Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1138

Chapter 1138

The latest website: In addition to the president and the director of the CIA, there are two technical experts at the scene; we can't always gossip, and we must discuss some technical issues. At least we must know how far the opponent's technical strength has reached, compared with the United States. is not an advantage.

Reagan: "I didn't expect Bao Zixuan to think about going to the Middle East. It seems that he wants to leave a way for himself. Huaxia takes back Xiangjiang, and the British can't stop it. No one can guarantee what the future of Xiangjiang will be. If it does not harm the interests of the United States, let the British and Chinese people have a headache!"

It can be said that Reagan once again let the Heiyun Group and Bao Zixuan go. If the United States imposes sanctions on them, the consequences will definitely be unbearable. Now I think about Bao Zixuan's tossing in the Middle East in order to avoid the Xiangjiang issue; therefore, he is not pursuing further investigations.

The Soviet Union is the enemy, and the United States cannot be too deadlocked with China on the Hong Kong issue; that is not conducive to the national strategy and makes enemies everywhere, which cannot be done by a mature leader.

And from Reagan's point of view, when Bao Zixuan went to the Middle East, Britain and China were the most troublesome. After all, the main body of the Heiyun Group is in Hong Kong, which is now under the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom, and belongs to China in the future, and has nothing to do with the United States. As long as it is to ensure the taxation of the United States, let him go. It can be said that the benefits of paying more taxes are once again reflected.

Reagan glanced at CavBlayney and said, "Dr. Blaney, as the most well-known electronics expert in the United States. How does the electronic jamming used by Fuzaira compare to the strength of the United States."

"I wonder if the U.S. has a way to resist strong electronic interference from the enemy when war comes."

That's what the president should be concerned about, after all, national security is the top priority.

Before Kava Blaney came to the White House, he knew why President Reagan asked him to come. Although this is not in line with the rules, but who let people be the president, the rules are made by others! And being able to meet with the president is not a bad thing for the company.

CavBleini said very formally: "Because of the open nature of radio signal propagation. Receivers such as radar, communications, etc. receive useful signals as well as other signals, so they interfere with the desired signal. As an intentional In order to avoid electronic interference, in order to achieve the expected effect, that is, to effectively achieve interference, the interference signal must be well received and affected by the receiver. But usually all receivers are designed for the signal they want to receive, and also That is to say, the receiver has the best reception performance for the signal it wants to receive. Therefore, in order for the interfering signal to effectively affect the receiver, the interfering signal that propagates to the receiver should have the ability to affect the interfered receiving system. This is the basic condition for effective interference.

"Currently, electronic interference mainly includes frequency domain coverage, time domain coverage, airspace coverage, and energy domain coverage; as long as it is found that the enemy is using the kind of frequency interference, it can be cracked and countered according to the frequency band."

"Fujairah uses frequency domain coverage, and the frequency of wireless communication in Sharjah has been investigated before the war. Therefore, the opponent's wireless communication can be disabled in the first place. The United States has many communication channels, and the other party wants to implement electronic communication. Interference, the equipment required is very large. At least not smaller than the White House, the power consumption is even more terrible; and the life of electronic components will be very short."

"Therefore, it has no practical value at all, and when it is used, not only our communication will be affected, but the enemy will not be able to communicate."

"However, according to the current intelligence analysis, the electronic interference technology used by Fucaira is very advanced; at least it is not worse than the United States. It can be seen that the technical strength of the Black Cloud Group in the field of electronics is very strong, stronger than that of American companies."

"For this reason, I made a call to Professor Clay Freeman, a classmate who stayed in MIT's electronics department. After completing his undergraduate studies, Bao Zixuan studied for his graduate school; his grades were very good. And in recent years Many of the students who graduated from MIT Electronic Information have worked in the Black Cloud Group."

"With Bao Xuedi's dedication to new technologies, he will inevitably invest in the research and development field regardless of the cost. With so many talents joining in, the products developed will not be bad."

