Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Chapter 24 The temptation to eat meat and drink

When Jiang Xiaobai was tired and sweating, the three Jiang Xiaobai finally came to Huang Tupo.

Looking at the road with only a small path left and the cliff below, Jiang Xiaobai relaxed slightly.

The cliff next to is not the kind of steep cliff, and a very steep slope, and there are plants on the slope.

It doesn't look so scary, it can still be modified, but it needs more people and it takes a little longer.

And just when Jiang Xiaobai and the three were worried about the collapsed road, Huang Zhongfu also came to the youth courtyard.

Liu Aiguo saw that Huang Zhongfu was coming, so he hurried into the house to greet Jiang Xiaobai, but when he entered the house, he found that Jiang Xiaobai was missing.

Liu Aiguo ran to ask Li Siyan again. Li Siyan was also stunned. What was Jiang Xiaobai's health and she stayed by Jiang Xiaobai's bed for a day, how could he not know.

I just woke up now, but disappeared unexpectedly.

"Hurry up and let someone go out and look for it?" Huang Zhongfu said quickly when he heard that Jiang Xiaobai was missing.

It was getting dark gradually, and when a group of people in the youth courtyard was anxious to get angry, Jiang Xiaobai, Wang Xiaojun, and Wang Chao came back leisurely.

A false alarm, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, exchanged greetings with each other, and entered the youth courtyard, only Li Siyan went back to the house with a dark face.

She was also tired for a day yesterday. Today, she guarded Jiang Xiaobai for a day during the day, and she was already sleepy.

It's just that Li Siyan went back to lie on the bed and couldn't sleep listening to the noise in the yard.

From time to time, a name "Xiaowan" came to mind. This is the name that Jiang Xiaobai kept shouting when he was in a coma today.

This should be a girl, she is definitely not as pretty as she is, and a girl as beautiful as herself would never be attracted to Jiang Xiaobai.

No, it has nothing to do with me, and I look down on him.

Li Siyan was lying on the bed thinking about it over and over, Zhang Yanmei opened the door and walked in, still carrying the food in her hand.

"Siyan, eat something before going to bed,"

"Okay, thank Sister Zhang." Li Siyan couldn't sleep anyway, sat up from the bed and took the food.

At this time, the yard was also open. Jiang Xiaobai was also gulping the food. He was hungry after being in a coma for a day.

Moreover, the villagers are eating happily, there is no need to toast at this time and disturb everyone's eating.

Wait until everyone had almost eaten, Jiang Xiaobai stood up holding the wine glass.

Jiang Xiaobai drank three cups in a row, thank you for your help yesterday.

"That's right, everyone knows that our urban youth are now selling youth canned food," Jiang Xiaobai said, and the villagers in the yard suddenly started talking in a low voice.

Jiang Xiaobai and the others are selling canned food. It has been spread in Jianhua Village in the past two days, saying that they have made a lot of money.

They don't know how much money they made, but they must have made money. You can know by looking at the food tonight.

After this meal, there is at least three catties of pork, which is a few dollars, plus six bottles of wine, you can't afford it without a small twenty dollars.

Twenty yuan, a work point in Jianhua Village, one dime, twenty yuan, it takes more than half a year to save it without eating or drinking.

The young people in these cities turned out to be the money for a meal.

Some time ago, Goudan also organized villagers to come over, preparing to intervene with the urban youth, but Jiang Xiaobai refused.

Now that Jiang Xiaobai is mentioning the old thing again, could it be that... everyone's deliberateness suddenly became nervous.

"But it rained heavily yesterday, and the section from the Huangtu Slope to Zhaipo on Taoshan Road collapsed, leaving only a small intestine path..." Jiang Xiaobai didn't care what everyone thought, and continued.

"Now is the slack time for the farming. Our urban youth are also people in our Jianhua Village. I want people in the village to help build the road. It's not for nothing. Everyone counts one work point a day, and one work point is 50 cents a day, and there is enough food. Wine and meat..."

Jiang Xiaobai didn't finish speaking, the bottom was exploded.

Fifty cents per person a day for a work point, which basically catches up with the work points of a wealthy village.

"Really? Really can give so much money? Are you bragging?"

"Yes, fifty cents a day, I don't even dare to dream about it?"

"It seems that a work point in Xiti village next door is only 50 cents, and the work is also in charge of food, wine and meat."

"Is this condition too good? How many people do you want?"

Jiang Xiaobai watched everyone discussing and did not say anything. The reason for the division of labor was due to the limitations of this era. If the money was paid directly, he was afraid of problems.

Although this is no different from sending money directly, this process is often required.

"Listen to me, everyone," Jiang Xiaobai put his hands together, and the youth courtyard was suddenly silent. No one wanted to lose the opportunity to earn 50 cents a day.

"I only need 30 people, and the 20 people present are given priority as long as they want to come, and another 10 people..."

There was a burst of cheers, and soon the excitement of the youth courtyard spread to the outside of the courtyard. Originally, everyone in the countryside slept late at night.

Willing to take the cool outside when nothing is wrong, chatting, and entertaining guests in the youth courtyard today. Many people gathered outside.

Listening to the noise in the yard, many people went straight into the Youth Yard uninvited, and Jiang Xiaobai and the others did not provoke others.

And let someone arrange a stool to sit down.

More people came, and the youth courtyard became more lively. After learning about what Jiang Xiaobai had just announced, there was another climax in the courtyard, and it took a long time to calm down.

"But I have a condition. If you come to work, you must do it well. If you want to work and don't work hard, I'm sorry I can't afford it. I believe some people are willing to do it."

Jiang Xiaobai said, Huang Zhongfu sitting aside was a little embarrassed. Jiang Xiaobai was indeed talking about the situation in the village. It should not be said that it is a common situation in this era.

Eating a big pot of rice, everyone goes to the ground and mixes time. Anyway, as long as they get to the place, they will do the same amount of work and the same work points.

In this case, it is enough to work without effort, work less and not be hungry, and you can save some food when you go home.

If we do well, the road construction is over. We may still need people for the production of canned food in the future. There will certainly be opportunities, but we need everyone to do it well. Just do it well. I guarantee that everyone can eat the meat. Drinking wine..."

Because at this time, there are not many people who can eat enough food, let alone those who can eat meat.

(End of this chapter)