Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1136

Chapter 1136

The latest website: To say that Bao Zixuan is absolutely polite to Prince De Ligt, at least he did not abuse him. They even eat and drink and take care of them, because the physical injury is only a temporary solution; it can't solve the actual problem at all. And the abuse of members of the royal family, countries in the world with royal families, will have opinions.

Hong Kong or the British have the final say, and it is rumored that Bao Zixuan abused the prince-level characters. If the British don't talk about it, they will definitely feel bad in their hearts. This has nothing to do with the size of the country, it is more about the hearts of the power class.

And not only did he not abuse De Ligt, but even the captured soldiers in Sharjah were treated well, and the wounded were well treated.

Peng Yifei came to the room where De Ligt was being held and saw that he was having a meal served by two beauties. I thought that this old boy is really good enough, and he is still so interested at this time. I don't know if it's a good enough temperament, or a little complacent. If he really did not dare to do this, it seems that the superior civilians cultivated by the royal family since childhood really do not understand.

After De Ligt swallowed the thing, he said with a smile: "Bao Zixuan is also a character, at least he didn't abuse me in terms of food. But is the current UAE still an Arab world! A Chinese actually came to interrogate me, this prince, What conditions can be put forward; I think Bao Zixuan should not kill me, and at the same time dare not kill me."

Hearing this, Peng Yifei had some admiration for this old guy, so he smiled and said, "Your Excellency, don't feel good about yourself, it's just that your body was not found on the battlefield."

"The media can also report that Prince Derecht, the commander of the Sharjah army; he would rather die than surrender after being surrounded, and was killed after personally killing two of our soldiers. For the bravery of Prince Derecht, Fuzai Ra expresses his admiration; he is worthy of appreciation for the spirit of His Excellency the Prince who would rather die than surrender."

"How do you feel about this report? It not only saves your face, but also leaves the world speechless. Even your chief elder brother will be grateful to Fucaira, and it can be regarded as helping him solve a lot of trouble."

Hearing this, De Ligt panicked. If it is reported like this, then Casimi will definitely not say anything, let alone question. Even a state funeral will be held for him, but he will definitely die. And Fucaira doesn't have to take any responsibility. After all, you are portrayed so bravely, and dying in battle is the best destination for soldiers.

De Ligt: "I know that Mr. Bao is kind-hearted and should not do this. You can mention any conditions. As long as you can do it, you will definitely do your best to cooperate."

Peng Yifei was a little disappointed, it seemed that this old boy was so capable.

But he didn't speak, but looked at the two women next to him. De Ligt seemed to understand what he meant, and said directly: "If you like it, you can do whatever you want."

Hearing this, the two women next to him were very disappointed, and at the same time, they were a little scared in their hearts.

Peng Yifei said with a smile, "It would be great if His Royal Highness had such a realization."

"I'm not interested in what others have left. You can pay to redeem yourself, and you can decide the price. But we must be satisfied. I believe in the life of His Royal Highness, the price should not be low."

Throwing the problem to himself, De Ligt of course understood what the other party meant. But it is good to be able to go back. In the future, whoever wants to lead the army will go to lead the army, and he will not do this work anymore. The development of the war is beyond expectations, and it has even subverted cognition. Suddenly, the troops could not be contacted, and even the radio signals of the entire Sharjah were blocked.

Fighting against such an enemy, I don't know how I thought at that time. When he goes back, he is still a member of the royal family; beauty and food are his pursuits, and the rights should be given to others!

De Ligt thought for a moment and said: "I am willing to pay 30 million US dollars, plus a 2% stake in Sharjah Oilfield. I don't know if this price is satisfactory to Mr.

Hearing this, Peng Yifei thought to himself that the old guy's offer was similar to what the boss expected. It seems that he is also a smart person who knows the depths.

Peng Yifei said with a smile: "Since His Royal Highness is so good, then do as you say!"

So he said to the person below: "How can His Royal Highness eat this kind of food; when you send the steak by air, you must make His Royal Highness feel that it is worth the money."

2% stake in Sharjah Oilfield, almost $50 million. People are willing to spend so much money, they must give something good to eat.

