Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 333

Chapter 333

Chapter 333

After eating, clearing the table and changing to tea, Jiang Xiaobai and the Li family sat down again.

The reason why they belong to the Li family is because Li Chuang, the hapless child, was sent to wash the dishes by Li's mother.

If it weren't for Jiang Xiaobai's presence, I guess Father Li would have to wash the dishes.

"Xiaobai, I have always wanted to invite you to have a meal at home. Thank you very much. From the very beginning, you were worried about your uncle's affairs and borrowed a lot of money from Siyan.

Seriously, if it weren't for the money, to be honest, your uncle might still be suffering now. "

Mother Li looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said sincerely.

At this moment, even Father Li thanked Jiang Xiaobai as much.

"Yes, thank you so much, I owe you my life."

Li's father Li Chuanying looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said.

"Uncle, it's serious, I too..." Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly said, but Li Chuanying interrupted him before he finished speaking.

"I'm serious. If I don't come back, I don't know if I can survive this winter. You don't know. In the northwest, people die every day. It's okay in summer, especially in winter. If you catch a cold, you will die because you don't have any medicine. You can fight for a briquettes..."

Father Li said, Jiang Xiaobai was also stunned. He really didn't know that it was so bitter.

And Li's mother and Li Siyan on the side have moistened eye sockets.

Li Chuanying also noticed the feelings of Li Siyan's mother and daughter, and said with a smile.

"Okay, it's all over. I came back alive. This is the greatest luck, so I am serious when I say I owe you my life."

"Uncle, you don't need to do this, I didn't do anything, just do my best to help."

"Child, you are within your power, but for our family, that's a benefactor." Mother Li looked at her husband, her eyes full of distress.

I thought that my husband had suffered so much there. After I came back, I should support myself, and I shouldn't be too self-willed to let my husband do the odd jobs at home.

Inadvertently, Li Chuanying cast a glance at Jiang Xiaobai, did you see it, boy, you fight with me, you are still tender.

Jiang Xiaobai fully understood Li Chuanying's meaning, and it is cheating, Jiang is still old and spicy.

"By the way, the money owed to you is not available to our family for the time being, but you can rest assured that your uncle will resume work soon. We will save the money and return it to you as soon as possible."

Mother Li looked at Jiang Xiaobai in embarrassment and said.

Jiang Xiaobai wanted to say, no need to pay it back, it will be treated as gift money. But he didn't dare to make these jokes.

"Auntie, don't worry. I don't need money to go to college. You can give it to me whenever I have a lot of money."

In fact, Jiang Xiaobai doesn't care about the money, but the Li family can see from Li Siyan's character. If they are not allowed to pay back the money, it is estimated that there will be no way to get along.

Because it was the first time we met, and the time was too early, Jiang Xiaobai didn't wait much, and the two sides didn't talk in depth. Jiang Xiaobai got up and left.

"I will come back with Siyan on the next weekend, and Auntie will cook for you." Mother Li said.

"Okay auntie, I will come to see your elders from time to time in the future." Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said.

Li Siyan sent Jiang Xiaobai to the bus station and sent Jiang Xiaobai to the last bus before turning around to go home.

At this time, at the Li family, Li Chuanying was already discussing Jiang Xiaobai with Li's mother.

"I think Jiang Xiaobai is a pretty good kid. He is thoughtful and honest. You can see how nervous he was when he first came home."

Mr Li is obviously not satisfied with Jiang Xiaobai. This is the so-called mother-in-law who looks at her son-in-law, and likes it as she looks at it.

"Be considerate and honest. Are these two words not contradictory?" Li Chuanying asked a little speechlessly.

"No contradiction, why is it contradictory?" Li Mu asked.

"Forget it, don't talk about this, by the way, I haven't asked, where did Jiang Xiaobai get the money?" Father Li asked.

"Listen to Siyan, it seems that when this child and Siyan jumped in and went to the countryside together, they made the yellow peaches from the village into cans, and I didn't know the specifics. When your girl comes back, you ask her. All right."

Li's mother said.

"It is true or false to make yellow peaches into cans to buy money. It is an industry. What are you kidding about, how can an educated youth have such great skills."

Li Chuanying shook his head, he didn't believe it at all.

Soon, Li Siyan returned after sending Jiang Xiaobai, and Li Chuanying asked Jiang Xiaobai again.

Li Siyan did not hide from his father, and honestly told what Jiang Xiaobai had done.

Li Chuanying aside, the more he listened, the more surprised he was, and the more he listened, the more shocked.

But one hundred yuan, with one hundred yuan, he made a can of educated youth and made money.

Listening to Li Siyan, Jiang Xiaobai led everyone to carry canned food in the rainy night, led everyone to stay up late under the lamp to study, and gave money one by one before leaving.

What does he think, how does he feel that this image does not match the young man who came to eat at home today.

This is a legend at all. Even he had to admire Jiang Xiaobai's actions. It was really not easy.

Li Siyan watched his father remain silent, thinking that his father was dissatisfied with Jiang Xiaobai's business, and quickly explained.

"Dad, don't be angry. You don't know the situation in Jianhua Village at the time. All of our educated youths can't live anymore. Jiang Xiaobai was forced to make canned food with us."

While speaking, Li Siyan regretted it a bit, and she would have stopped telling her father.

"Awesome, really amazing." Li Chuanying said.

"What? Dad, what did you say?" Li Siyan asked in a daze, and then his face was full of joy.

She also thought that she had looked at Jiang Xiaobai's somewhat uncomfortable father, because Jiang Xiaobai's business affairs made her impression of Jiang Xiaobai even worse.

Unexpectedly, his father would actually praise Jiang Xiaobai.

Knowing where his father is, there are not many young people who can make his father feel good, and even fewer people praise him.

But now his father actually said that Jiang Xiaobai was amazing.

"It's amazing. In the future, this young man thinks it's a personal thing."

Li Chuanying sighed and said, although he has not been back to the capital for a long time, he also keenly felt the changes brought about by the reform.

I think it will be different in the future. There is definitely a chance for young people like Jiang Xiaobai to show their talents.

What's more, there is no change. With what Jiang Xiaobai did, he can also make a difference in other comprehensions.

(End of this chapter)