Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1140

Chapter 1140

Latest website: The field of electronic information and interference has set a direction, although it is not perfect, but the results are acceptable to everyone. But when it comes to missiles, the Soviets take it very seriously. In the opinion of the top Soviet leaders, electronic jamming can only be used as an auxiliary means, and missile attacks are more effective.

The previous saturation attack is not suitable for modern warfare. The cost of consuming ammunition is one aspect, and the accidental injury to civilians is also easily condemned by the international community.

Fucaira attacked with RK-55 missiles to such amazing effect. This not only satisfied the Soviet Union, but other countries recognized this missile very much. At present, several countries have issued purchase intentions, and the price is really not low.

But the Soviets themselves understood that if there was no modification by Heiyun engineers, the accuracy of which of their missiles would not achieve the effect that the customer wanted. At this time, there are two paths in front of the Soviets: to develop supporting equipment and chips by themselves, or to cooperate with the Black Cloud Group.

Mitslav-Kerdesh said very seriously: "As the chief designer of the RK-55 missile, I am a little ashamed to be honest. The weapons and equipment we produce ourselves have to be in the hands of outsiders to achieve amazing results."

"The missile attack point of the Fucaira army is very accurate, and the Soviet Union's technical strength is still unable to achieve it. The error of our missile is 10 meters, and the accuracy of Fucaira's missile attack has reached 1 meter."

"It needs very good software and hardware to work with it, otherwise it will never be able to achieve this effect."

"In terms of hardware, the integrated circuit team led by Marshal Olgakov should be able to solve the problem; it just takes time. But in the field of software, the Soviet Union is far behind. Therefore, the most effective way at present is to cooperate with the Black Cloud Group, and only Only in this way can the combat effectiveness be displayed in the first time.

The Soviet Union never needed to cooperate with any person or enterprise in weapons and equipment. This is the old Maozi's rule, but also a kind of self-confidence. Now I actually want to find a company to cooperate with; but the Soviet military executives did not say anything about it. After all, the Black Cloud Group has too much investment in the Soviet Union and has interests with many people.

And it's hard to say whether people are willing to cooperate or not.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Ustinov said directly: "Inform the Black Cloud Group to see if there is any possibility of cooperation between the two sides on cruise missiles."

"The mode of warfare has changed, and various new technologies such as electronic interference, information countermeasures, and precision guidance are emerging one after another. I'm old, and I still need you to support this situation in the future."

After receiving the invitation to cooperate in the Soviet cruise missile project, Bao Zixuan did not hesitate. This is a once-in-lifetime opportunity. During the cooperation period, Heiyun engineers will definitely be able to get in touch with Soviet missile experts. Then wait until the Soviet Union disintegrates; these top experts in the missile field will inevitably make a choice.

At least it can be preconceived and cut off in advance.

As Reagan said, Bao Zixuan went to the Middle East to help Fucaira fight. The biggest headache is undoubtedly the United Kingdom and China, especially the United Kingdom, which is even more painful.

The woman took over as chief of Fucaira, and the UK really didn't dare to say anything. Not only is it interfering in other countries' internal affairs, but there is another very important point. The King of England is a woman, and even the Prime Minister is a woman. Is it possible that only British women are allowed to govern, and other countries are not allowed, I am afraid there is no reason for this in the world.

Air Marshal Andrew Humphrey, the chief of staff of the British Defence Force, appeared in Downing Street, and many things required him to personally report to the Prime Minister. As for technical experts, in the field of electronics, and cruise missiles in the UK; I really can't find any decent people.

It is not difficult to see from here that the decline of Britain seems inevitable. Newton and Watt made the UK technologically ahead of the world for a period, but now there is a talent gap. Without high-end technical talents, if you want to develop high-end technology; it cannot be said that it is impossible, but it will definitely be very difficult.

Iron Maiden: "Marshal Humphrey must have known what happened in the UAE. I want to know if the British Empire were in the same situation, could Fucaira do it!"

"Electronic interference and precision guidance of the domestic technical strength of the UK, please also tell the marshal truthfully, at least let me know what I know."

Andrew Humphrey is a little embarrassed, after all, the UK is quite weak when it comes to electronic jamming and precision-guided cruise missiles.

The Royal Air Force dual-capable air-to-ground cruise missile, developed by the British Aerospace Corporation in 1984, is an improved version of the Seahawk anti-ship missile. It is mainly used to equip Cyclone fighter-bombers to attack enemy airfields and the second echelon of ground forces.

