Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2418

Chapter 2418

Chapter 2418 Panic

Beijing Airport, as soon as Mr. Liu and his party got off the plane, they received a series of phone calls, all of which were members of the Taishan Association.

Mr. Liu was ready to call back with a dark face. I have been in Jiangcheng for so long, and you didn't know how to help. Now that things are settled, you come out and pretend to be good people.

Mr. Liu murmured in his heart, but he still had to call back. After all, he was the president of the Taishan Association, and this relationship still had to be maintained.

But after the phone was connected, what everyone asked was not about Mou Qizhuan at all.

"Mr. Liu, what happened? What happened to the Changjiang Group?"

"What's the matter, what is the Changjiang Group?"

"Something happened, don't you know?"

"What's the big deal, what's going on?" Mr. Liu looked bewildered.

"Don't you know? What happened just two hours ago, and now the domestic shopping malls have exploded. I don't know who is targeting the Changjiang Group. Now the Changjiang Group has been blocked, and now the domestic shopping mall is uploading a lot of uproar. Yes, someone said that the Changjiang Group is going to be cleaned up..." The members of the Taishan Association rambled a lot on the phone, but Mr. Liu didn't understand what was going on.

With a dark face, he asked in detail for a long time before he understood what was going on.

"Mr. Liu, what are you talking about? Why is the wind blowing without any warning, isn't it..."

Mr. Liu thought for a while and then understood: "I still don't understand, Director Lu, Liu Yonghao, Wang Shi, you don't understand who these are, you can understand what's behind the company if you look carefully at the company that is in trouble now. Who is that?"

It's not yourself who knows you best, but your competitors.

Although the scale of Taishan Club is completely incomparable to that of Dongfang Club, and President Liu's strength is completely incomparable to Jiang Xiaobai, but between the two, Liu always regards Jiang Xiaobai as his competitor.

So he also knew Jiang Xiaobai very well, so he heard a half-knowledge from the phone, and immediately guessed the person behind the turmoil.

"Mr. Liu, you mean Jiang Xiaobai." The members of the Taishan Club on the phone also guessed.

President Liu said without thinking: "Apart from Jiang Xiaobai, who can command so many people to take action, who can cause such a big disturbance, and who has the courage to take action against the Changjiang Group."

"Yes, yes, that seems to be the case."

"Okay, I'll go back to the company now, you can contact other people, try to inquire about the situation, and see if there is anything we can intervene." President Liu hung up the phone after giving instructions.

It's just that his face is still full of suspicion. Although Jiang Xiaobai likes to bully people, every time he bullies people there is a reason.

I won't say it is random, especially this time Mr. Li is not only a powerful person, but also a political figure to a certain extent. What does Jiang Xiaobai mean?

Or what did Mr. Li do? Make Jiang Xiaobai so angry.

Thinking of Mr. Liu, he was also a little emotional. The wind was blowing, and it was Jiang Xiaobai. As soon as he made a move, there was such a big movement that the whole shopping mall was shocked. There is also a little excitement and blood boiling.

It would be great if I had this strength.

Mr. Liu is not only a smart person in China. At the beginning, he looked like a mess, but gradually everyone realized who was behind the turmoil.

Although the Eastern Association has done a good job of keeping secrets, people who have reached a certain level in the shopping mall do not know the specific members, but they also know that there is such a chamber of commerce, and even know some of the leaders, and who this leader is.

As time went by, Xiangjiang Changjiang Group finally received the news.

This time there was too much movement, and the speed of reporting was not slow. It took three hours from the accident in the mainland industry to the present, and the news reached the headquarters.

When the vice president ran to Mr. Li's office panting to report, Mr. Li was stunned.

In fact, will Jiang Xiaobai know about his actions in the southeast? He thinks that he may not be able to hide it completely. As for this kind of thing, as long as there is speculation.

As for whether Jiang Xiaobai would take revenge for this kind of thing, he also thought about it, but he felt that as long as there was no evidence for this kind of thing, Jiang Xiaobai would not mess around.

After all, he represents the business community of Xiangjiang to a certain extent. If Jiang Xiaobai retaliates on a large scale, it will be a political incident to a certain extent.

So as long as Jiang Xiaobai doesn't have conclusive evidence in his hands, Jiang Xiaobai will not act openly even if he is angry, or at most, he will make a stumbling block for himself, and act behind the scenes.

What's more, he also received news about things in the southeast. Jiang Xiaobai's reaction speed was very fast, and the tricks of diverting his eyes were also very clever, basically causing no loss.

Jiang Xiaobai is to ask his teacher to ask for guilt. At most, he just called himself and asked himself.

Never thought that Jiang Xiaobai would dare to take such an open and honest revenge.

What the **** is Jiang Xiaobai thinking, isn't he afraid of causing disgust from above? Aren't you afraid of revenge from Xiangjiang Mall?

What exactly is going on?

Mr. Li frowned tightly, wondering what happened in the middle?

Jiang Xiaobai's business is so big, he certainly won't be the kind of person who doesn't care.

He dares without evidence? Mr. Li was suddenly stunned when he thought about it. Evidence, yes, all his speculations are based on Jiang Xiaobai's lack of any evidence. What if Jiang Xiaobai had evidence?

Mr. Li called his assistant while asking the vice president to inform all the senior staff of the company to hold a meeting in the conference room to prepare for this crisis.

"If you are like this, contact the public relations manager surnamed Zhang immediately to see where he is? Did something happen in Wuzhou?"

"Bouzhou?" The assistant didn't react at once, what is Zhouzhou?

The assistant soon remembered. At that time, Mr. Li arranged for Zhang Jiang to go to Wuzhou to avoid the limelight.

"Okay, Mr. Li, I'll call now." The assistant said quickly.

Mr. Li didn't notice his assistant's expression. After all, his assistant has a lot of things to do every day, so it's normal that he doesn't remember such a thing for a while.

Mr. Li got up and walked hurriedly into the conference room, preparing to hold an urgent meeting, the assistant started to contact Zhang Jiang.

(end of this chapter)