Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 243

Chapter 243

Chapter 243 Family Atmosphere

Jiang Xiaobai and Li Laosan returned to the guest house to take their luggage, and then walked towards Jiang Xiaobai's house.

"This, this is my home." Jiang Xiaobai said, and walked in with Laosan Li.

"Mom, mom..." Jiang Xiaobai shouted loudly as he walked home.

"Who? Is it the third child? How did I hear the voice of the third child." Mother Jiang walked out of the house while speaking.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai standing in the middle of the courtyard, he was stunned on the spot.

"Lao San, isn't Mom dreaming, are you back?" Mother Jiang rubbed her eyes vigorously.

"Mom, I'm back." Jiang Xiaobai smiled and walked over, and was hugged by Jiang's mother.

"Mom, this is my eldest brother from the village where I jumped into the queue, his surname is Li." Jiang Xiaobai introduced Li San to Mother Jiang.

"Big sister." Li Laosan thought for a long time before he called out.

Let's call Jiang Xiaobai an aunt. My own picture is a bit too old, so I can only talk about it.

"Mom, just call the old third." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"The third one, right? Come in and rest." Mother Jiang greeted enthusiastically.

"Xiaobai, what's the matter with you? Why are you so haggard." Mother Jiang looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said distressedly.

Jiang Xiaobai has been eating and sleeping all day, and the stubble on his face has appeared, and the whole body has indeed lost a lot of weight.

"It's okay, mom, where's my sister?" Jiang Xiaobai entered the room but didn't see the second sister Jiang Honglan.

"Was it at home just now? This dead Nizi, I don't know what to do in hiding in the house?" Mother Jiang shouted towards the next room after speaking.

"Honglan, come here, your brother is back."

Jiang Honglan reluctantly came out of the room. She heard Jiang Xiaobai's voice just now, but she didn't want to come out.

"What are you doing hiding in the house? Didn't you hear when your brother came back, go shopping for vegetables, and call your dad back by the way."

Mother Jiang's mouth opened was a bunch of work arrangements. Although she usually worked, when Jiang Xiaobai came back, she watched Jiang Xiaobai not do anything and worked on her own.

Jiang Honglan felt uncomfortable for a while, and she was able to comfort and comfort herself at ordinary times. The girl from any other family worked at home.

But as soon as Jiang Xiaobai came back, when there was a contrast, Jiang Honglan felt out of breath.

"Oh..." Jiang Honglan prolonged her voice and glared at Jiang Xiaobai.

"Mom, look at the second sister and she stares at me." Jiang Xiaobai was not used to Jiang Honglan either.

"Die Nizi, he is your younger brother, what do you scare him to do, then scare him, see if I will not join you." Jiang Mu scolded without hesitation.

Jiang Xiaobai made a face to Jiang Honglan.

It's been a long time since he went home, Jiang Xiaobai also particularly enjoys this family atmosphere. Of course, the second sister Jiang Honglan enjoys it or not, he doesn't know if he enjoys it.

"You..." Jiang Honglan stomped and turned and left. A conversation between Jiang Xiaobai and Jiang's mother came from behind.

"Then, the second sister hasn't found her husband's family yet? Isn't this picky?"

"Isn't that so? Tell me about her..."

Listening to Jiang Xiaobai's words, Jiang Honglan staggered and almost didn't fall.

Jiang Tieshan was buying canned food when he saw the girl Jiang Honglan coming over. After hearing the news of his son's return, Jiang Tieshan was still very happy. He closed the stall and sorted out the money he earned today.

Cut another pound of pork, and went home with Jiang Honglan.

"Parents, I want to announce a good news." Before the meal was ready, Jiang Xiaobai looked at his father and mother Jiang and said.

Suddenly attracted the eyes of Father Jiang and Mother Jiang. Jiang Honglan didn't know what kind of demon Jiang Xiaobai was going to be.

But I was praying in my heart, don't relate to yourself.

"You said son..." Mother Jiang said while putting the dishes.

"My college entrance examination this year was the number one in science in our province's college entrance examination."

Jiang Xiaobai brewed his emotions and said slowly.

After speaking, I waited for Jiang's father and Jiang's mother to look shocked and joyful.

It's just that Jiang Xiaobai didn't even stop her hand movements.

"Don't be kidding, eat well, the dishes on this table are all your favorites." Mother Jiang said with a smile.

Although she dotes on her son, she still knows his son's virtues. If she said she had a fight, she believed it.

But if you want to take college entrance exams, and you are still the first in the province, that's a joke, if you can study so well.

I should have passed the college entrance examination last year. I went to university with Liu Aiguo and Wang Xiaojun.

"No, I mean it." Jiang Xiaobai understood and explained it hard.

Explained for a long time before letting Mother Jiang and Father Jiang believe that the news was true.

"Really son? You didn't lie to us, you really got the first place in the province in the college entrance examination." Jiang's mother stopped, watching her son ask seriously.

The son used to fight all day, but he never lied.

"Really, can I use this to lie to you?" Jiang Xiaobai smiled bitterly.

"Old ginger, green smoke is coming from your family's ancestral grave. Come on, show your mom a good look. My son is amazing. If he doesn't take the exam, he will be the first place."

Jiang Mule's heart is in full bloom.

Father Jiang's big fan-like hand patted Jiang Xiaobai's shoulder.

"Good boy, worthy of my kind."

Jiang Honglan held chopsticks and sat on the stool in a daze.

real or fake? Only his incompetent brother was able to get the first place in the province.

Although I haven't taken the college entrance examination, I have heard of it. How many people can't get into college at all.

If the university is easy to go to, so many people won't be able to go to university.

Continuous entrance examination for a general university or even a junior college is the goal of everyone's hard work.

But now Jiang Xiaobai has actually taken the first place in the province, which is hard to imagine.

Although he was a little skeptical, Jiang Honglan also knew that although this younger brother could cause trouble, he was not stupid and would not make jokes about such things.

Because this kind of lie is easy to expose.

"Good, good, great. Son, come and eat more, you look thin, you must be tired from studying." Mother Jiang kept putting vegetables into Jiang Xiaobai's bowl, looking at Jiang Xiaobai, all smiles on her face It can't be opened.

"Bring me wine, son, have two drinks with my dad." Jiang Tieshan turned his head and ordered towards Jiang Hongmei.

From childhood to adulthood, as long as there is something happy at home, Jiang Tieshan must make two glasses, and Jiang's mother will not stop him at this time.

Jiang Honglan doesn't understand why she is always hurt.

It turned out to be the mother instructed to do the work, but now even the father does it.

Jiang Tieshan, his son Jiang Xiaobai, and Li Laosan were drinking.

Mother Jiang ate two bites in a hurry, and then said that you eat slowly, and then went out to find neighbors to show off.

Since I was young, my little son has always caused troubles and fights. Now that he is successful, he must show off.

(End of this chapter)