Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 321

Chapter 321

Chapter 321 Raw Material Problem

The question raised by Liu Jian is still sharp.

Everyone present frowned tightly. This is indeed a problem.

Other problems can be solved by finding ways, no matter how difficult it is, there is always hope.

Educated youth canned food from 100 yuan, did it today when they did not encounter difficulties, and when did they fear difficulties.

As long as there is hope, everyone can work hard to overcome, but this food problem.

Food is a product of the plan, not something you can do if you have money.

If you need a small amount, you can find someone to approve a note, or even go to the black market to think of a solution.

You can get food for opening a restaurant, but this is to build a feed factory.

The amount of food needed is large, and a change in policy is needed, which is not something that everyone can do.

"Yes, this food problem is indeed a big problem."

"That's right..." Everyone began to speak, and the meeting room buzzed and discussed in an instant.

Don't worry about this. Our Jianhua Village has implemented a household contract system. Several villages in the surrounding area have been affected by us, and we have implemented a large package. We can directly purchase food from the villagers.

Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, this is what he is least worried about, he knows the future policy, the household contract system is inevitable.

Once the big dry package is implemented, the productivity will be liberated and there is no need to worry about food problems.

"Collect food from the villagers, yes, why didn't I think of it."

Lao San Li patted his head and said, and the others suddenly realized.

Actually, due to the limitations of this era, everyone buys grain to the grain depot, that is, the implementation of the big dry package, everyone thinks is to buy the surplus grain to the grain depot, and then change it into money.

So no one thought of collecting food directly from the villagers.

But think about it, anyway, it's all about giving money, why can't we collect food directly from the villagers?

In fact, since the implementation of the household contract system, grain has no longer been a product of the planned economy.

Instead, it has entered the era of market economy. Since then, the price of food has been determined by the market.

Of course, the country will also macro-control, after all, grain is a strategic reserve material.

figured this out, coupled with Jiang Xiaobai's views on the future, everyone immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

The biggest problem is solved, and the rest is just a few bits and pieces.

Jiang Xiaobai also made arrangements one by one.

The matter of the feed factory was resolved, and Jiang Xiaobai talked about building roads and renovating houses.

"The money for road construction is paid by the three factories on average, and it will start after the autumn harvest. The standard cement road, the road from the village should be built first, and it must meet the standard of two-way four-lane."

Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Two-way four-lane?" Everyone was a little confused, what do you mean? Everyone is from the village, how do you know this?

Even Liu Jian, a college student, didn't understand. He learned to raise pigs, but not to build roads.

"Two-way four-lane, that is, four cars can pass side by side at the same time, two lanes into the village, two lanes out of the village, but these four cars are not our ox carts or horse carts, but cars.

A road basically reaches 3.75 meters, plus the roadbed, it is more than 20 meters. "

Jiang Xiaobai said, everyone in the conference room almost jumped up without shock.

What a joke, the cement road more than 20 meters wide, Mr. Xiaobai is crazy, absolutely crazy.

More than 20 meters wide cement road, needless to say, they have never heard of it.

Even Liu Jian was shocked. At this time, there were definitely not many saws in Beijing that could reach two-way four-lane.

While searching all over Zhangxuan County, all over Shangdang City, and even Shanxi Province, they couldn't find a few roads that could reach four lanes.

is the highway from Shangdang City to the provincial capital Longcheng, which is just a two-lane road.

As for expressways, there are no expressways in the country at this time. The first expressway was built in 1988.

"If you want to get rich, build roads first. Our Jianhua Village now has two factories, and we will soon build a third factory. The future transportation volume of the three factories is definitely not a small number. The educated youth canned food is already expanding into the national market. And the transportation volume of pig farms and feed factories will definitely not be small. In the future, we will either build roads or relocate the factories. There is absolutely no third way to go..."

Jiang Xiaobai slowly said, if you want to get rich, the slogan of building roads first appeared in this world for the first time.

There are things that cannot be transported in the local area.

"I came back yesterday. The two Jiefang trucks were in the wrong car. The driver was distracted and almost drove into the ditch. Moreover, this kind of dirt road, when it rains or snows, cannot walk, and even collapses from time to time, so Whether it is for the development of the factory or for the safety of road construction, it must be put on the agenda."

Jiang Xiaobai decided in one word. Although he offered two roads, repairing the road and relocating the factory, he moved the factory the next day. It is automatically ignored by others, and no one is willing to relocate.

So I can only build roads.

"If you want to get rich, build roads first." Everyone muttered these words silently. Jiang Xiaobai's words were justified and there was no objection.

And it's useless to object.

"The third child, this matter will be complicated to you, and the work will start after the autumn harvest." Jiang Xiaobai directly nodded.

"Okay, factory manager." Li Laosan responded.

"Then each of your factories will hold meetings on their own to convey the reasons for road construction that I just mentioned, and unify everyone's thinking."

Jiang Xiaobai continued.

"There is also the matter of renovating the house. First, select the three most difficult houses and renovate the house this year."

Jiang Xiaobai continues to arrange.

"The design of the house, I will draw it later."

This is what I promised everyone outside.

Moreover, renovating the house is not a big deal, and it doesn't take much. Everyone has no objections, and they nodded in agreement.

"Wang Meng, this matter is left to you, you are responsible, you must complete the work when you are young, and let these three difficult villagers live in new houses for the New Year."

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Wang Meng and said.

"Okay." Wang Meng nodded and agreed.

After finishing the arrangement, Jiang Xiaobai announced that the meeting was adjourned, and then went to the pig farm with Li Laosan and others.

After a few months, the little piglets that I bought back have grown up a lot, and they are very cheerful.

(End of this chapter)