The valley guidance system is inertial guidance plus scene matching system. The power plant is a turbojet engine. There are two types of warheads: conventional warheads and nuclear warheads.

Tactical and technical performance data: the maximum range is 650 kilometers; the maximum cruising speed M2, the maximum cruising altitude is greater than 1000 meters; the take-off weight is 0.55 tons of guidance mode inertial guidance + scene matching system.

The products developed only last year will not be able to form combat effectiveness within 5 years. And at the beginning of research and development, the performance has been completely behind. At least compared to the American Tomahawk cruise missile, and the Soviet Rk-55 cruise missile performance is a lot worse.

As for the field of electronic interference, the UK has no technological accumulation at all. At present, only 4 E6B Prowler electronic jammers have been purchased from the United States. At this time, the Prime Minister asked this question, so that the Air Force Marshal really didn't know how to answer.

The domestic economy is limited in size and scale, and the Prime Minister should know better than anyone else. Answering truthfully is the best choice, which is beneficial to everyone.

Andrew Humphrey: "The British Empire cruise missile project was only approved last year. It will take at least 90 years for it to be successfully developed and to form combat effectiveness. As for electronic jamming, we have purchased 4 electronic jammers from the United States, which can meet actual combat needs. ."

Hearing this, everyone, including Iron Lady, was disappointed for a while; is this the same empire that never sets the sun back then!

As a former hegemon, the most powerful country in the world; not even one. British weapons have always been the latest in the world, and many fields are industry benchmarks.

Now even electronic jammers cannot be produced, and they have to be purchased from Americans. What makes it even more incomprehensible is that the cruise missile project has just been approved. To know that people have formed a fighting force, it has achieved good results.

In order to develop the economy these years, the country has invested too little in the military. Without a strong national defense, no matter how good the economic development is, what is the use.

Iron Maiden seemed to have made a big decision. Yes, she said directly: "As for electronic interference, we should seek cooperation with Heiyun Group. Bao Zixuan is a smart person and should not refuse. As for cruise missiles, we will gather the best scientific research workers in the country. , must be successfully developed in the shortest possible time.

The Iron Maiden has given an order, and the people below must execute it. Heiyun Group and Bao Zixuan, as long as they still want to work in Hong Kong, the British defense cooperation project will definitely not refuse. As for the missiles belonging to the Soviets, the Iron Maiden would not dare to be presumptuous in front of polar bears, no matter how daring they are.

Cruise missiles have only just started in the UK, and China has not yet started. After all, the founding time of the country is too short, and the domestic industrial base is weak, and ballistic missiles can be developed, but it still depends on Qian Lao and a group of old scientific and technological workers to return to China. As for the technological accumulation of cruise missiles and electronic jamming, it can be said that there is almost no.

Zhao Haijun was called over for a meeting again, and the meaning was obvious. I hope he can contact Heiyun Group and Bao Zixuan to see if there is room for cooperation between the two sides in cruise missiles and electronic interference.

This makes Zhao Haijun very embarrassed. After all, Fucaira has proved with practical actions that the electronic interference equipment of Heiyun Group has superior performance. The missile was provided by the Soviets again, so could someone send one directly? Isn't that what a strong man can't do!

Even if Bao Zixuan agrees, the Soviets will not agree to other people's weapons and equipment, not for you to imitate. But even if the task is known to be difficult, it must be carried out resolutely. Huaxia's national defense and security are more important than anything else. I just hope that Bao Zixuan can help one or two by looking at his past relationship.

It's not just a few major powers that are paying attention, things are happening in the Middle East. Of course, other Arab countries will be more concerned; they all want to see what cards the Black Cloud Group and Bao Zixuan have yet to show.

See how precision-guided cruise missiles, combined with electronic jamming, can achieve such good results. Arab countries in the Middle East all want to buy some back; isn't this a weapon for small countries to defeat big ones!

It can be said that the war between Fujairah and Sharjah has awakened most countries in the world. It turns out that the war has entered a stage of full confidence. If you don't change it, you can only suffer from yourself.

Fucaira has proved with practical actions that the weapons developed and modified by the Black Cloud Group; the effect is absolutely fine, so there is nothing to worry about. Therefore, there have been many delegations coming to Fucaira for negotiation recently. Bao Zixuan had to keep declining to return to Xiangjiang time, and this was the result that Salad most wanted to see.