Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 334

Chapter 334

Chapter 334 Decoration

Jiang Xiaobai, who was shaking on the bus, of course did not know the conversation between the father and daughter of the Li family.

He is thinking about the decoration. Jiang Xiaobai clothing brand can only rely on the flagship store if it wants to successfully open the situation in the capital.

It is not possible to report a costume show like Pierre Cardin, people are crooked nuts, that is privileged.

is a diplomatic incident, and people in the cultural department dare not disagree.

But I don't have this privilege, I can only open the situation step by step.

If the flagship store wants to open up the situation, it must be refreshing, and there are only two aspects that are refreshing.

One is the decoration of the store, which must make people feel high-end and high-end, so that people know the value of the money as soon as they enter the store.

The other is clothes. After all, the products bought by clothing stores are not concepts.

As for propaganda, Jiang Xiaobai has a lot of tricks, but he has no choice but to dare not use it at all.

You don't see me, the fool Guazi only engaged in a prize sale and was stopped.

While I am in the capital, if I dare to mess around, I might have to be invited to have tea within a few days.

When Jiang Xiaobai returned to the guest house, he found that Liu Jian and Zhang Weiyi were not asleep yet, waiting for themselves.

"Director, the production equipment is done. We will return to Jianhua Village tomorrow."

Liu Jian looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said.

"Okay, go back, build the feed factory, and work hard,"

Jiang Xiaobai told the two of them.

"If there is anything that can't be solved, please call me anytime."

"Okay, don't worry, factory manager." Liu Jian nodded.

"Don't worry." Zhang Weiyi's voice is also very firm. He is determined to exercise in Jianhua Village.

"Did you completely resign over there?" Jiang Xiaobai asked Zhang Weiyi again.

"No, temporarily suspended." Zhang Weiyi shook his head and said, this is the best result he can achieve.

Finally find a relationship at home, otherwise, it is estimated that you will have to resign.

After all, the trend of leaving without pay will not arise until around 1983. At that time, the state encouraged public officials to stay without pay and go to the sea for business.

That was also a particularly crazy age, called the Lower Tide.

"Well, a good choice. The big wave of the times is coming. Whether you stand on top of the wave and be a waver or be photographed under the wave depends on your accumulation."

Jiang Xiaobai turned around and walked into the house after speaking. As for any more words, they didn't say anything.

Now Liu Jian and the others go back to build a factory. As for sales and marketing, it is estimated that it will be next year.

It will be 1980, and political conditions will be much better than they are now.

As soon as Jiang Xiaobai arrived in the classroom the next morning, Professor Zhang called out and gave Jiang Xiaobai a bunch of materials for him to fill in, and then notified a meeting for a while to discuss his party membership.

Then Jiang Xiaobai was planning to skip class in the morning to watch the decoration, but it was not finished until noon.

The hand of Jiang Xiaobai, who has a lot of information, trembles. Until the end of school in the afternoon, Jiang Xiaobai only wrote one-third.

However, Jiang Xiaobai did not continue to fight, but instead rode a bicycle and walked towards Xidan.

Fortunately, this year is the first day of decoration. If you don't watch it, there will be no problems. After all, all procedures are the same at the beginning.

When Jiang Xiaobai arrived at the place, he found that the wall at the door had been almost hammered, and many passersby picked up a few bricks from time to time to take them home.

Yes, at this time, brick by brick is useful.

Jiang Xiaobai did not stop either. According to the decoration style he designed, basically the shop has more demolished and less rebuilt.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai coming, Chen Zhengyue rushed over as soon as he was reminded by other workers.

Chen Zhengyue's hair is gray, and he can no longer see the original appearance.

There was also a layer of dust on his body, and as Chen Zhengyue walked, he lifted up waves of dust.

The other workers are similar, Jiang Xiaobai secretly admires it, and they are also working hard.

"Leader," Chen Zhengyue said.

"I am not the leader of Brother Chen, you can call me Xiaobai." Jiang Xiaobai smiled and shook his head and said.

"How can it be," Chen Zhengyue waved his hand again and again.

"How is the decoration today?"

"This wall was demolished today, and then the original wall covering in the house was crossed off. As for the rest, it hasn't been done yet."

Chen Zhengyue reported carefully, for fear that Jiang Xiaobai might feel dissatisfied.

"Okay, it's hard work, how about Lao Song and the others?" Jiang Xiaobai did not see Song Weiguo and others.

"Director Song should be doing ceramic tiles. The National Brothers just went out shopping."

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao was there, and Zhou Guomin came in with a few tools.

"Brother Zhou, go get some loose beer for the brothers."

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhou Guomin's orders.

"No, no leader, we just drink some water."

Chen Zhengyue quickly waved his hand and said.

"It's okay, drink less, don't interfere with work." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and Zhou Guomin went out.

Working with Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai has never been stingy with these things.

Zhou Guomin is worthy of being a beer scalper, and he soon brought loose beer back.

After everyone drank the loose beer, they went to work again, including Jiang Xiaobai. They changed their clothes in the temporary small office on the third floor, and then instructed them to decorate.

"Brother Chen, is this a load-bearing wall?"

"Leader, what kind of wall is the load-bearing wall?" Chen Zhengyue asked with a confused expression.

Jiang Xiaobai just remembered that at this time the professional term of load-bearing wall was not popular yet.

"Is it the wall that supports the weighing of the house? In short, can it be smashed?" Jiang Xiaobai explained.

"That can't, this wall can't work." Chen Zhengyue said.

When Song Weiguo and Li Xiaoliu came back, they packed up their dinner and brought them back.

is actually a small restaurant in a hutong not far away.

Everyone who was tired for a day drank loose beer and ate meat.

"Thank you, the leader, this is too rich." Chen Zhengyue said with some emotion.

Originally, Jiang Xiaobai paid them wages, and dinner should be settled by himself. This is also the rule.

But now Jiang Xiaobai buys them loose beer and takes care of the food.

"Yes, thank you leader."

"Thank you for your leadership." The other decoration workers also said one by one, looking at Jiang Xiaobai with gratitude.

This is the way people can only know that the grace of dripping water will repay the spring.

They came to the capital to roam in high spirits, but they were so hard to roll their eyes. Now they meet Jiang Xiaobai and finally feel a touch of warmth.

(End of this chapter)