Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 10 places

Laosan Li turned his head to look at Gou Dan thinking about it.

People looked at Li Laosan's gaze, and suddenly realized that they all vented their grievances to Goudan.

Gougan was originally going to see if he could squeeze a quota, he also went to repair roads, drink, drink, and eat meat, but he looked at each one with a cannibalistic gaze.

Gougdan feels that the baby feels wronged. What does this have to do with me? Can I still call the whole village?

I'm also a victim, OK? I'm all on the scene, but I didn't fight the box if there were enough people.

Forget it, forget it, you are arguing with you group of brash men, what do you know? Jiang Xiaobai is buying people's hearts.

I'm going, I'm going, and my thoughts are turning sharply. For the sake of life, the dog egg is in the eyes of everyone who is about to eat people, and you are all fools, all of you are idiots, and you quit the youth courtyard.

Looking at the bright moonlight outside the yard, the dog egg spit out fiercely.

"I've written all of you down. When I go to work in the future, if I don't give you shoes to wear, I won't be surnamed dog. No, bah. I don't have my surname Cai,"

"You think that there is a future in working with urban youths. Bah, urban youths can stay in Jianhua Village for a few days. When they leave, you will be dumbfounded and not dumbfounded. If you wait for Huang Zhongfu to quit, you will take over as the village chief. Make a footprint bigger and stronger."

Gougan was outside the youth courtyard, comforted himself, and then left slowly. When he left, he had forgotten that he was staying or not, and wanted to follow the educated youth to build roads to make money.

As soon as the dog egg left, everyone started to confuse each other again. Li Siyan had experienced this kind of scene since he was a child, and while secretly cursing Jiang Xiaobai in his heart, he cast a glance at Zhang Yanmei next to him for help.

It wasn't until after 11 o'clock in the night that the youth courtyard slowly became quiet. In the end, Li Siyan couldn't help it. Ten places, whoever made loud noises and looked honestly, would give it to whoever.

Anyway, so many people are willing to do it. If it doesn't work, just change.

Li Siyan, who was dragging his exhausted body to go back to the house to rest, passed by Jiang Xiaobai's house, listening to the sleeping snoring in the house, let Li Siyan draw a small circle in his heart, cursing Jiang Xiaobai a bit.

Early the next morning, before dawn, the youth courtyard was full of voices, and the villagers who were selected to participate in the road construction yesterday almost arrived.

Without him, after returning home last night, the family heard the news, and it was even more lively. The whole night was thinking about earning 50 cents, eating meat, and drinking.

Even many people think that it is impossible to pay 50 cents a day in the end, but they think that even if urban youth can only manage meat and wine, or they can manage their meals, they can save a day's rations.

Anyway, now is the slack time for the farming, and there is nothing to do even at home.

Among them, Zhang Baofeng, Shi Fatzi, and Li Laosan are among them.

"You said that this worker can really give fifty cents in the end?" Fatty Shi's small eyes turned round and round, and his eyes exuded shrewdness.

"I don't think it's possible. For 30 of us, each of us will cost 50 cents a day, and that day will be five dollars. If we add wine and meat, we will cost ten dollars a day." Zhang Baofeng whispered to Jiang Xiaobai and the others. , They can't even think about ten dollars a day.

"Anyway, I don't care. I can only admit if I can eat and drink. I don't care if I don't have money. If I have money, I will be happier." Although Li Laosan is honest and honest, he has his own smart calculations.

He has six or seven children in his family. His wife died early, and he was all on his own outside the family. Now he can't earn the brigade's work points anyway, and he has to work even when he's at home.

Come out to work for Jiang Xiaobai, you can save one bite in your family, and if you eat less, the children in the family can eat more.

What's more, if you can give a little less money, it would be better. The little girl has reached school age, and the tuition fees for the elder girl and the eldest son alone are enough to piece together.

Now there is no way for the little girl's tuition to go to school. If the Youth Academy gives money, then he can raise enough for the girl's tuition fee of 3 yuan.

Zhang Baofeng, Shi Fatzi, and Li Laosan were discussing in a low voice, guessing, Li Xiaoliu's voice came from the side.

"Three brothers, I think it is very possible to give money." Li Xiaoliu's voice attracted the attention of the three people. When everyone's eyes were on him, Li Xiaoliu continued: "You haven't made peace. Jiang Xiaobai has been in contact with him. I don't know what kind of person he is?"

"You know? Don't you just fight against the box once? Don't be neat and familiar."

"Yes, you are good for life. If you were not the one who resisted the box that night, you probably wouldn't be able to choose it at all last night. You are still sleeping at home at this time..."

"That is, you little bastard, you are a generation behind us, and you teach us..." Fatty Shi, Zhang Baofeng opened his mouth, and Li Xiaoliu didn't care and continued.

"You are right, that time fighting against the box made me think I had some understanding of Jiang Xiaobai. You know what happened that night. It was raining heavily and the road was slippery. They had already fought once before we went..."

"I fell down again and again, and then got up from the muddy water. Seriously, I Li Xiaoliu took it. I think he has an unspeakable feeling. Anyway, I take him and he said he can give me money. I believe it." Li Xiaoliu said firmly, but Li Laosan and others did not fully believe it.

After all, this is not a small amount of money, but after Li Xiaoliu finished speaking, their impression of Jiang Xiaobai was even better.

A few people wanted to talk a few more words, but the crowd suddenly fell silent.

A few people turned their heads and saw that it was Jiang Xiaobai who had come out.

"Yanmei, let people prepare meals, and go up the mountain when they are full." Jiang Xiaobai saw that everyone had come so early and knew that one by one, needless to say, definitely didn't eat.

It's good to come early. Jiang Xiaobai doesn't care about breakfast at all. Now that the yellow peaches are mature, if the road is built one day earlier, he can produce canned yellow peaches one day earlier. This is what Jiang Xiaobai cares about.

Not to mention other things, after a fragrant breakfast, the big guy's body is considered to be strong.

"Go." Jiang Xiaobai gave an order. 30 villagers, 10 men knew and 31 Wang Chao, with tools, led two bullock carts borrowed from the production team and set off towards Taoshan.

Everyone was walking and chatting, the noisy sound broke the tranquility of the small village in the morning.

(End of this chapter)