Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2416

Chapter 2416

Chapter 2416 Collective fire

A group of reporters from Rongcheng went to Changjiang Group's branch in Rongcheng.

Liu Qiangbao, the manager of the Changjiang Group branch in Rongcheng, was completely dumbfounded. Facing the long guns and short guns of a group of reporters, he was speechless.

"That...that..." Liu Qiangbao was at a loss for words. He just relied on his relationship with Xiangjiang to have a general manager here, just to earn some wages.

As for other management capabilities, he does not have any management capabilities. Of course, the branch in Rongcheng does not need any management capabilities. After all, after the land here is bought, Changjiang Group is not ready to develop it at all. Just wait for the appreciation.

So he doesn't have much work as a general manager. He usually deals with errands. If he buys land or something, he will come from Xiangjiang and talk to Rongcheng, so he has no ability at all.

Faced with these things now, how does he know how to answer.

"Mr. Liu, may I ask, your branch company won three or two pieces of land at the auction last year. According to the information we have received, you have no plans for these plots, and the related projects have not been started. why is that?"

"Mr. Liu, may I ask if you are suspected of hoarding land..."

"Mr. Liu, is this hoarding of land a strategic act of your group headquarters? As far as we know, there are many plots of land in the country of your Changjiang Group that are in a similar situation."

"Mr. Liu..."

A group of people surrounded Liu Qiangbao, and the microphone and camera were about to hit Liu Qiangbao's face.

At the same time, Rongcheng Liu Yonghao was asked about the current real estate industry when he was participating in a TV show.

He said with a smile: "The real estate industry is still very good now, but some of the real estate companies do not follow the rules. They take the land for development, not to hoard it and wait for future price increases to make a fortune.

I think the supervision in this area still needs to be strengthened. Anyone on this land in the country needs to abide by the rules we have formulated and cannot act arbitrarily. "

The host heard something in Liu Yong's good words, and the host is also not afraid of big things, so he immediately asked: "Mr. Liu, please tell me, which company is doing this?"

Liu used a good smile, he was waiting for this sentence, he was here to shoot today.

"What can't be said, it's the Changjiang Group of Xiangjiang." The studio was quiet for a while, everyone stared at Liu Yonghao, and was a little speechless for a while.

If it weren't for the live broadcast, it is estimated that at this time, someone would have asked the camera teacher to pinch this part.

Even the host who picked things up was stunned at this time. She wanted to pick things up, and it was a bit topical, but she never thought that Liu Yonghao would dare to spray the Changjiang Group directly. What is this Changjiang Group? what.

This is the business tycoon and leader of Heung Kong. Mr. Li, the boss of the group, is still a certain representative in the mainland, and he is still a certain political figure. This is not topical, but it may drag their TV station into a quagmire and whirlpool.

The directors in the studio were all stunned, and it was quiet for a long time, no one spoke. , the director winked and asked the staff to quickly report the matter to the director. Everyone realized that something was going to happen today, something big was going to happen.

Everyone was shocked and scared. After that, they immediately thought about Liu Yonghao's words, whether Liu Yonghao said the wrong name or something else, it is impossible to say the wrong name, what kind of person is Liu Yonghao.

I suddenly agreed to come over for an interview today, and I even specifically asked for a live broadcast, probably just to shoot.

That was intentional, deliberately firing at Changjiang Group, but why? Why is this happening, is Liu Yong crazy?

Liu Yonghao said that he is regarded as the leader among domestic private enterprises, but he hopes that the group is not a star and a half worse than the Changjiang Group.

Why do you have to target others? The key is whether they are opponents.

You Liu will not go to Xiangjiang for development after you make good use of it, and you will not go to the southeast for development. What will you do in the future?

You want the group to be strong in the mainland, but Mr. Li is a political figure, why is that?

The host, director, cameraman, etc. haven't figured it out yet, so Liu Yonghao continued.

"In the past few years, some people have calculated that the real estate company of Changjiang Group has taken no less than ten plots here. The result is that the earliest plots were taken five or six years ago, but now they have all risen. The grass is gone, there is no movement yet.

If you want me to say, let's discuss it with Changjiang Group and let go of this fence. We hope that the group can rent it to grow pasture or food. "

The host's face has turned black, and the director gave the host a vicious look, making you screeching to pick things up.

The director came over quickly and gave a wink. The host interrupted Liu Yonghao's words knowingly and said, "Okay, Mr. Liu, thank you for your suggestion, then our program for today will stop here for the time being."

Liu Yong smiled and didn't say anything. At the same time, Director Lu, who attended an entrepreneur meeting in Beijing, also said similar words.

"This Changjiang Group has acquired a lot of land in the mainland, but I don't think it has been developed. This is a waste of land. How good is it to use it for farming? It happens that many people in our village feel that the land is not enough, and this land is panicking. It is also a waste.

How good is this kind of food, so I solemnly propose here to investigate the chaos in the real estate industry to the end. "

"I agree with Director Lu, such people are the black sheep of our real estate industry."

Wang Shi was the first to stand up, and Feng Lun and others next to him also stood up one after another, and many other entrepreneurs who participated in the entrepreneurs meeting of the Oriental Association stood up to support this opinion.

For a while, the entire entrepreneur meeting was a little messy, and everyone's face suddenly became solemn.

It is different from Liu Yonghao's attack on the TV station. It was Liu Yonghao alone. On this occasion, many entrepreneurs such as Lu factory director and Wang Shi made speeches. Obviously, this was premeditated.

And it can be seen from the identities of the entrepreneurs who have spoken out, this time things are not simple, this scale, obviously there are people behind, after all, Director Lu and many of them are not familiar at all, as a result these people They even got up to support each other, obviously not because of Director Lu.

(end of this chapter)