Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1135

Chapter 1135

Tossed for a night, but fortunately the result was very favorable for Fucaira. Sarah's first battle as chief can definitely deter the surrounding countries that are just about to move. They are all smart people. For a period of time in the future, if they don't want to die, they will definitely not easily trouble Fucaira.

Leaving the necessary staff on duty, Bao Zixuan took the salad back to rest. We will negotiate with Sharjah tomorrow. Although we will not participate, we still have to make arrangements. And his appetite is not large; financial compensation is really a bit unsightly, and the land is his favorite.

When Muhammad returned home, he was relieved to see his wife and children all hidden in the basement. As a member of the royal family serving in the military, I know how to protect myself better than others. The basement of the home does not say that it can prevent nuclear bombs, but there is no problem with resisting ordinary bombs.

In fact, when I came back, I also meant to explain the funeral. At this time, I went to Fucaira to negotiate. Whether successful or not, it will be used as a scapegoat. He has no way to compete for the position of the chief, and it is already doomed to escape from the front line. There may be some hope for future generations, but not now. For a period of time in the future, you must be patient, even if you are punished, you must face it with optimism. Perhaps for the sake of the previous king, his dead father, the family can continue to enjoy royal treatment. But don't fight for power with others, or you may lose even that incense love.

When the wife saw her husband coming back, she finally let go of her dangling heart. Sharjah itself was bombed so badly, not to mention the front lines. No one would have thought that Fucaira would have such strength, but what is the use of knowing it now.

Mohammed's wife said excitedly: "It's good to be back, otherwise you will let us orphans and widows live. The whole family is counting on you, and it's good now."

Seeing his wife's sincere eyes, Mohammed was very moved. Unlike other members of the royal family, he has only one wife, which is an alternative. It makes the relationship between husband and wife very harmonious, and there is no confusion between jealous people; they are very rich. Under normal circumstances, the relationship between husband and wife is not bad.

Mohammed: "Sharjah has been defeated, and it has been defeated very thoroughly. There is definitely no chance to turn around in a short time, and the rise of Fuqaira is unstoppable."

"The chief asked me to negotiate with Fucaira, it was a chore; a scapegoat to be exact. But from the moment I came back from the front line, my fate was already doomed. The chief certainly won't let me go, lost the battle. Someone needs to come forward. In order to quell the public anger, this person also has to be a member of the royal family."

"Chief Qasimi will definitely not take the initiative to take responsibility. Although the matter started because of De Ligt, the old guy has been captured, and it is definitely not suitable to be a scapegoat. Even I myself think that I am the most suitable candidate. "

"Negotiate as a loser, and the results will be better there."

"I just don't worry about you when I go home. If I have a problem. Even if I go to prison, don't find someone to do activities; so as not to implicate you. At the same time, you must protect your children. You can walk around with your father-in-law more. Let him help raise the children, maybe I can no longer educate the children myself."

The weakness of Middle Eastern women at this time is revealed. After all, everything was respected by her husband before, and she had no personal opinion. But fortunately, getting married, especially the right wife, pays attention to the right match. Muhammad's wife is the daughter of the chief of the Omguwen Emirate; although the country is small, there is still a helping hand.

Although there is no assertiveness, but no matter how you say it, you grew up in the royal family. Although the country is small, it is also a princess. I have seen many plots similar to the struggle for power and profit. Although I don't know how to solve it, I understand a little bit; silence may be the greatest help to my husband and family.

It was not until noon that Bao Zixuan woke up from his sleep. The nerves have been a little tight recently, and now the war is over. In a short period of time, no country dares to take action against Fucaira, and it only needs to develop well in the future. It can be regarded as the most important problem to be solved, and the survival channel of the Black Cloud Group has been completely opened.

Seeing the salad in his arms, Mr. Bao felt that it was all very dreamy. Now not only does the princess fall in love with him, but also has a country that can decide the power of life and death.

