Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Chapter 25 Grieved Dog Egg

"Xiao Bai, I did it. I can't do other things, but I am a good hand at road construction." A strong man stood up from a chair and said.

"Xiao Bai, I will also build roads. I can still buy some strength." Another man stood up and said.

"I do it too. It doesn't matter if money is not money, as long as I can manage the food,"

"Yes, just take care of the food, I will do it too, don't talk about anything else, I really convinced you about what happened last night, Lao Li."

"..." Everyone spoke up. The conditions Jiang Xiaobai gave were not only in Jianhua Village, but also in the entire Shangma Commune.

"If you want to work, go to...register with Li Siyan." Jiang Xiaobai was just about to let Wang Xiaojun take charge of the matter, and suddenly turned his head and saw Li Siyan came out.

Anyway, the wages of these people will also need to be paid from Li Siyan at that time, and Jiang Xiaobai directly pushed it to Li Siyan.

Li Siyan was in the room listening to the movement outside, so he couldn't sleep, so he came out to take a look. Just now, like everyone else, he looked at Jiang Xiaobai, who was highly anticipated in the crowd, thinking about his own care.

In a blink of an eye, Jiang Xiaobai was pushed to the front desk.

Looking at the crowd, Li Siyan looked confused, what did I do? Is it inappropriate for me to turn around and go back to the house?

But now I can't go back even when I turn around. I've been surrounded by the crowd a long time ago.

Fifty cents a day's wages, coupled with full food and drink, it can be said that only the same two conditions can excite the poor jingle village of Jianhua Village.

Not to mention that the two conditions are together. Villagers may not be able to accurately tell how many households there are in the village, but they probably know in their hearts.

There are 400 households without 500 households. There are almost three thousand people. Jiang Xiaobai just said how many people are needed.

30, except for the 20 places reserved by the villagers who helped fight the box last night, there are only 10 places left.

In Jianhua Village with more than 3,000 people, of course the road is being built. The old, the weak, the sick and the disabled have to be removed. Even the strong labor force is almost 1,000.

1000 people, 10 places, that is to say, 100:1.

And Jiang Xiaobai did not announce any hard and fast rules just now, basically it was first come, first served, so the Youth Courtyard was crowded into a group in an instant.

Even the 20 villagers who helped Kang Box yesterday squeezed past. Although Jiang Xiaobai said, what if things change if they are not positive?

The crowd surrounded Li Siyan tightly. Although men and women were different, a group of strong men kept a certain distance from Li Siyan, but it was impossible for Li Siyan to go.

"Little Bai," Huang Zhongfu said with a lonely expression, standing up from the table.

"I thank you for them," Huang Zhongfu said and bowed to Jiang Xiaobai. Huang Zhongfu interrupted when Jiang Xiaobai was about to dodge and say something.

"In recent years, I have not been able to afford to make Jianhua Village poorer and poorer. Many people have to endure starvation when there is no picking up in spring. Spring is a torment for me every year. I am afraid that I will wake up as soon as I wake up. I heard hungry in the village..."

"I'm scared, Xiaobai, you don't understand that feeling..." Huang Zhongfu said, taking a sip from time to time, his voice a little low.

Jiang Xiaobai could feel that what Huang Zhongfu said was from his heart, and that kind of emotional words could not be pretended.

"I knew about the fact that Gou Dan brought people to you two days ago. I didn't support or oppose it. I also heard about the later things. You don't know when I heard you say that as long as you have a bite, you won't When I made the people of Jianhua Village hungry, I was so excited. I'm not afraid of your jokes, but I can clenched my teeth and insisted on crying, but I shed tears that day..."

"You are all good boys, I am sorry for you in the village..."

"Don't say that, we don't blame you. Last night, you brought someone to find us. When I saw the light at the entrance of the village, I knew that I was from Jianhua Village all my life..."

Jiang Xiaobai said, he also took a big sip from the wine glass. In fact, the fact that they were given less work points for urban youth when they first came, really made Jiang Xiaobai feel a little bit crooked in his heart and a little bit responsive.

But when it rained heavily last night, the old secretary led some people to help and illuminate the way back to the village for them. He really understood what kind of person Huang Zhongfu was.

also understood the difference between the people of this era and the future generations.

When the light came on, he forgave Huang Zhongfu, the accounting dog, and Jianhua Village.

Huang Zhongfu quickly got drunk and let his family help him away. Jiang Xiaobai also returned to the house to rest. He will go up the mountain to build the road early tomorrow morning.

Leaves Li Siyan looking sadly at Jiang Xiaobai's back, facing the turbulent crowd, with a face full of helplessness.

"I want to build a road, Zhang Baofeng is strong, and I eat less."

"Let me do it, Lao Zhang is a sneaky and slippery man who works all day long, he can't."

"Fatty Shi, you fart so much, that scammer is slippery, you are the most ghostly person who usually works as a mother..." Zhang Baofeng and Fatty Shi started quarreling as they talked, and scolded people in the countryside. It was very exciting to be there.

When the two were quarreling, another guy next to him who looked honest and friendly spoke up: "Comrade Li Siyan, neither of them can do it, you use me, I am strong and willing to endure hardship..."

"Go away, it's your **** you. The crops are bald like your hair, and you don't even have root hairs at harvest."

"That's right, Laosan Li, when you slept with the widow Liu from the village head, you had a lot of energy..."

Zhang Baofeng and Fatty Shi heard that Li Laosan wanted to take advantage of them, and their muzzles were unanimous, and even the mess in Li Laosan's crotch was shaken out.

Other people are the same at this time, you attack me, I will expose you to be short, one by one noisy blushing and thick neck.

The happiest thing at this time is the people who helped fight the box last night. They don't have to fight for it, as long as they want to do it, they will have a place.

"Zhang Xiaoliu, don't scream, if it weren't for Goudan's visit to my house last night to ask me to help, it's your turn today, and I can hit you both with one hand."

Laosan Li looked at the team waiting to be able to build the road next to him, and a villager who kept laughing toward this side cursed.

The scolded Li Xiaoliu was not angry either, and he smiled and said, "Brother, I can build roads."

"Just your little strength, build the road, repair the road for you, that's it."

"Brother, I can build roads."


"Brother, I can build roads."

Li Lao San was taken with envy and jealousy, and his life was not good.

No, it's the fault of the dog egg.

(End of this chapter)