Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2417

Chapter 2417

Chapter 2417 Fishing in troubled waters

Director Lu and a group of people said this kind of thing on this occasion, and the attitude was so fierce, it was obvious that this was no longer intended, but directly fired.

Everyone realized that what happened, everyone was uncertain, and they were all thinking about the impact of what Director Lu and others said, as well as the follow-up development.

Director Lu and others are spraying Changjiang Group. Changjiang Group is not a small company, so they dare not say a word when they are sprayed.

Although Director Lu and others said that they are not weak when combined, the Changjiang Group is not a vegetarian, so they were sprayed and did not fight back.

Moreover, Director Lu and others would have been addicted to their mouths without saying it. Since they said it like this, the meaning of the target is already obvious, and they won't pull it down if they say it, and there will definitely be follow-up actions.

Entrepreneurs meeting is going on normally, but everyone's mind is not on this. From time to time, people go out to use the toilet as an excuse, and then call to see what is going on in the mall.

When doing business, you need to pay attention to these things at any time. If it is a small thing, you don't need to pay so much attention to it just to watch the fun. Anyway, when you can't watch it, you can know what happened later.

But obviously, since Director Lu and others took the initiative to open fire, this is not a trivial matter, and Changjiang Group is not a good thing. If the two sides really meet, the consequences will definitely cause great damage to the entire domestic market. Impact.

Maybe your business will be affected, so you still have to prepare in advance, you won't be able to get any benefits from this incident, but you must also ensure that your interests will not be affected by this incident.

So they moved one by one.

The leader of the light industry department presided over the meeting. He watched as people in the audience kept going out to the toilet, and when they came back from the toilet, some people kept going out to answer the phone.

What are you doing here? Who doesn't know, although it is normal for people to be middle-aged, with poor kidneys, frequent urination and urgency, but this is a little too frequent, so they don't hide it, what is going to the toilet? Go out to find out the news, just look for the news.

The key is that after the call is made, more calls are returned, and the phone keeps ringing, which makes the leader's face darken.

"Okay, since everyone's kidneys are not good, let's take a 20-minute intermission, and everyone can relax." The leader made a joke. Enough.

Of course, he definitely didn't want to call to find out about the situation because he was also very curious.

The main reason is that this matter also needs to be reported to the top. After all, Mr. Li of Changjiang Group is also a political figure. Now that he is sprayed like this at such a high-level meeting, it is OK to say that it is normal competition in the shopping mall. It can be a small political event.

So this matter still has to be inquired and reported.

The intermission is over, so everyone has no more scruples, and they make calls one by one.

At the same time, there are still people who come to Director Lu and the others from time to time to inquire, but Director Lu and the others didn't say much. What you inquired is what you inquired, and what you guessed is what you guessed, but I just won't say it directly.

Because it is not appropriate to say this kind of thing directly, it is not appropriate to say too much, it seems too arrogant, it is easy to leave people with something to say, it is not appropriate to say too little, it seems too gentle.

But it doesn't matter if Director Lu and the others say it or not.

Because there was too much movement, the phones rang one by one, and everyone could almost understand the context of the matter.

The news is very easy to inquire, because the entire shopping mall seems to be overwhelmingly targeting Changjiang Group, Rongcheng Changjiang Group Branch, Jingcheng Changjiang Group Branch, and Jiangcheng Changjiang Group Branch.

The electronics company of Changjiang Group, the plastic company of Changjiang Group, the real estate company of Changjiang Group, and the branch of Changjiang Group.

It can be said that more than 90% of Changjiang Group's industries in the mainland have been blocked, and everything has happened. At this moment, it is like the entire mainland market is rejecting them.

Targeted interviews, targeting on upstream and downstream industry chains, door-to-door collections from some banks, and investigations into Changjiang Group's hoarding behavior in some places.

The entire shopping mall has been chaotic. It is too chaotic. Changjiang Group was caught by surprise without any preparation at all. The entire Changjiang Group is now bewildered.

Some branches are ready to report up, some secondary subsidiaries are also ready to press down by themselves, and some are stunned without reacting.

Anyway, it has become a mess. The Changjiang Group, which used to be high in the past, has a special status on the mainland side. Now it is really messed up.

Such a mighty momentum, and some of the Changjiang Group's competitors also reacted quickly and joined the battle group. Who can not take advantage of such a good opportunity.

No matter who blocked the Changjiang Group, but it is a competitor in itself, and usually does not dare to provoke it. At this time, it can help the market without falling into trouble, and then it will not be necessary to mix in the mall.

So this is basically a mess.

There are also some quick-responders who have also begun to fish in troubled waters, taking advantage of the opportunity to profit. This is the current situation in the domestic market, which is very chaotic.

Jiang Xiaobai was in the office, listening to the news reported one by one. He did not expect the actions of many people. Those who fished in troubled waters, and the competitors of Changjiang Group took the opportunity to attack.

But this is all a good thing, everyone is rushing on, whoever takes advantage of Jiang Xiaobai doesn't care, but strive to cause greater losses to Changjiang Group, this is Jiang Xiaobai's purpose.

Zhang Weiyi, Mr. Huang, Song Xin, plus the people from the investment company, constantly analyzed and arranged the next steps in response to the news, although they had made plans before.

However, in the actual operation process, there is still a need for targeted adjustments, especially in the case of Changjiang Group's competitors who are also taking action, and when someone is fishing in troubled waters, it is better to analyze the specific situation in detail.

Let's see if we can add a fire to make the branch or subsidiary company in a certain place more confusing, or kill it directly.

But there are some people who cross the line, and we should also warn that this blocking battle looks chaotic, but the Huaqing Group has arranged it.

Some means can be used, and it is normal for commercial competition to use unscrupulous means, but some means that break the lower limit cannot be used. It can't give people a sense of chaos, this blocking battle should be busy but not chaotic.

(end of this chapter)