Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1139

Chapter 1139

The latest website: The Soviet Union has more detailed information than the Americans. After all, they sold the weapons, and the KGB personnel participated in the whole war. Although the situation in Moscow is delicate, the Soviet military is still functioning normally. It is beyond imagination that the electronic interference used by Fucaira has such an effect.

No one knows the performance of the RK-55 cruise missile better than them, and the final point of detonation surprised Soviet experts. When did the missiles produced by their own factories have such accuracy. If so, it is estimated that the Afghan war can be ended early. The power of Soviet weapons is no problem, but compared to American and French products, it is too rough.

The service life and attack accuracy of Soviet weapons are slightly insufficient. The missiles used by the Fucaira army are so accurate, combined with the intelligence analysis sent back from the front line; the technical strength of the Black Cloud Group in electronic chips may be ten years ahead of the Soviet Union.

The Soviet cruise missile expert, Mitslav-Kerdesh, was urgently called to the Soviet Ministry of Defense. Of course, there are also experts and scholars in the field of electronics. However, the achievements of the Soviet Union in the field of electronics at this time were much worse than those in the 1960s and 1970s, and they were not enough to see in front of missiles.

In fact, the electronic technology strength of the Soviet Union in the electronic tube era was very powerful. The rise of the Soviet Union in this field is divided into two parts, the basic period and the rising period.

The basic period is mainly from the end of World War I to the beginning of World War II, which is also the early stage of the establishment of the Soviet Union. At this stage, the main purpose is to lay the foundation. In the early days of the founding of the country, the Soviet Union quickly established a world-class industrial base with the help of the complex international political relations at that time, through domestic efforts and foreign technology introduction. The Soviet Union already had the industrial base necessary to become an electronics powerhouse.

The victory of World War II helped the Soviet Union to a large extent. With the help of the technological plunder of Germany in World War II, the Soviet industry rose rapidly, such as jet engines, rocket missiles, etc., which naturally also included German electronic technology in World War II.

All of these laid a solid foundation for the rise of Soviet electronic technology.

In the post-war era, with the advent of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union began to exert its strength in the field of high-end technology, including electronic technology. With the help of the foundation laid before and the strong support and support from the Soviet Union from top to bottom, the Soviet Union's industrial technology reached a very high level at that time, including electronic technology.

According to public information, in the 1960s and 1970s, the Soviet Union's electronic technology reached its heyday. At that time, the Soviet Union's electronic technology strength was by no means inferior to that of the United States and Europe. It is completely appropriate to call it the world's first at that time. In fact, until the 1980s, the Soviet Union's electronic technology was still very strong.

During this period, Soviet electronic technology reached its peak.

With the help of the strong electronic technology strength formed in the electronic tube period, the Soviet Union can continue to maintain its advantages in the field of electronic technology. However, the Soviet Union has embarked on a wrong road in this process.

After integrated circuits became a new idea for the development of electronic technology, the Soviet Union also studied them, but after the research, the Soviet Union believed that the anti-interference ability and reliability of integrated circuits in the case of nuclear war were not good, and they were inferior to electron tubes.

On this basis, on the eve of the rise of integrated circuit technology, the Soviet Union embarked on the evil road of miniaturization of electronic tubes.

But seeing Fucaira use their missiles, the effect of the modification is so amazing. The hearts of the top officials of the Ministry of Defense have begun to shake, and they continue to dig deep around diodes, or invest heavily in the research and development of integrated circuits before the Soviet leaders.

Although his health was not very good, Ustinov insisted on coming to the meeting. As a technical cadre-turned-defense minister, his decisions are very important.

In fact, Bao Zixuan has already extended the life of the Minister of Defense, but freezing three feet is not a day's cold; not to mention the terminally ill, at least the spirit and energy are much worse than before. But the Ministry of Defense held a technical meeting, of course he had to attend. Most of the previous Soviet defense ministers were military chiefs who fought on the front lines.

Therefore, his qualifications are much higher than him, and being able to become the Minister of Defense is mainly during the Cold War; the war has entered a new mode, at least the era of relying on people to charge has passed. The future war is bound to be a nuclear war in a high-tech state; as a technical officer, it will definitely be reused and promoted. Therefore, Ustinov became the Minister of Defense of the Soviet Union by virtue of his tough character and extraordinary skills.

