Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 242

Chapter 242

Chapter 242 Double happiness is coming

Jiang Xiaobai is still very sure that he can be admitted to a university, even a key university.

After all, is a person who has been killed in a sea of books and questions from later generations. Now the college entrance examination is mostly such a large number of workers who have been struggling in the countryside, or they are students who have just returned to the school for a few years.

Comparing Jiang Xiaobai with them is still quite confident, at least it's okay to take a key university.

But if it is said to be the first in science in the province, it really depends not only on strength, but also on luck.

Li Beibei said excitedly, Uncle Bai is amazing, not only able to lead the village to make a fortune, but also to establish such a big factory director. And it's so good in learning.

turned out to be the No. 1 in science in the province's college entrance examination.

"By the way, Uncle Bai, Teacher Ma came to you, and came to the village today. It seems that there is something to do. Ask you to call her back. The school phone number is..."

"Okay, I get it." After hanging up the phone, Jiang Xiaobai rubbed his excited face. He didn't expect that he had accidentally become a student bully.

hung up the phone, and after a while, Jiang Xiaobai picked up the phone and called the school again.

The principal answered the call. After knowing that it was Jiang Xiaobai, his tone became affectionate to a certain extent.

There are prisons, and each school also has its own school-run enterprise, but they are of different sizes.

That's why Jiang Xiaobai heard that he was going to each school to make a report, and immediately put his idea on the school-run enterprise.

Reporting is also one of the unique activities of this era.

As soon as someone is selected as an advanced worker or model worker, a report will be made.

It's just related to the scope of this selection. If you choose it in your own factory, then you will make a report in the factory.

The provincial college entrance examination champions like Jiang Xiaobai basically report from schools across the province.

And like some national model characters, it is a national report, basically it is like having a concert with a later star.

is also admired by people.

"Really, let me get in touch and get together. There should be no problem with the three hundred piglets you want." Director Zhou said dumbfoundedly.

Actually, he also wants to understand now. Jiang Xiaobai called himself and thought about it and asked him to help.

is Jiang Xiaobai. If you change another student, even the province's champion, who would dare to call yourself, let alone help yourself by doing a report.

"Double happiness is here, double happiness is here." Jiang Xiaobai put down the phone and said excitedly.

Not only did he pass the province's college entrance examination champion, but he also ran the 300 little piglets that hadn't landed for more than half of them.

"What's the matter, Director Xiaobai?" Laosan asked, looking at the excited Jiang Xiaobai. Although he heard a few words like "piggy, college entrance examination", he didn't understand it.

"Good thing, go, come to my house, walk on the road and say, let my mother cook some dishes for you, we have a good meal, rest and rest."

Jiang Xiaobai said excitedly.

"Okay." Li Laosan nodded, seeing that Jiang Xiaobai has good news. It should be Piggy's thing that has been done.

Walking on the road, Li Laosan realized that not only did Piggy's affairs have been done, but also that the director of Xiaobai had also taken the provincial college entrance examination champion.

"Awesome, Director Xiaobai, the first time I saw you, I felt that you were extraordinary. It turned out that the gentleman Wenquxing from the sky descended from the earth."

Half of Li San was really shocked, and the other half was habitual flattering.

But this flattering is really cool.

"Really?" Jiang Xiaobai asked with a laugh.

"Yes, you are not only Wenquxing descending, you are also the God of Wealth descending. You see, after you came to Jianhua Village, Jianhua Village has changed a lot? My family was poor..."

Here, Laosan Li tried his best to flatter Jiang Xiaobai.

On the other side, Ma Ronghua pulled his head and limped into the school while pushing his bicycle. He hesitated at the door of the principal's office and finally knocked on the door.

"Teacher Ma is back, come in quickly..."

"Principal, I..." Ma Ronghua lowered his head and asked how to speak.

"Teacher Ma, are you very efficient in doing things? Xiaobai has already called back, explaining that he will be heading back from Longcheng in the next day. If you hurry, you will be able to arrive at school tomorrow night...

The principal said, Ma Ronghua raised his head with a surprised expression.

"Really? Principal." Ma Ronghua smiled and tears almost flowed out again. What is this? The crowd looked for him thousands of times, and suddenly looked back, but the man was in the dimly lit place, and he was talking about himself!

"Really, I can lie to you. Teacher Ma, prepare for it. If you go out to give a report this time, you have to follow along. They can't just see the province's college entrance examination science champion, and they can also meet the teacher ?"

The principal continued to say with a smile?

"Really, I am going to the principal? Is it appropriate?" Ma Ronghua was full of ecstasy.

"It's right, that's it. You go back and prepare." The principal waved his hand and said with a smile.

How lost before entering the door, how excited Ma Ronghua is now, this day is really ups and downs.

I don't know how long it has been since such a big wave of emotions.

was first questioned by Director Zhou and found out that he had reported the wrong number of people and said the wrong thing. Later, he found out that the province's college entrance examination champion came out of the class, and then went to Jiang Xiaobai's house excitedly, but returned again disappointed.

Now I'm going out to give a report again, lost, excited, lost, excited...

For the first time in his life, Ma Ronghua has had such a big ups and downs in a day.

(End of this chapter)