Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 244

Chapter 244

Chapter 244 Happy Jiang Family

At night, when eating, of course all the Jiang family members were called back.

Eldest sister Jiang Hongmei, brother-in-law Li Donghai, eldest brother Jiang Zijun, second brother Jiang Zijian, third sister Jiang Hongxiang and third brother-in-law.

When the eldest sister and the eldest brother-in-law came, they didn't have any less things in their hands. Now Li Donghai is no longer in the factory, and Liu Fei's hands make more money.

Of course, it is generous when it is spent.

Li Donghai met Jiang Xiaobai very warmly, but the third brother-in-law was still a new son-in-law, and he was probably a little unfamiliar. He sat silently and taciturn aside.

Father and Mother Jiang announced that Jiang Xiaobai had passed the provincial science champion in the college entrance examination.

Everyone was stunned, even the second brother Jiang Zijun, who had never heard of things outside the window and read only the sages' books, was stopped.

"Impossible, impossible." Jiang Zijian reacted more intensely. He is a high school student, and he knows the cruelty of the college entrance examination best.

So I know more about what it means to be No. 1 in the college entrance examination. My younger brother has not even attended high school for a day.

If the blind cat bumps into a dead mouse and takes a college degree, then Thaksin.

But if you say it's impossible to get into a university, let alone get a provincial champion.

"What's impossible, it's okay for you not to see your brother." Mother Jiang's eyes widened, and the new brother-in-law saw the status of Jiang Xiaobai's brother-in-law in the family for the first time.

Don't bother with Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang's mother convinced everyone that this was true with a few words.

"Okay, Xiaobai is promising, and he has gone to college. If you are short of money, tell your elder sister, we will get the money."

Li Donghai patted Jiang Xiaobai's shoulder and said that he said this because one is that he is now earning more money, and the other is that Jiang Xiaobai was awarded the province's top prize, and then he will be an investment if he has a profit.

Three is the time of Chinese New Year. Jiang Xiaobai also gave food stamps and various tickets to make him feel good to Jiang Xiaobai's brother-in-law.

Li Donghai said this, and he was embarrassed by the new third brother-in-law. What should I say? Isn't it good not to say? But I can't do it again.

And this shouldn't be said as a brother-in-law, but Li Donghai just said it.

"I don't need you Donghai, I can still do it? I'm not the youngest yet? Xiaobai is admitted to college, I'm exhausted to my old bones, and let him go to school." Jiang Tieshan waved his hand and said excitedly.

Laosan on the side looked at the family, you are vying for one by one, don't you know that the one sitting in front of you is Director Jiang?

A large factory director who has shares in all three factories.

Any factory's shares can be taken out, and at this time, individuals can be killed, not to mention the shares. It's just 500 yuan a month's salary, why is it not enough?

How much money do you earn in a month, it can be used for you to spend money.

But looking at Jiang Xiaobai's side, Old San Li understood, I'm afraid they really don't know.

"No, I don't need to spend any money to go to college now, it's free, and living expenses will be paid back." Jiang Xiaobai said.

He finally enjoyed the benefits of going to university without spending money, and being able to assign jobs and houses after graduation.

"It doesn't cost money, that's a good feeling." Jiang Tieshan laughed.

"In this way, pick a day, we have to invite all the neighbors in the neighborhood to have a banquet." Jiang Mu said.

"Well, yes, this matter can't be pulled down. For such a glorious thing, you must have a banquet." Father Jiang also agreed.

"When I finish eating, I will take a national certificate... and a provincial champion." Jiang Zijian put his chopsticks on the table and stood up and said.

It's just that in the end, he still didn't dare to say the words of the national champion. He still had a little bit of self-knowledge about himself.

Jiang Zijian went back to his house to study, and he will have the college entrance examination next year.

Jiang Zijian's departure did not cause any disturbance at all. Jiang's father and Jiang's mother at the dinner table, plus Jiang Hongmei, and Jiang Hongxiang were discussing the banquet enthusiastically.

"Not only must it be done, but also a big deal. Donghae and I took the money for the banquet." The eldest sister Jiang Hongmei now has money at home, and her tone of voice has become a lot harder.

"While you stay, you can still get your money." Jiang Tieshan glanced at the girl and saw that you were not pleasing to your eyes. Now that you have money, you can talk to Lao Tzu like that.

also used Liu Fei to understand people. He could be so inferior to Li Donghai's son-in-law, letting himself sell canned food, but not letting himself earn a high salary.

"Parents, my little brother has got such a good result in the exam, so we must notify all the relatives in the family."

"Yes, there are neighbors..." The four discussed, while Li Donghai and Jiang Xiaobai, and Li San were also chatting on the other side.

Only Jiang Honglan and the newly-arrived third brother-in-law ate silently, which was incompatible with the warm atmosphere on the table.

Jiang Honglan did not want to talk to Jiang Xiaobai. Originally, when Jiang Xiaobai went home, her status plummeted.

Now that Jiang Xiaobai is back with the province's college entrance examination champion, she has been beaten to the bottom, just like a transparent person.

No, transparent people don't have to work, she has to work.

"Oh, I don't do it in the factory now. At a canning agent, I can get 50 yuan a month."

Li Donghai said with a smile.

"Canned food agent." Jiang Xiaobai muttered, and then looked at each other with Li San.

The two immediately thought of educated youth canned food. At this time, in the canned food market in Jin Province, it is estimated that only educated youth canned food are agents.

"What canned food?" Jiang Xiaobai asked tentatively.

"It's called educated youth canned food. It's the kind of canned food you took when you went home last year." Li Donghai said with a smile.

Jiang Xiaobai and Li Laosan's eyes are a little weird.

Jiang Xiaobai said okay without saying much. Go ahead, anyway, the state-owned enterprise will go bankrupt sooner or later, so it's better to come out earlier.

Accumulate a little experience, no matter if you are doing business or doing anything in the future, it is better than waiting to be laid off in a state-owned enterprise.

"Xiaobai, you will have a good rest at home these two days, and just wait for college." Mother Jiang discussed the banquet and turned to look at Jiang Xiaobai's instructions.

"No, Mom, I have to go back tomorrow." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"What are you going back to do? I've been admitted to college." Jiang Mu said.

"Isn't this the province's top pick? Many high schools in the province invited me to give reports, organized by the city."

Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, in fact, needless to say that there was such a thing, even if there was no such thing, the three factories also needed to be arranged before they could go to university, otherwise he would not be relieved.

Mother Jiang, who was unhappy at first. When my son said this, he immediately agreed with a smile.

"Make a report, good, good report. Go, you must go, and I will let you know when a day is set at home."

The smile on Jiang's mother's face has not faded all day.

(End of this chapter)