Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 556

Chapter 556

Chapter 556

Jiang Xiaobai walked out carrying things.

"Manager Jiang."

"Manager Jiang." The workers outside the office took the initiative to give Jiang Xiaobai a way, and everyone retreated to both sides.

Jiang Xiaobai passed through it, and then the workers behind gathered up, following Jiang Xiaobai and continued to walk forward.

The workers kept yelling the three words "Manager Jiang", and Jiang Xiaobai also nodded shortly.

It's not a long distance from Jiang Xiaobai's office to the gate of the factory, but everyone feels as if there have been four seasons.

The guard at the factory listened to a bicycle. Jiang Xiaobai rode over yesterday and prepared it for today.

The bag hung on the handlebar, Jiang Xiaobai turned around and waved his hand, then stepped on the bicycle and drove out of the gate.

"Manager Jiang."

"Manager Jiang, you will always be our factory manager."

"Manager Jiang, you will always be our factory manager."

The workers shouted, they just saw a little light, and now they don't know what the future will be like.

"Ting bell." The crisp bicycle bell rang, and Jiang Xiaobai's back turned around the corner of the street and disappeared.

Then appeared in the classroom of Beijing Normal University, and everyone was accustomed to Jiang Xiaobai's appearance.

It's just that after Jiang Xiaobai stayed at Beijing Normal University for a few days, he was called back to Jianhua Village by a phone call.

Because the investigation team is here again, but this time the investigation team is very polite,

After inquiring about the conditions in several factories, I stayed for another half month and left.

Wait until the middle of May to issue a rectification notice.

Generally speaking, feed mills and pig farms cannot expand the market and can only buy them in Zhangxuan County.

After having a meal with Zheng Qingyun, Jiang Xiaobai felt confident.

In addition to a restriction on canned educated youth, temporarily shrinking the market, the main sales scope is in the province.

Except for abandoning the markets outside the province, everything else remains the same.

However, other factories will not reach out to the outside world.

In early June, when the weather in the capital was already hot, Jiang Xiaobai returned to the capital.

greeted the principal, eliminated the leave, and started to attend the school honestly with peace of mind.

Jiang Xiaobai who returned to school, Zhao Xinyi got the news right away.

In the small restaurant outside the school, two of them sat down, and one of them was holding a bottle of Arctic soda in his hand.

"Why are you back?"

"The factory manager was beaten up, and he went back to school for class. Besides, I'm a college student. It's not normal to go back to school."

"This is stunned, I also saw it in the newspaper, now..." Zhao Xinyi paused for a while, then said.

"Don't be sad, it would be nice to go back to school."

Zhao Xinyi said, Jiang Xiaobai rolled his eyes, and the corner of the girl's eyes was smiling. This is schadenfreude.

"Are you sincere in comfort?"

"Yes, I am sad for you too." Zhao Xinyi said with a pouting mouth, but the smile in the corner of her eyes betrayed her.

Jiang Xiaobai returned to school, and he was able to see him every day, of course he was happy.

"Let's go, class will be in a while." Jiang Xiaobai didn't say anything bad, got up and walked out holding the soda.

"Oh." Zhao Xinyi said nothing, but followed Jiang Xiaobai with a smile.

Jiang Xiaobai returned to campus life, of course the buddies in the dormitory were happy.

It's just that Jiang Xiaobai, who returned to life in the dormitory, keenly discovered that the atmosphere in the dormitory was a bit wrong.

Boss Liu Houdao, the fourth child Zhao Pu, and the second child Wang Gang, the relationship between the three is better.

The fourth-year-old baby has a better relationship with the fifth-year-old Liu Xiaogang.

Moreover, the two gangs were a little awkward. If it weren't for the boss Liu Houdao to persuade them, both gangs could fight.

The atmosphere is a bit nervous, Jiang Xiaobai said in his heart.

"Well, I just came back, I invite everyone to have a meal in the evening." Jiang Xiaobai said.


"The sixth person must go to treat the guests." Several people agreed.

Although the two groups are awkward, but Jiang Xiaobai speaks, everyone still has to show face.

Liu Houdao and others think that although Jiang Xiaobai is rich, but not Liu Xiaogang, Qian Baobao's attitude of despising others.

And Liu Xiaogang, Qian Baobao thinks that Jiang Xiaobai is rich, and he is also the head of the student union, so he can befriend Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the two people, and didn't know why. When the school first started, Jiang Xiaobai remembered that Liu Xiaogang in the dormitory was a little uncomfortable.

Everyone else is pretty good, why is it so now?

A group of people sat down in a small restaurant outside the school.

There is no menu in the small restaurant, of course there is something to eat.

A group of people ate, and after eating two bottles of Erguotou.

Everyone also let go.

"I invite you all to eat roast duck in Quanjude the other day. You have never been to Quanjude. This duck from Quanjude is..."

Liu Xiaogang said with a wine glass.

"Fifth, do you know what I dislike you the most?" The second Wang Gang suddenly said.

Liu Xiaogang's eyes also narrowed.

"I just look down on you for having two comparisons, so I think I'm so awkward. I look down on this and look down on that every day. What are you more than you?"

Wang Gang is from the Northeast, and his speech is really fierce.

Jiang Xiaobai was a little speechless. At first, he thought the atmosphere of the dormitory was a little strange, so he invited everyone to have a meal.

Have a drink, everyone is happy, deepen the feelings.

Unexpectedly, something happened after drinking.

"You look down on me, and I still look down on you, I'm a stupid and big man, and I always take care of my business. Who do you think you are, second fool."

Liu Xiaogang said not to be outdone.

As soon as Wang took the wine bottle on the table, he was about to do it.

Jiang Xiaobai quickly got up and stopped.

"Don't do it, everyone has something to say, they are all brothers in the same dormitory..." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"It's not the sixth child, I don't give you face, this Biyang's, it's too awkward..." Wang Gang did not forcefully break free from Jiang Xiaobai, and said.

"I give face, Jiang Xiaobai, let him go, I will see him move me to try..."

"Try it, try..."

"Don't say a few words." Jiang Xiaobai was about to lose control as he watched the scene, and Baby Qian was already standing next to Liu Xiaogang.

Zhao Pu beside also got up.

"Fuck off, who are you?" Liu Xiaogang came directly at Jiang Xiaobai.

"Being a student council minister thought I was an official. I'm pooh."

Jiang Xiaobai has been scolded, this kid has never been beaten by the society, I have provoke you, you scold me.

Jiang Xiaobai slowly let go of his hand, and Wang Gang rushed up with the wine bottle.

The young man was very angry. Without Jiang Xiaobai, he stopped in the middle, and several people drank again.

It is Liu Houdao, who is usually able to suppress the situation, and rushed up with the bench.

(End of this chapter)