Hearing this, Reagan suddenly understood something. The strength of the Black Cloud Group in the field of electronic communication and electronic interference is absolutely no worse than that of the most advanced companies in the United States, or even stronger. It seems that attention should be paid to this aspect.

However, the United States has countermeasures, so there is no need to worry too much.

Electronic interference has been asked clearly, and Soviet missiles need to be clarified. To the uninitiated, missiles are a bigger threat.

Reagan said to Robert Allen again: "Dr. Allen, as the most well-known cruise missile expert in the United States; how is the accuracy of Soviet missiles compared to the United States."

"If the enemy attacks, how should it be cracked?"

Black Cloud engineers modified Soviet missiles to make them more accurate. Moreover, the land area of Sharjah is small, and the electronic map has long been drawn on the computer by engineers. At the time of modification, the map and building information have been input into the chip by engineers. Moreover, the information of each chip is unique, and even the attacked floors and bridges are very clear.

It makes the missile attack point very accurate, and the Americans admire it when they see it. General Dynamics, as a world-renowned company producing cruise missiles, certainly has staff in the Middle East. Therefore, I came to Sharjah for the first time to check the accuracy of the Soviet missile attack.

I don't know, I was shocked when I saw it. The bombing point of the missile attack is so accurate that it is beyond imagination, and even subverts the previous cognition. All the blasting points are the weak points of the buildings, which can be said to be the same as the places where the buildings are demolished manually and the explosives are buried. Could it be that the Soviet missiles are so accurate; this is technology that even the United States has not mastered.

Robert Allen: "The RK-55 cruise missile launched by the Fucaira army is a new type of strategic cruise missile with dual capabilities of anti-ship and strike strategic targets. It is mainly used to attack enemy airfields, underground command posts and Military port. Developed since 1978, carried out various launch tests from 1981 to 1982, and equipped the army in 1983.

"From the previous intelligence analysis, the RK-55 cruise missile does not have such accuracy. It may be the result of the modification of Heiyun engineers; they have made a detailed distinction between the bombing targets; and the input location of each missile chip is different, plus The distance between the two places is short, and the missile will definitely be more accurate."

"With the Soviet Union's technology on electronic chips and software strength, this can't be done at all. About this, I can guarantee that it must be a new modification by Heiyun engineers."

"If the enemy uses the same missile to attack the U.S. military, we can use the missile to intercept it. The cruise missile does not fly very fast. As long as the flight path can be measured with a large industrial computer, it can be intercepted in advance."

"Under the same conditions, the Tomahawk cruise missile can also do this. However, it requires the cooperation of software engineers. At present, General Dynamics is worse than the Heiyun Group in the software field. Bao Xuedi won the award as a figure, and he is in the Has deep knowledge in programming.

Reagan heard that both of them called Bao Zixuan a junior, and then he remembered that they both graduated from MIT. I don't know if it's America's tragedy or the success of education.

It seems that I really don't understand what these people are thinking. If they are enterprise managers, they will definitely say out loud that their own company's products are definitely better than Heiyun Group and Soviet missiles. However, these men of science and technology were so that made Reagan happy, but at the same time, he was a little worried.

However, this was a big publicity for MIT; Reagan then visited the world's first university of science and technology, and increased teaching and research funding.

President Reagan graduated from Eureka College, founded in 1855. It is one of the top liberal arts colleges in the United States. Eureka College is well-known in the United States for its long history, excellent teaching programs, and elite leadership education.

Eureka College is the third institution of higher learning in the United States and the first in Illinois to enroll men and women equally. Eureka School is ranked the 15th best value private college in the United States and the 26th best college in the Midwest.

One is the No. 1 university in the world, and the other is not in the top ten in the United States. Comparing the two, the two doctoral associations recognized Bao Zixuan more; as for the president, it was more superficial respect. A person who studies worse than you is always pointing fingers and giving orders in front of you; of course it will make people uncomfortable.

Now that you know the answer, things are a lot easier. After the two engineers left; Reagan explained some things to William - Joseph - Casey, so he did not pay attention.