Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 554

Chapter 554

Chapter 554

Du Yonghong worked in the workshop for 22 years. He joined the factory at the age of 18. He was a porter at first, and then he went to the workshop director step by step.

Having worked in the position of workshop director for ten years, I am 40 years old this year.

Ten years. There are several decades in life. If you can't go up again, you may not be able to go up. Even if you go up, the deputy technical director retires.

Shen Zhenglan is also 43 years old this year, and she has been an office director for many years. Although she is a woman, she is also very ambitious and belongs to the scope of a strong woman.

Otherwise, she would not be the director of the office.

Now there is an opportunity for promotion before her, and of course she is also very eager.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, "You two don't need to be nervous. Although there is only one deputy director, who said that Daxing Glass Factory can only have two deputy directors. Why can't there be three? I will report both of you. ,

I will try to make you all go further. "

"Thank you, Director Jiang, thank you, Director Jiang." Du Yonghong and Shen Zhenglan thanked each other.

"There are other personnel issues. Old man Liu has dedicated his life to Daxing Glass Factory, and he has excellent skills. You can mention a deputy workshop director. What do you think?"



"Agree..." Several people agreed.

"Xue Fangling's work ability is also good. Last year, the staff who received Luobo's missions were also very good. I think they can be promoted to the deputy director of the office." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Xue Fangling played with herself somehow, and now she is leaving. Of course, she should try her best to arrange what can be arranged.

If you are not a saint, you can't be selfless.


"Agree..." Everyone said again. Everyone knew that this was the last time Jiang Xiaobai had arranged a personnel issue before he left, and no one opposed it.

Of course, Jiang Xiaobai had arranged personnel issues before, and that was also a word.

After talking about Xue Fangling, Jiang Xiaobai arranged a few more capable workers, but for some reason they kept stomping around. There was no one to go up, and the meeting would be over.

Except for Xue Fangling alone, Jiang Xiaobai really has no selfish intentions.

"I'm leaving."

"Gone?" Xue Fangling was obviously taken aback and asked: "Where?"

"I didn't become the factory director, as a condition for the investigation team to take care of it this time." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"How could this be, this is too much..." Xue Fangling said angrily.

"Okay, the matter has been settled, and the order will be issued in two days. I recommend Jin Guoyan as the director of the factory."

Jiang Xiaobai said.

"This..." Xue Fangling didn't know what to say, but hugged Jiang Xiaobai tightly.

Regardless of her identity as a private person or as a factory manager, she was reluctant to leave Jiang Xiaobai.

"Where will you go after you leave?" Xue Fangling asked softly.

"Go back to school," Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Is the one shot to the end?" Xue Fangling asked.

"Not really, because I have never been there, and being the director of Daxing is also because of reforms," Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and said.

He really does not miss the position of the factory director, because he can't be the factory director of his own factory.

He was just uncomfortable being kicked away.

"By the way, your promotion as deputy director of the office was approved in the meeting today, and the appointment will be issued tomorrow."

"I... be the head of the office." Xue Fangling suddenly sat up from the bed.

"Yes, don't you want to?" Jiang Xiaobai asked with a smile.

"Of course I thought, who wouldn't want to be promoted, but can I be the one?" Xue Fangling asked hesitantly.

"No one was born to be an official. Take your time. If you don't understand, just ask Shen Zhenglan." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"If it doesn't work, just call me."

"Okay, but you probably will have opinions. After all, I just became the deputy director not long after I became a regular employee."

"Yes, opinions, of course there will be opinions. This road is originally a pyramid. The higher you go, the fewer people will be. When you become someone else, you won't be able to become one. There will still be people who are unwilling to be deputy director.

Because you are, others won't be able to be. There will certainly be irresponsible remarks, but as long as you have time to adapt, it will be fine. "

Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Hmm." Xue Fangling snorted.

Three scores were scored that night, and the personnel change order from Xue Fangling and others was issued the next morning.

On the morning of the third day, the first general meeting of all employees of Daxing Glass Factory in 1981 was held in the auditorium.

A person from above announced that Jiang Xiaobai was removed from the position of director of Daxing Glass Factory, with Jin Guoyan as the acting director, and Shen Zhenglan and Du Yonghong as deputy directors.

As soon as the visitor announced the order, the pan was fryed in the auditorium.

The people below talked a lot, but the few people in the personnel department didn't care too much.

As for personnel changes, it is always the focus of discussion, and it is normal to be noisy.

"Leader, let me ask, why is Plant Manager Jiang not the plant manager?" A young worker stood up and asked directly.

The leader of the Personnel Department was taken aback. Generally speaking, after the appointment was announced, the people below would be very knowledgeable about current affairs and would not ask such a lack of political skills.

Especially the newly appointed factory director is also on the stage, you ask what this means, the new factory director is not welcome to take office, you boy will not be mixed up in the future.

However, despite the accident, the leadership of the Personnel Department did not panic. This is still happening occasionally in this era.

In some factory directors with a particularly high prestige, everyone is not afraid to offend the newly appointed leader.

"This is after research and discussion in the organization, and it is believed that Comrade Jiang Xiaobai is no longer suitable to be the director of the Daxing Glass Factory."

The leader of the Personnel Department still looked at Jiang Xiaobai as young and had no room for maneuver.

This time, the workers below are not happy.

"What? Director Jiang is not suitable, why is Director Jiang not suitable? Why not let Director Jiang be the director?" Another older worker stood up.

"Yes, why not let Manager Jiang be the manager of Daxing?"

"Why not let Manager Jiang be the manager of Daxing?"

"Why not let Manager Jiang be the manager of Daxing?"

One, two, three, slowly everyone in the auditorium stood up.

The same words were heard louder than once, and the smile on the face of the leader of the Personnel Department slowly solidified.

The workers in the auditorium glared at the leaders of the personnel office on the stage, as if they did not give a statement, they would rush to tear them to pieces in the next second.

(End of this chapter)