Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 241

Chapter 241

Chapter 241

"Teacher Ma, this is my home." Li Beibei took Ma Ronghua to his door.

"Mom, mom, are you at home? My teacher is here." Li Beibei yelled as soon as he entered the door. Liu Cui'e was just right to take a break today and did not go to work in the canteen of the educated youth cannery.

Heard a voice coming out of the house.

"Babe, are you back? Hello, teacher, come in and sit down." Liu Cui'e greeted enthusiastically, and at the same time took over the luggage in Li Beibei's hand.

Li Beibei and Ma Ronghua leaned their bicycles against the wall and walked into the house.

"Teacher, you sit first, and I will pour you water." Liu Cui'e said, turning around to pour water for Ma Ronghua.

"Babe, isn't your mother?" Ma Ronghua asked Li Beibei in a low voice.

She still knows a little bit about Li Beibei's well-studied class at home. I remember that Li Beibei's mother had passed away before, so why did a mother suddenly appear?

"My dad married later. I got married some time ago." Li Beibei did not hide it.

Soon Liu Cui'e poured water and came back. Li Beibei walked over and said, holding Liu Cui'e's arm.

"Mom, where are the younger brothers and sisters?"

"They all went out to play," Liu Cui'e said, but her eyes kept looking at Ma Ronghua. Is there something wrong with the teacher's sudden visit?

"Well, mom tells you good news, I am admitted to a university, a key university." Li Beibei said excitedly.

Liu Cui'e was taken aback, and then there was an ecstatic smile on her face.

"Really? Great key university, key university." Liu Cui'e said excitedly, feeling a little at a loss.

Li Beibei's mother left early. When she was a child, Liu Cui'e watched Li Beibei grow up since she was a child. She has no children herself, and treats Li Beibei like her own daughter.

Now that Li Beibei is admitted to university, Liu Cui'e is really excited and don't know what to do?

Looking at the scene before him, Ma Ronghua didn't worry anymore. Although he was a stepmother, looking at the appearance of Li Beibei and Liu Cui'e, they were not much worse than their mothers.

"Mom... Mom... I am so happy." Liu Cui'e said, the corners of her eyes were a little moist, and she quickly wiped it again.

"Babe, what do you want to eat? Mom will make it for you." After speaking, he remembered Ma Ronghua who was on the side asking: "Teacher, let's eat at home at noon. What do you want to eat? I'll get some food. "

"I want to eat red meat..." Li Beibei finished speaking, then turned to look at Ma Ronghua.

"I can do whatever I want, just to trouble you." It's noon anyway, and Ma Ronghua is not hypocritical.

When Li Beibei's family was poor, she also frugal and helped Li Beibei.

Ma Ronghua was surprised by the richness of the lunch.

Broiled pork, shredded pork with hot pepper, ribs...Ma Ronghua really wanted to ask, does your family buy meat without money?

Li Beibei's younger siblings also came back, knowing that her elder sister had been admitted to the university, it was noisy again.

Congratulations to the older one, and the younger one only takes care of her sister being able to go to Beijing. What's so delicious in Beijing? Bring a little back to yourself when the time comes.

After eating, Li Beibei asked, "Mom, where is my dad? Is he in the factory?"

During the meal, Li Lao San did not come back, and Li Beibei did not care. Generally speaking, Li Lao San did not go home after eating in the factory.

"No, your dad and your uncle Bai have been out for a long time, and they haven't come back."

Liu Cui'e said.

"Jiang Xiaobai is out? Where did he go?" Before Li Beibei spoke, Ma Ronghua on the side could not sit still, and asked anxiously.

The purpose of her coming today is to inform Jiang Xiaobai of the college entrance examination results, and by the way, let Jiang Xiaobai go back to school to prepare for a speech.

As a result, he said that he had gone out and was not at home at all.

"I don't know, maybe I'm still in Shanxi Province, or I'm out of the province. I called back two days ago and said that I was in Liuzhou City. I don't know where I am now."

Liu Cui'e was taken aback for a moment and said, what is this teacher doing in such a hurry?

"No, why did Jiang Xiaobai go outside?" Ma Ronghua said angrily. You said that you, a student who has finished the college entrance examination, don't care about your grades and don't go to school.

Then stay at home and wait for the notification! Why are you still running outside?

If I can't find anyone, how can I go back and explain to the principal.

Although it doesn't have much to do with yourself, but if you are not sure, you will be involved in yourself.

"Buy piglets, the pig farm in the village buys piglets." Liu Cui'e said.

"No, buy Piggy, do you use him?" Ma Ronghua asked.

"Use him to go!" Liu Cui'e said of course. If the director of Xiaobai is not going, who will go?

"Is there any way to contact him?" Ma Ronghua asked.

"No, I can only wait for them to call home. Generally, they will call when they arrive at a place," Liu Cui'e said.

Ma Ronghua had no choice but to leave the phone number of the school office, and repeatedly told Liu Cui'e if Jiang Xiaobai called home.

Be sure to tell Jiang Xiaobai that if you are in a hurry to find him, call the school back.

Then he went out crookedly on his bicycle, and the good mood of having a full lunch was gone.

Out of the village, on the way back to the school, thinking that the principal had not done well the things that the principal had explained, I was in a low mood, not paying attention, and fell to the ground again.

There were no students next to him this time, and Ma Ronghua was not in a hurry to get up from the ground, rubbing his aching knee, and slowly rolled up his trouser legs.

Only then did I see a large swelling on the knee, and it was bleeding.

Looking around, there was no one around, Ma Ronghua suddenly sat on the ground and started crying.

For so many years, it is not easy for her to take the child alone, and there are many people pointing and pointing behind her. If she didn't pretend to be strong all day long, she held herself tightly with a layer of armor.

It is estimated that all of them have been hit by life.

I got results in the college entrance examination in the class, and I can finally exaggerate. As a result, not only did I fall several times, but the principal's account was not done.

All the grievances rushed to my heart, tears involuntarily flowed down.

Ma Ronghua, wiping tears, got up and pushed his bicycle forward. He didn't know what the principal would say if things were not done.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai also called back to the educated youth cannery in Longcheng.

Li Beibei took the phone and talked to Jiang Xiaobai about Jiang Xiaobai's achievements.

"I took the provincial science champion, is it true or not? Are you kidding me?" Jiang Xiaobai was also a little confused when he heard the news, wiped a handful of his skinny face after the wind and sun, and grabbed the phone to ask. To.

(End of this chapter)