Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 322

Chapter 322

Chapter 322 The Butterfly of Destiny

Jiang Xiaobai stayed in Jianhua Village for three days. He probably sorted out the preparations for the feed factory to be built, and then set off with Liu Jian on the journey back to the capital.

Although Jiang Xiaobai came back this time and stayed in Jianhua Village for a short time, at first glance, Jiang Xiaobai didn't do anything?

is to distribute the work of the feed factory to everyone, and he did not do any work. It seems that Jiang Xiaobai's return or not will have any impact?

Or Jiang Xiaobai won't come back, and it can be arranged on the phone.

But in fact, Liu Jian, who was next to Jiang Xiaobai, knew that this was completely different.

Jiang Xiaobai's return to Jianhua Village itself means that Jiang Xiaobai attaches great importance to the feed factory. Even if Jiang Xiaobai does nothing, everyone will pay attention to that point.

will also make every effort to build a feed factory.

Not to mention a lot of work, Jiang Xiaobai arranges the most appropriate person, and also implements each task to a specific person.

To put it nicely, Jiang Xiaobai is the banner of these people. With Jiang Xiaobai in everyone, you can work together, think in one place, and act in one place.

In layman terms, Jiang Xiaobai is like the first sheep in the flock, just like the shepherd dog, he can let everyone know where to run and must run.

When I went back, Jiang Xiaobai was on the train again, and the car was changing again. The time of the bus ride was the same as the time when he came to Beijing.

But when he returned to Jianhua Village, Jiang Xiaobai didn't feel tired at all.

But when he got off the train in Beijing, Jiang Xiaobai felt that he was not energetic.

"Let's go, Lao Song and the others are in the capital, have a meal together in the evening, have a good rest, and then work tomorrow."

Jiang Xiaobai walked towards the bus stop with Liu Jian while talking. Liu Jian came to Beijing this time to look for his classmate to see if he could bring the classmate to the feed factory.

By the way, I can find his teacher, Professor Zhang, to see if I can contact him for help and get a set of production equipment for the feed factory.

To tell the truth, Jiang Xiaobai really didn't have much hope for the matter of finding his classmates to bring him to the feed factory.

A minister, go to a small ditch, and be the deputy director of a feed factory that has not yet been completed. There is only a glimmer of hope.

But Jiang Xiaobai believes that if the feed factory is built and the market opens up, and when the tide comes in two years, there will be a great chance of success.

But Liu Jian wanted to try it, and Jiang Xiaobai didn't object.

Instead, Jiang Xiaobai is very concerned about whether Professor Zhang can contact a set of production equipment in the feed factory.

There is really no feed factory in Shangdang City. Ask Zheng Qingyun for help. Zheng Qingyun may not be able to help.

That's why Jiang Xiaobai is anxious about the feed production equipment.

"Okay, I don't care about this night." Liu Jian nodded and said, indeed tired today.

The two arrived at the guest house of the Normal University, Jiang Xiaobai opened a good room, took a shower, and fell asleep waiting for Song Weiguo and others to return.

When Jiang Xiaobai woke up again, the sky was completely dark.

Jiang Xiaobai went out of the guest house and was about to look for it when he saw Song Weiguo and the three of them on their bicycles.

"Director Xiaobai, you are back." Song Weiguo said with a smile on his face when he saw Jiang Xiaobai coming back.

"Well, why come back so late?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

"This is not today I just found someone to catch up with the street, and I found the deputy director of a street, waiting for people to get off work, and then talked about our situation, and then came back late."

Song Weiguo said that although things are going slowly, they are relatively smooth.

"Okay, Liu Jian is here too. Let's go to the restaurant to eat and talk while eating."

Jiang Xiaobai said.

At this time, Liu Jian heard voices coming out, and they greeted each other, and after introducing Liu Jian to Zhou Guomin, several people went directly to the small restaurant.

"How about your situation here?" Jiang Xiaobai asked while eating.

"I found someone from the prison system. People from the prison system helped me. I set up the street line. Then I went to see the deputy director of the prison today. Someone from the prison will also accompany me. I made an appointment to talk in detail during dinner tomorrow night. ."

Song Weiguo gave Jiang Xiaobai a brief introduction.

After speaking, he suddenly remembered something, and continued: "By the way, when I meet on the street tomorrow night, the prison system will also come, and I also asked you when you will be back, saying that I want to see you by the way."

"See me?" Jiang Xiaobai asked, he had no contact with this side.

It is said that Jin Province has figured out a solution, and the capital is doing errands. Seeing what you are doing, you don't need it.

"Yes, they want to see you, but they didn't say anything specifically."

Song Weiguo said.

"Okay, where is it?" Jiang Xiaobai nodded and asked.

"It's a state-owned hotel in Xidan, what is it called Xidan Hotel, at 6 o'clock in the evening."

Song Weiguo said.

"Okay, I will go then," Jiang Xiaobai said, turning his head to look at Liu Jian.

"Tomorrow at noon we will have dinner with Professor Zhang and talk about the feed factory."

"Okay." Liu Jian responded.

Jiang Xiaobai did not go back to school that night, so he stayed at the guest house for one night. Anyway, he asked for leave. It was just right that there was something to be done tomorrow.

Jiang Xiaobai and Liu Jian set off for the Agricultural University early the next morning.

When they arrived at the Agricultural University, the two of them first went to inquire. After learning that Professor Zhang was in class, Liu Jian wanted to take Jiang Xiaobai to see the UFO Association.

"Still thinking about UFOs? Do you want to know those secrets?" Jiang Xiaobai asked jokingly.

"I don't worry about it a long time ago. If I still worry about it, I won't stay in Jianhua Village." Liu Jian said, turning his head and saying.

"But I really have to thank the UFO Association, otherwise I won't have the opportunity to go to Jianhua Village."

"That is indeed, let you go to Jianhua Village to realize your life value and find the meaning of your own existence." Jiang Xiaobai nodded in agreement.

Liu Jian curled his lips and did not speak. He would never be able to say Jiang Xiaobai, so he rushed to Jiang Xiaobai's shameless enthusiasm.

"By the way, which class Wang Xiaojun is in, or let's go see him."

I was able to fool Liu Jian, and Wang Xiaojun was also part of the credit.

"I really don't know which class of Wang Xiaojun is in. We usually meet in the UFO Association, so I will let someone inquire about it after going to the Association."

Liu Jian said, he also sighed in his heart. He could not think of it at the beginning. It was just an accidental curiosity that changed his life's destiny.

(End of this chapter)