use computers."

"Although you have retired, you are still the company's largest shareholder. I hope to persuade Akio Morita not to be so arrogant. Personnel appointments and removals must be done in accordance with rules and regulations, and he must not be allowed to mess around."

Hearing this, Ibuka really wanted to laugh. This kid is still so arrogant, he always feels great. If it really had that ability, the Maeda family would never want to be like this.

Ibuka: "I'm retired, so it's not good for me to be involved in the company's affairs. It's not good for people to say that I rely on the old and sell the old, that is not conducive to the development of the company."

How could Maeda Kijiro be reconciled when he heard that Ibuka didn't want to eat this set. This time I came here to let the old guy put pressure on Akio Morita. If he went back like this, he would have no prestige in front of the old employees in the future.

Maeda Kijiro: "The company was created by you, and Sony's affairs cannot be ignored. Moreover, the old employees still respect you and hope that you can come back to preside over the overall situation. Sony has come to the brink of life and death. If Akio Morita is allowed to fool around, The future is very dangerous.

Maeda Kijiro has his own ideas, if Ibuka will return. Akio Morita must be disgraced, and he will have no face to continue serving as president in the future. In that case, he, the rooted vice president, will inevitably become the best choice for the new president.

He knows that Ibuka may not care about others, and this person is not greedy for power; otherwise, it is impossible to retire early and leave the company to Morita Akio to manage. But the feelings for Sony are absolutely real. Now that the company is in danger, the old guy will never remain indifferent.

Ibuka: "Do you know what computer learning is for! What applications will computers have in the future? Is it more accurate to record with a pen or more specific with a computer?"

"In addition, do you know Bao Zixuan! How is Takakura Jiro's ability? Has he ever had an in-depth assessment!"

Hearing Dai Ibuka's question, Kijiro Maeda really didn't know how to answer. After all, I came here to apply eye drops to Akio Morita. Of course, I didn't understand this in depth. Even if you want to understand, one or two days is not enough; it's good to have time to pick up girls at ordinary times, how can you study these when you have time.

Seeing this kid's face covered in circles in front of him, Jing Shenda was really angry. The father-in-law is a hero all his life, but the eldest grandson is so unlearned. The ability is not big, and the ability is not strong; it doesn't matter, after all, there is family protection. But the premise is that you can't make trouble, let alone fight against people who are really capable.

The talent and talent shown by Akio Morita in the management of the company, Ibuka is mostly ashamed. How can it be a second world lord's turn to make irresponsible remarks here.

Thinking of the dead father-in-law, I still can't bear it. If there is no such relationship, this time, Maeda Kijiro will definitely leave Sony.

The Japanese concept of hierarchy is very strong, and a subordinate is ignorant and incompetent every day;

Maeda Kijiro didn't give up, and replied directly: "Computers may be useful in the future, but they are mostly used by professionals. What's the use of warehouse administrators and quality inspectors learning them. And I'm in personnel management, so learning computers doesn't make much sense. ."

"As for Bao Zixuan, it's just better luck. Sony has invested a lot of money in his school. Is there nothing else here? As for Takakura Jiro, a 22-year-old young man who just graduated from college; Kyoto University, perhaps I will not doubt it, Yulin Institute of Technology has only been established for a few years."

"You are too kind to be deceived."

It's really hard to listen to some, this kid is simply a two hundred and five.

Ibuka: "If you said that a few days ago, I might still believe it. But one night a week ago, I went to the office where Takakura Jiro was. I was still working at 1:00 in the morning. How many people are there at Sony? Can do it; don't you feel ashamed to look back at yourself!"

"Don't always look down on young Don't bully the poor. When I see them, I feel that Sony still has a future. If everyone is like you, it is estimated that the company will die before me."

"I have no opinion on Akio Morita's decision. Even if he fires you now, I will vote in favor. As for Jiro Takakura, he is a rare talent; Bao Zixuan, as the richest man in the world, has a very accurate eye for people. Don't judge someone better than you easily, because you don't have that qualification at all."

"If Takakura Jiro didn't go back to work at Sony, he might have earned an annual salary of tens of millions of yen in Heiyun now."

"You can work hard in the future and don't make trouble for Akio Morita; then continue to work at Sony. If you are always thinking of yourself, I advise you to leave early. If Sony wants to grow, it needs capable people. Employees. If anyone can't accommodate capable employees, then the final result of this person will not be good."

"I also advise you, don't think about becoming the president of Sony every day. Because you are not that capable at all, at least I can't pass this test."

For the sake of my father-in-law, I helped him at the end. If you don't correct it, you won't be able to take care of that much. Ibuka's patience with Maeda Kijiro has reached the limit, at least he doesn't want to see this kid dangling in front of his eyes.

Although he is not reconciled, he does not dare to go deep with the hard steel. The other party is not only a major shareholder of the company, but also her uncle, an elder. If there is a conflict between the two people, then it is not a good thing for him. Being able to gain a firm foothold in Sony is not only because of my grandfather, but also because of my uncle.

After Kijiro Maeda left, Dai Ibuka called Akio Morita directly. Don't let people pick out the faults, just said a few days ago that he will support him fully;