Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 555

Chapter 555

Chapter 555 I can't bear you

Shen Zhenglan Jin Guoyan looked at the excited workers below, feeling a little bitter in his heart.

Although he got his wish to become the director of the Daxing Glass Factory today, he looked at the workers doing this for Jiang Xiaobai.

While he felt uncomfortable, he was also full of envy. I wonder if the workers will do it for themselves, as they are now.

Even if he was upset in his heart, he would not stare at himself fiercely, like a wolf.

"You just can't see us live a good life. Some time ago, it was the investigative team. Now it is you. What are all this stuff?"

"That is, Daxing Glass Factory belongs to all our workers in Daxing..."

The workers scolded one after another, and the leaders of several personnel departments were flushed and wanted to scold them, but they did not dare to speak.

It's useless to speak. It is estimated that the sound is drowned out.

Furthermore, a few mouths can't be more than a few hundred mouths.

But they can be leaders, they still have some wisdom, and in the end they can only turn their eyes on Jiang Xiaobai for help.

"Comrade workers." Jiang Xiaobai stood up and said, his voice was also drowned out.

It's just that as Jiang Xiaobai got up, everyone slowly became quiet.

"Sit down, sit down." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Manager Jiang, we can just stand." A worker said.

"Manager Jiang, we are standing and listening to you,"

"Yes, Director Jiang, we are standing." Everyone said.

"Well, this appointment and dismissal, there are organizational considerations, and I agree, and the manager who takes over is the director of the factory gold, and everyone knows that the director of the factory has been working for decades.

Whether it is character or work ability, it is obvious to all. After I leave, the factory director will lead everyone to continue reforms, and lead everyone to make our Daxing Glass Factory bigger and stronger. Our Daxing Glass Factory cannot fall down. I believe that our Daxing Glass Factory will one day become the leader of the national glass industry. "

Jiang Xiaobai said a few words, and everyone's emotions agitated again.

Jin Guoyan also took the opportunity to stand up. He didn't know if Jiang Xiaobai said these words unintentionally, or he slapped himself deliberately so that he could fulfill his promise and lead Daxing to follow the path he had set at the beginning, and don't go crooked.

But no matter what kind of situation, in this case, you need to stand up and make a statement.

"Comrades, rest assured, I will follow the development strategy of Daxing Glass Factory set by Director Jiang and lead everyone to continue to work hard to achieve the goal set by Director Jiang as soon as possible..."

Jiang Xiaobai spoke, Jin Guoyan expressed his opinion, and the workers' emotions finally eased.

Of course, the leaders of the personnel department didn't dare to wait any longer, and took advantage of the opportunity to sneak away.

This is the first time I have encountered this situation and I was almost surrounded. Is this still doing personnel work? This is obviously doing mass work, OK?

Jiang Xiaobai also got up and walked toward the outside of the meeting room.

"Manager Jiang, we can't bear you!"

"Manager Jiang, we can't bear you!"

"Director Jiang..." Everyone said one after another.

The director of the Daxing Glass Factory may have been the director of the Daxing Glass Factory for the shortest time, but Jiang Xiaobai has brought the greatest changes to the Daxing Glass Factory during his tenure.

The reform of the factory system, the reform of the wage system, the reform of the Jin province system...

The income of workers has increased, and their lives have been better.

In fact, the workers are the simplest and most down-to-earth. Whoever can let them live a good life will naturally turn to whom in their hearts!

Who is sincere for them, they naturally see clearly.

The director of Jiang Xiaobai is not without shortcomings, and Jiang Xiaobai is not the kind of director who shares the joys and sorrows with the workers.

I drive a car to and from get off work every day, but that's what they can do. They really brought changes to Daxing Glass Factory and made Daxing better.

Although Jiang Xiaobai was no longer the factory director when he announced the appointment, Jin Guoyan and others still followed Jiang Xiaobai honestly.

Out of the auditorium, Jiang Xiaobai let Jin Guoyan, Du Yonghong and others leave.

However, Jin Guoyan and others resolutely refused, and followed Jiang Xiaobai to the office.

While Jiang Xiaobai was packing things, the workers also gathered in the corridor at the door of Jiang Xiaobai's office.

Jiang Xiaobai is both gratified and gratified. After all, he did not waste his efforts for Daxing Glass Factory in vain.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't have much in the office, so he took out a thick book and handed it to Jin Guoyan.

"Lao Jin, this is my future plan for the development of some Daxing glass factories. If you have time, you can take a look at it. If the content inside is helpful to you and Daxing, you can use it. If it is not useful, you can use it. Throwing it into a glass furnace to ignite is my last effort for the Daxing Glass Factory."

Jiang Xiaobai said, Jin Guoyan took it over with a cold sweat.

It's so loyal that I don't show enough, Jiang Xiaobai said, what can I say.

"Mr. Jiang, what are you talking about? The plan you wrote is the future development direction of Daxing Glass Factory. Today, I will express my attitude in the presence of Directors Xu, Du, and Shen. The future of Daxing Glass Factory If there is a slight difference between the development of the company and your plan, the manager of me will not do it."

Jin Guoyan wiped the sweat on his forehead and spoke.

"Well, factory manager Jin should not be so serious. I will leave this car and let it be used in the factory."

Jiang Xiaobai threw the car key on the table.

"Farewell, the factory manager, the car in the factory is your car," Jin Guoyan said first.

"Yes, Director Jiang, this car was originally brought by you. You use it, and there is no shortage of cars in the factory manager."

"Director Jiang..." Others also spoke.

"Really no need, stay in the factory." Jiang Xiaobai shook his head.

"Don't, Manager Jiang, this is your car. No one will drive it in the factory."

Jin Guoyan Road.

"No, I really don't want it anymore. I want to stay in the factory." Jiang Xiaobai said dumbfoundedly.

You think Lao Tzu makes you loyal,

Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai really wanted to stay, Jin Guoyan took the car key.

However, he said repeatedly that as long as Jiang Xiaobai has something to do, he will be the driver with a call.

(End of this chapter)