Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 335

Chapter 335

Chapter 335

"It's okay, just eat. By the way, I didn't ask Brother Chen, where are you from and how do you come back to the capital?"

Jiang Xiaobai asked, he was more puzzled about this, but the first time I saw everyone, he didn't ask if he was not familiar with it.

Everyone is working together today, and they are more familiar with each other, so he asked.

"Our hometown is in the south, in the rural areas of Jiangsu Province. The village is poor and can't eat. Some people are going to do business further south. Several of us want to break into the capital.

But after I came to the capital, I realized that the atmosphere here is not like ours in the south..."

"Is the atmosphere open over there?" Jiang Xiaobai added.

"Yes, a few of us came to the capital, but apart from a few odd jobs, there was no other big job at all, and we didn't have much money with us.

are all sleeping under the overpass, and they have to work hard to clean up and prevent them from being sent to the containment station..."

Chen Zhengyue said, with a bit of bitterness on his face.

Jiang Xiaobai did not say a word, raised his glass, and toasted Chen Zhengyue.

The detention center at this time is different from that of later generations, but is somewhat similar to the detention center later.

is used to contain the stray people, but the people inside are extremely unfriendly.

"It's okay now in summer. I really wait until winter and I don't know what to do? I can only go home, but I don't have enough travel expenses to go home..."

Chen Zhengyue drank two more glasses and completely opened the chatterbox. The other workers on the side also drank one cup after another, with a sad face.

"And when we came, we kowtowed in front of our hometown fathers and villagers to help our family members, not to break into a world, and never return to our hometown. If we go back sullenly, how can we have a face..."

"Fortunately, I met you, so really, the leader is very grateful..."

"I said Brother Chen, just call me Xiaobai." Jiang Xiaobai said firmly this time.

"Okay, I will ask you to call you brother Xiaobai, thank you very much for giving us this opportunity."

Chen Zhengyue said, and toasted Jiang Xiaobai a cup, and the other workers also raised their glasses and toasted Jiang Xiaobai a cup together.

"There are rooms on the second and third floors. You will live tonight. Although the place is not very good? At least there is a shelter from the wind and rain."

Jiang Xiaobai said,

In an instant, Chen Zhengyue was about to stand up and bow to Jiang Xiaobai, but was stopped by Jiang Xiaobai.

"Don't thank me. When I first came out, I slept on the road. I know how it feels. If I can help, I will definitely help."

Jiang Xiaobai said that he himself had slept at the door of the supply and marketing agency, and he had also seen what the driver Zhang Fugui was like when he followed him.

So he is particularly able to understand these guys, it is not easy to come out one by one, Jiang Xiaobai who can help will definitely help.

Chen Zhengyue nodded vigorously and took another drink. He didn't speak. He was afraid that when he opened his mouth, others would hear the choking in his voice.

That night, these guys slept very steadily. Of course, Jiang Xiaobai didn't go back to school, so he slept in the temporary office on the third floor.

Song Weiguo, Li Xiaoliu, and Zhou Guomin also did the same. They all found an office to sleep on the table.

Early the next morning, Chen Zhengyue got up with people and started to work.

When Jiang Xiaobai was about to leave, he called Song Weiguo aside and ordered.

"Go buy some bedding and daily necessities, take their share, and arrange for them to eat in a small restaurant these two days."

"Okay." Song Weiguo nodded, Jiang Xiaobai was also very happy to arrange this way.

"When you go out, you can help as soon as you can." Jiang Xiaobai said, and then rode his bicycle back to school.

In the next period of time, Jiang Xiaobai was on a two-point line.

School, Xidan store, all the materials for joining the party have been handed in.

The feed factory also started smoothly, and began to build the factory.

The estimated time is to build the plant in about 5 months, and then officially start production in a month.

In other words, it will be at least half a year. Jiang Xiaobai calculates the time, and it is estimated that it will be almost after the end of the year.

There are many people in Jianhua Village, Li Laosan and others are there, and things are arranged, Jiang Xiaobai is not worried.

After class this day, Jiang Xiaobai simply packed up his things and got out of the classroom to ride a bicycle to go to the Xidan clothing store.

Just as soon as he got on the bicycle, he heard Li Siyan's voice behind him.

"Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai, wait a minute." Li Siyan ran over panting.

"What's wrong with Siyan?" Jiang Xiaobai got off the bicycle and asked Li Siyan with a smile.

"What have you been up to these days? I can't see you every day."

Li Siyan took a few breaths, and then looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked suspiciously.

"I..." Jiang Xiaobai's eyes rolled, "I followed Professor Zhang on a research project."

"Really? What kind of subject research, are you really tired? You think you have lost a lot of weight recently."

Li Siyan asked in disbelief.

"Really, I can still lie to you." Jiang Xiaobai patted his chest and assured that Li Siyan didn't like these business matters.

If you talked to Li Siyan, it must be another time to teach yourself. In the end, no one can convince anyone? There was a quarrel for no reason.

It is better to keep the secret from Li Siyan for the time being, and then confess to her when the time comes.

"Well, don't be too tired, do you have a quota for going abroad..."

Li Siyan asked again.

"What is going abroad... I asked, Professor Zhang said there is no news."

Jiang Xiaobai said halfway through, and he quickly changed his words. The recent renovations involved too much energy. He was busy all day long. If Li Siyan didn't mention it, he would have forgotten it.

"I think this place is difficult, so many outstanding students compete..." Jiang Xiaobai added.

"Well, you serve snacks and do your best." Li Siyan said, taking out a scarf from his pocket to wrap Jiang Xiaobai around his neck.

"It's cold, keep warm."

"Okay, I see, so do you, I'm leaving."

Jiang Xiaobai felt warm, nodded and said.

Jiang Xiaobai just stopped the car at the entrance of the store, drinking a large transparent glass and seeing Song Weiguo coming back from Jiang Xiaobai, he immediately greeted him.

"Old Song, the tile work is done, the water and lines are all gone, the railings and stairs are almost finished, don't delay."

Jiang Xiaobai asked, with Chen Zhengyue and the others working overtime, the renovation is almost a daily progress.

"Don't worry, now the ceramic tiles of the ceramic tile factory can't be sold at all. As soon as he came to the door, the director wanted to buy me all the large bags of ceramic tiles, but I couldn't decide which type of ceramic tiles to use. The various styles made me a little bit tricky. Yes, tomorrow you will be able to make bricks after you go there and make a decision."

Song Weiguo said.

"Okay, I'll go there too." Jiang Xiaobai did not refuse, and the two walked into the store as they talked.

(End of this chapter)