Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1137

Chapter 1137

Latest website: Now that the agreement has been signed, Bao Zixuan has been out for too long. There is still a mother and wife at home, and it is not a problem to always be floating outside. At this time, the richest man in Bao was ready to return to Xiangjiang after arranging Fuchaila's work.

The war between Fujairah and Sharjah, albeit small. But the impact is very large, and even makes the war enter a new mode.

The United States is very powerful in the Middle East, especially among the various oil-producing countries. In addition, the Americans are definitely at the forefront of the world in the field of communication, but even so; when Fucaira released strong electronic interference, they could not send any signals.

William - Joseph - Casey was called to the White House again, the CIA director is also depressed enough. Such a big thing happened in the world, and there was no news in advance; this is a serious dereliction of duty as the director of the CIA.

At the same time, an authoritative expert on electronic jamming in the United States, Kava Blaney, the chief designer of Grumman's electronic jamming machine, that is, the EA6B electronic jamming machine, was also called to the White House.

The E6B "Prowler" is a carrier-based electronic warfare aircraft developed by Grumman Corporation of the United States. Its main task is to interfere with the enemy's radar and communication systems and protect the fleet's surface ships and other combat aircraft. The E6B Prowler electronic warfare aircraft was developed to meet the requirements of the U.S. Navy's electronic countermeasures **** aircraft, which can protect U.S. Navy ships and aircraft by disrupting enemy radar and communications during attack and surveillance missions. The second-place tasks include electronic surveillance, anti-ship missile defense, and ground and air radar operator electronic countermeasures training.

The E6B is the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps standard tactical electronic warfare aircraft, dating back to the EF-10 Air Knight in the early 1960s. The Air Knight was originally intended to replace the E6A Raider in the Marine Corps, with 27 produced for use in the Vietnam War.

This transitional EW aircraft is just a slight modification of the 6A, which directly gave birth to the "Prowler" in the late 1960s, which the Navy used to replace the EK3B "Air Warrior" on aircraft carriers.

Based on the 6, the forward fuselage of the E6B was lengthened to accommodate a four-person crew consisting of a pilot and three electronic warfare commanders. EW antennas are housed in bulbous fin-tip fairings, and radar jamming equipment is placed in pods under the wings. The EW missile equipment combines to form a tactical jamming system.

Although it has been in service since 1971, it has been continuously improved and replaced with the latest electronic components. The EA6B Prowler is definitely the most advanced electronic jammer in the world, and it doesn't have one. The Soviet Union may be able to beat the United States in other areas, but in electronic information and confrontation, it is definitely a far cry.

Experts in electronics have come, and there must be many missile experts left. General Dynamics missile expert Robert Allen, chief engineer of the BGM-109 Tomahawk cruise missile, was also invited.

The BGM-109 cruise missile, code-named Tomahawk; is a general-purpose multi-purpose cruise missile of the United States.

BGM-109 cruise missile is an all-weather subsonic cruise missile. Its characteristics include long range, low flight altitude, certain stealth ability, strong penetration ability and survivability, and good damage effect and strong versatility. Various platforms to launch; and small size, light weight, foldable wings and tail, flexible maneuverability, easy to transport and launch.

The BGM-109 cruise missile was launched in 1970 by the U.S. Naval Air Command and General Dynamics.

Fujairah was able to beat Sharjah, and so easily. The biggest contributors were electronic jamming and cruise missiles; Reagan wondered, in terms of electronic jamming. Has the technology displayed by the Black Cloud Group surpassed that of the United States? In the field of cruise missiles, is the Soviet Union already stronger than the United States? This is related to national security and strategic layout, and there is no room for sloppiness.

Reagan looked at the media reports and said to William Joseph Casey: "I don't want to see the news in the newspapers next time."

It is very obvious that the CIA could not report it immediately. On the contrary, it was only after the media reported that the president knew about him. So what's the use of the CIA, just send a few more reporters.

William - Joseph - Casey also knew that this time it was his dereliction of duty. Why is it always because of Heiyun Group and Bao Zixuan? Could this kid be his nemesis? But now the president is in a fit of rage and has to admit his mistake and speak his way.

As a subordinate, ability is one aspect, and loyalty is more important. The ability is super strong, and people without loyalty will never use it. That's a huge threat to the boss himself; of course, that's the secret to his position as director of the CIA.

In fact, you can't completely blame Joseph Casey. After all, the Fucaira army was advancing too fast. In one night, Sharjah directly announced its surrender. Before people can react, the agreement has been signed.

The CIA is very capable, and it is impossible to stop it. Moreover, the teacher is unknown, and hastily dried up the internal affairs of sovereign countries, and it is also untenable internationally.