The military meeting may not have been able to intervene before, after all, many officers did not agree with his words. However, when discussing the technical meeting of weapons and equipment, the situation changed immediately. It can be seen that at this time, the minds of the Soviet people are still very clear, and they know who should do what.

If he doesn't even attend such an important technical meeting, then his sense of presence as Secretary of Defense is too low.

Soviet electronics experts detailed the electronic interference in the state of war between Fucaira and Sharjah, as well as the excellent performance of the missile after replacing the chip.

The meaning is obvious, the Soviet Union should not go to the dark side towards the miniaturization of diodes, it should keep pace with the times. Refer to new technologies from other countries in the world; adjust the direction appropriately.

Had Brezhnev been in power, the remarks alone could have put him in jail. Openly advocating that the enemy's weapons are advanced and learning from the enemy is definitely not the style of the great Soviet Union. At that time, Laozi was number one in the world, and the weapons and equipment of any country were inferior to that of the Soviet Union.

Fortunately, relevant adjustments were made after Andropov took office, and Chernenko's character was not so tough. That's why someone dares to tell the truth, the truth.

At this time, one of the most important figures in the Soviet army, an authoritative expert in electronic information, Nikolai Vasilyevich Ogarkov knew that he had to speak. Without his statement, no one would dare to say more. what. The evaluation of the electronic experts just now is very objective, and the enemy's excellent areas are still worth learning.

Nikolai Vasilievich Ogarkov, born in 1917, was an engineer, chief of the Soviet General Staff, and Marshal of the Soviet Union in 1977. He was the smartest and most predictable strategic theorist in the Soviet Army during the Cold War. He advocated the revolution of electronic technology and was a pioneer of information-based electronic warfare and precision-guided warfare.

In 1981, he organized the unprecedented scale of the Western-81 military exercise, which made the West conclude that the Warsaw Pact tank troops have the ability to wipe out the NATO garrison in Central Europe within a week and hit the city of Paris. Only tactical nuclear weapons can save NATO.

Under the promotion of Ogarkov, the Soviet Army succeeded in adopting the most advanced digital technology tactical command system at that time. Based on this, Ogarkov established the first digital test force. The test proved that digital technology can significantly improve the Troop combat power.

Although Ogarkov's military thinking was a weapon for the Soviet army to meet new challenges, it threatened the positions and interests of a large number of people. Ogarkov's deputy, Mahmut-Akhmatovich-Gareyev, said in a commemorative article: "If personal interests are not considered, everyone will raise their hands in favor of reform. If personal interests are considered, everyone will unanimously oppose it. reform.

Olgakov said very seriously: "Although diodes are more resistant to nuclear strikes, nuclear wars do not break out every day in this world."

"The Soviet Union and the United States each have their own weapons to destroy the entire planet. The two sides have reached a delicate balance, and it is very difficult to fight a nuclear war."

"But aside from being able to survive a nuclear war, diodes have no advantage at all over integrated circuits."

"I don't oppose the miniaturization of diodes, but the research and development of integrated circuits must not be stopped. The mainstream in the world is integrated circuits, not diodes."

"The effect of Fucaira's use of electronic jamming; and the accuracy of the modified missile can be seen by Isn't this enough to explain the problem!"

"Therefore, I suggest that while tackling the miniaturization of diodes, we should actively develop integrated circuits. At least half of the funds from both sides should be achieved, otherwise it will not have any effect."

"At that time, whether in conventional war or in the face of nuclear war, the Soviet Union will not be afraid of any opponent."

In fact, Marshal Olgakov also knows that if the diehards give up diode research and development. It's definitely not possible, and it's good to be able to fight for a part of it.

Seeing everyone nodding, Ustinov also understood; this is the general trend, so he said decisively: "Since everyone agrees, then Marshal Olgakov will be responsible for the research and development of integrated circuits."

Although it is not a U-turn, but at least a 90-degree turn, I believe that it should be improved and improved compared to the previous life. And where is Olgakov's ability, maybe he can really achieve certain results.

Olgakov said at any time that there was no problem, it was not that he looked down on these people. At least in the field of electronic information, none of the Soviet marshals can match him.