Sara saw that the man was awake, and deliberately drilled into the other's arms, for fear that the man in front of him would run away. The family and Sharjah have been fighting against each other for hundreds of years, and they have lost more and won less before. But this man only took one day to beat Sharjah obediently. Not only did he capture the enemy coach, but also made the chief of Sharjah publicly announce his surrender.

Bao Zixuan: "I've been tired recently! You are very nervous when you sleep, so don't worry. I have everything, and some things must be undertaken by men. However, my status is not suitable at present. Chief, there is no one to manage the Heiyun Group's mess."

"And if you change your identity, there will be many restrictions on doing things. You have to quell the doubts of the international community, so this chief can only be you. But don't worry, give me some time; I must build this place into the most beautiful and happy index in the world. highest country."

Salad is not an idiot. Of course, he knows that it is impossible for Bao Zixuan to take over as the chief; and it is impossible for him to stay in Fucaira for a long time. Xiangjiang not only has a business, but also a family. It's good to be able to explain it now, and Fucaira is their family's domain. In fact, Bao Zixuan is already her husband, but from his heart, he will recognize that his future son can take over the position of chief!

After the rich man Bao finished speaking, he felt that he was a bit like Duan Zhengchun, the king of Dali Town in the book "The Eight Parts of Tianlong" by Mr. Jin Yong. It's obviously deceiving women, but I really can't find a better way.

Salad did not speak, but showed everything with practical actions. Taking the initiative to kiss Bao Zixuan, the purpose is self-evident. How can a man bear it, the next thing can be described as a matter of course.

It was not until the evening that Bao Zixuan brought salad to the headquarters. At this time, all the staff were already in place, and after seeing the arrival of the boss; except for Dimitorov to report, everyone else performed their duties.

Bao Zixuan is very satisfied with this point, no matter what job he does, he must be serious and responsible and cannot be influenced by the outside world. Maybe he knew his character, so he might do this.

Dimitorov: "Boss, we sacrificed 12 people and injured 28 people in this battle. Although some people were lost, the results were very gratifying."

"As for Sharjah, 1,204 people were directly killed; 489 people escaped; 3,120 people were captured, including 1,480 wounded soldiers."

Bao Zixuan felt a little sad about sacrificing 12 people; but it was much better than when he just started a business. How can there be no dead in war, if one is entangled, it will only increase the troubles. It will even reduce judgment. Everyone has a day. As long as they take good care of their family members, I believe they can comfort the spirit of heaven.

Bao Zixuan: "Bury the soldiers who died in and at the same time give care to their families. Follow the plan formulated before, and it must be implemented in place. You are responsible for this matter, Zhang Zhan, after all, you brought the people here. Yes. Don't let the brothers chill, at least when it comes to money, don't be stingy."

"As for the injured soldiers, if they are seriously injured, they can retire directly. The company is responsible for their retirement, and they should be more concerned about their lives."

Zhang Zhan immediately said that there was no problem, and the others were fine. At least he's used to seeing life and death on the battlefield, so his heart doesn't fluctuate much. Moreover, the Black Cloud Group gave compensation and pensions to the soldiers who died and were injured. It is definitely the number one existence in the world, even a lot higher than that of the Americans.

Bao Zixuan: "Didn't De Ligt catch him! Interrogate him well, and let this kid spend money to redeem himself."

Hearing that several people here laughed, Peng Yifei said: "Boss, our Prince De Ligt is not only one person, but also has two women with him. This is definitely the most special army coach I have ever seen. Armored The command car actually took a woman to attack, and there were two."

"Do you want more? After all, the cost of food for three people is much higher than that for one person."

It seems that they have been with Bao Zixuan for a long time, which has also added some humor to them.

De Ligt belongs to the royal family after all, and cannot be killed even if caught. That would easily arouse the resentment of neighboring countries, and it would be more practical to get some money. I just didn't expect the old guy to be so unreliable, it's really a dog can't change it.

Bao Zixuan: "You can do it! The old guy's property status has been investigated clearly. This time he wants half of his property, not too much; otherwise, how can he be able to fight against the Sharjah chief!"

Hearing this, several people all leaked admiration. The boss has been thinking about it for a long time, and now he has begun to plan for Sharjah.