But he still had to carry the pot, William Joseph Casey said helplessly: "The Black Cloud Group had purchased weapons and equipment from the Soviet Union before, but the speed of the Soviets' supply was really beyond imagination. They actually took the 36 on the Kiev aircraft carrier. Yak-36 fighter jets were sold directly to Bao Zixuan."

"The Soviets themselves did not produce much of this fighter jet. The consequences of doing so directly led to the loss of combat effectiveness of the Kiev aircraft carrier in the next six months. Moreover, the Soviet military also took the initiative to help the Black Cloud Group recruit retired pilots and mechanics; even pilots who are about to retire , were also recruited by the Black Cloud Group, and the Soviet military would let them go directly."

"Because of the sudden incident, the CIA did not find out until the Soviet weapons arrived in Fucaira."

"As for the war between Sharjah and Fucaira, it was because Bao Zixuan supported his lover to take over as chief. The status of women in the Middle East is very low. Sharjah, a country that has always had territorial disputes with Fucaira, feels like a Good opportunity. I want to annex Fucaira in one fell swoop. I didn't expect the opponent to be a hard bone. In the end, the tiger didn't hit him, but he also took himself in."

Hearing Bao Zixuan's lover, Reagan became interested. Bao Zixuan is still very clean, and he has never heard of any mistakes made between men and women. In the case of a general president, it may not be overly concerned. Whoever made Reagan come from Hollywood may have been very sensitive to these things.

Reagan: "Bao Zixuan's lover, is the news reliable? Isn't this kid just married? He also reported a lot of scandals before, and later found out that it was more deliberately hyped by the media and by the woman."

Does not care about Soviet weapons, does not care about the course of the war. Joseph Casey was speechless when he directly asked about his lover. But the president asks questions, and he has to give answers, which is also the responsibility.

William - Joseph - Casey: "There is no conclusive evidence yet, but it is basically certain. The two met when they were studying in the United States, and Sarah was studying philosophy at Boston College; she met through Sarah's roommate Miyuki Matsushita."

"Panasonic Miyuki is the granddaughter of Matsushita Konosuke, and is now the wife of Mitsui Toyohumi, the son of the president of the Mitsui Group. When Bao Zixuan came to the United States from Xiangjiang to study, he needed to transfer from Tokyo, Japan; Matsushita Miyuki happened to be studying at Boston College."

"The two sat next to each other because Panasonic Miyuki's English was not good; Bao Zixuan helped translate and sent the woman to the girls' dormitory at Boston College. After that, there were several exchanges at the electronics exhibition, and it should have become familiar at that time."

"I had specific contacts during the silver boom in 1980, and it was because of the introduction of salad; Bao Zixuan gradually got to know the members of the royal family in the Middle East, and made Heiyun Group successfully open and occupy the Middle East market."

"Two years ago, I went to the United Arab Emirates for inspection; I saw that Prince Derecht of Sharjah was going to forcibly marry Princess Sala of Fujairah. Derecht was younger than Sala's father, and Bao Zixuan happened to meet him. He just messed up the marriage. , and helped Fuzaira pay all the money owed to Sharjah."

"It was also at that time that another company under Bao Zixuan; Heung Kong Hutchison Whampoa & Co. started to build infrastructure such as docks in Fuchaira. This time, it helped Sala to become a chief; in the past several Arab countries, this kid A lot of commitment and hard work.

"If it weren't for the who would be willing to spend so much money to help. Although they have a good relationship with the Soviet Union, they gave me a penny for the purchase of arms, and even paid for expedited expenses."

"If the two have nothing to do with each other, Bao Zixuan can't be idle and do nothing to fight. He must have something to ask for. Besides, Salad is also a beautiful woman. Bao Zixuan is young and energetic, and it is normal to be attracted."

Hearing this, Reagan didn't say anything. He is also a man, and he may have tacitly agreed that things are true. On the other hand, the two experts in electronics and missiles next to him felt that this little boy had such a side; he was also a hero who was saddened by the beauty pass, not to mention that the other party was a princess in distress. This is a good fairy tale, the story of a prince and a princess. Although Bao Zixuan is not a prince, he is definitely stronger than any royal children in the world.

Cava Blaney and Robert Allen also have MIT backgrounds; as the most powerful polytechnic in the world, it is normal to meet in this situation.

If Bao Zixuan knew about it, he would definitely praise William Joseph Casey. He had forgotten some things himself, but he didn't expect the other party to know all of them, which showed the intelligence capabilities of the CIA and the importance it attached to him.