Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 320

Chapter 320

Chapter 320 Xinxing Feed Factory

In the evening, the high-levels of the third factory gathered together.

Jiang Xiaobai, Li Laosan, Liu Jian, Wang Chao, Wang Meng, Shi Sheng...

A group of people gathered together to build a new feed factory, and they all have benefits.

The only historical student who has no shares, he still has the heart to follow Jiang Xiaobai.

Whether it is the Jiang Xiaobai Garment Factory or the Jianhua Pig Farm, Jiang Xiaobai directly invests in shares of the educated youth cannery.

So the three factories, no matter which one develops well, will benefit all shareholders.

That night, everyone was drunk, and early the next morning, all the high-levels gathered in the conference room again.

"Everyone knows that I am going home this time to build a feed factory. Needless to say, the director is Liu Jian."

Jiang Xiaobai said straightforwardly.

Applause broke out in the conference room, and Liu Jian bowed his hands to thank everyone.

"Liu Jian, candidate in the factory, do you have any ideas?"

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Liu Jian and solicited Liu Jian's opinion.

"I want to go back to Beijing in two days and bring a classmate over, but I don't know if I can do it."

Liu Jian said that he had a classmate who wanted to pour up something by himself all day when he was in school, but his professional courses were in a mess.

At that time, he still felt that this classmate was a little unsuccessful, but now he remembered his ability.

"What is his job now?" Jiang Xiaobai asked. At this time, college students are all precious, and they have real talents.

If he could dig a college student, Jiang Xiaobai would of course be very happy.

Liu Jian said, everyone took a breath.

"Okay, I'll go back in two days, and you will follow me to the capital and do your best." Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said, but did not hold out much hope.

"Then for the time being, Wang Chao will concurrently serve as the deputy director of the feed factory for a period of time," Jiang Xiaobai said. Looking at Wang Chao, Wang Chao has been in charge of the sales of the educated youth canned food factory.

Whether it is in interpersonal relations or sales, I have a certain ability.

Wang Chao is inseparable from the educated youth cannery, Jiang Xiaobai directly transferred Wang Chao to the feed factory.

But now that the educated youth cannery is also in a period of market expansion, Wang Chao can't leave yet, so he can only serve as the deputy director of the feed factory for a period of time.

Moreover, Liu Jian also has his own consideration of who he will serve as a team, and Jiang Xiaobai does not force him.

"Okay, factory manager." Seeing Jiang Xiaobai had seen it, Wang Chao nodded without hesitation.

Jiang Xiaobai continued: The name of the feed factory is called Xinxing Feed, which not only represents that our feed is different from the previous feed, but also implies that our Jianhua Village will be emerging.

"Director, Xinxing is a good name, nice to hear, easy to remember, refreshing, and also profound in meaning."

No matter when, as long as the time is right, Li Laosan is definitely the first to lick.

"Director, the name is good, but it can also be extended to mean, new opportunities, new opportunities." Shi Sheng said more tactfully.

He is trying hard to integrate into Jiang Xiaobai's team.

The others praised.

"Okay, that's it. Liu Jian, let's talk about what preparatory work still needs to be done to build a feed factory and what difficulties are there. Then we will brainstorm and solve them one by one."

Jiang Xiaobai said again, everyone formed a circle around the table in the conference room. They were studying and discussing. Generally, it was not a meeting or a formal occasion. Jiang Xiaobai didn't like sitting on the rostrum.

Instead, sit with everyone and discuss research.

When the factory was built, everyone didn't understand. Jiang Xiaobai could only arrange one by one. What do you think?

What difficulties are encountered and what difficulties should be solved, but now Liu Jian is also a half-professional person in this area, so Jiang Xiaobai still decided to listen to Liu Jian's opinions.

"Okay," Liu Jian gave a light cough, looked up at the people in the conference room, and walked around, only to see everyone lowered their heads to open the notebook, ready to listen to their own opinions, and a pair would write down their words at any time. Look like.

Then he said: "The first thing is the location of the feed factory. There are no requirements for the location of the feed factory, but the place needs to be large and flat, and two factory warehouses need to be set aside. One factory warehouse is used to store raw materials. , A warehouse is used to store products."

"Okay, let Laosan Li go to communicate with the village about this matter," Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Okay, factory manager." Li Laosan responded.

"Then there is the problem of the machine, the machine that produces pig feed, the production line is a problem, we..." Liu Jian continued.

"Leave this to Wang Chao. You can find Brother Zheng to see if there is any way. We will also go to Beijing in two days to see if Lao Zhang can help."

Jiang Xiaobai said, his brother Zheng is Zheng Qingyun, and Lao Zhang is Professor Zhang from Agricultural University.

"I took it down." Wang Chao nodded.

"Personnel issues in the feed mill..."

"You can recruit from the village, or from nearby villages. As for the management personnel, whoever you like the other three factory directors, you can let them come, you decide."

Jiang Xiaobai is still quite decentralized. If a factory director does not have personnel and financial authority, he is still a factory director.

What is the difference between and those of state-owned enterprises who have only signed renovations and toilets.

Liu Jian talked about the problems that he could think of in building the factory and the preparations that need to be done one by one.

And Jiang Xiaobai also resolved it quickly, or he had arranged a person in charge to resolve it.

Although Liu Jian is considered a half-professional. However, a college student who has just graduated still has many problems in preparation.

And in the process. Jiang Xiaobai and others also put forward supplementary opinions and questions.

"To build a new feed factory, there is still the biggest difficulty." Liu Jian said, everyone raised their heads, Liu Jian paused, and then continued.

"That is the problem of raw materials in the feed mill, and the raw materials are the problem of various grains?"

The main raw materials for the production of feed mills are all kinds of grains, and now many people can't get enough to eat.

(End of this chapter)