As for the Sharjah soldiers, I feel that Fucaira is really good. The food is very good every day, at least a lot better than the domestic one. Before the war, the Black Cloud Group had hoarded a lot of materials, and to be precise, it was ready for a protracted war. I just didn't expect the war to end so quickly, and the Sharjah troops would fight so hard.

In fact, the better food for Sharjah soldiers is not because Bao Zixuan is kind-hearted, but to prepare for the future. Let the soldiers in Sharjah know that if Fuchaila comes over, they will be treated better. Occupation requires a process, and must slowly disintegrate the enemy's fighting spirit and will.

Early the next morning, in a hotel in the Keleba enclave. Sharjah negotiator Muhammad has negotiated with Sheikh Salah of Fujairah.

In fact, there was no need for Sala to appear in person, but Bao Zixuan knew that this was a good opportunity to exercise. Experience international politics for yourself, if the chief of a country can't handle the surrounding countries. So it will be very difficult or even impossible for Fucaira to gain a firm foothold internationally in the future.

Sarah knew the man's good intentions, so he did not object. Moreover, Bao Zixuan will also guide behind him, and he will convey his meaning to the salad through the earphone.

Muhammad didn't wait too long, the war has been won, and there is no need to give the other side anything.

After Sarah approached the venue, Mohammed stood up to say hello to the other party. Saying hello to a Fucaira woman was something I had never thought of before. If you fall behind, you will be beaten, and you must adapt to this situation in the future.

Mohammed first said: "Heavenly Qasimi apologizes for the army's attack on Fuzaira. But things have happened, and Sharjah is willing to bear the losses caused to Fuzaira."

"The Sheikh Salah can make any demands, and the Sharjah side is willing to do its best to compensate. But please also look at the relationship between the neighbors and the members of the UAE Alliance, you can put a yard in Sharjah; in the future, Sharjah can It will surely follow the lead of Fuca Ilama.

At this time, his posture must be lowered. As a defeated person, if he is tough with others, he may die without knowing how to die.

Sala said calmly: "Since Chief Qasimi has realized the mistake and belongs to the same Arab brother country. Fucaira can't be too much, and compensation is enough; it is enough to re-draw the boundaries according to the current occupied areas."

"If Sharjah agrees, the captured soldiers will be released later, as well as Prince De Ligt. If not, then Fujairah's army can attack at any time."

Fujairah occupies nearly 3 floors of land in Sharjah. If it is so divided, the chief will definitely not agree. And the people of Sharjah will not agree, he will have no chance of turning over, and even affect the entire family.

Mohammed: "Head Salah is joking. In order to show his sincerity, Sharjah is willing to plan the Keleba enclave to Fuchaila. At the same time, he is willing to compensate your country for all losses. I hope the Sheikh can raise your hand, and there will be no end to it. ."

Asking prices all over the sky, sitting on the ground to pay back. Salad also knew that the request just now was too much, and the condition mentioned was just a test.

Finally, after negotiation, the two sides reached an agreement, later referred to as the Fusha Agreement.

The agreement stipulates: 1; The Keleba enclave will always belong to and will have nothing to do with Sharjah in the future. As for the Sharjahs who do not want to stay, Fujairah will repatriate them. At the same time, all implementations inside the enclave belong to Fujairah, and Sharjah officials must evacuate unconditionally.

2. Sharjah compensated Fucaira for economic losses and military expenses totaling 400 million US dollars, and the insufficient funds were supplemented by an oil field near Fucaira.

3. Sharjah cannot have more than 3,000 active-duty soldiers. The purchase of weapons and equipment must be notified to Fucaira in advance, and the latter can only be implemented after obtaining the approval of the latter. At the same time, the weapons purchased in the UK this time must also be placed under the custody of Fucaira; they can only be released after meeting the conditions.

There are also some other aspects of the agreement, but compared to these three, it is not so important. So far, the war between Fuzaira and Sharjah has ended, and it ended with a comprehensive victory in Fuzairah.

It is precisely because of the signing of the Fusa Agreement that Fucaira has gradually risen. In the future, it has even developed into one of the most developed and powerful countries in the Middle East and even the world.

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