Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2415

Chapter 2415

Chapter 2415 Full launch

April 20th, an ordinary day, when the first ray of sunshine in the morning cut through the darkness, the day officially began.

At seven o'clock in the morning, in the Jiangcheng Hotel, in the presidential suite, Mr. Liu had already woken up and called the assistant to have the assistant come over.

"Mr. Liu."

"Pack up, now let's go back to the capital." President Liu said.

"Ah, isn't Mr. Mu going to come out in a while? You're not going?"

"I won't go." Mr. Liu's face darkened, and he said without thinking. During this period of time, he spent a lot of money and took out his family's wealth. Two hundred million in funds, think about it. He felt distressed.

Yesterday, all the funds were finally in place, and all the personnel for this project were there. He Jiangcheng did all the preparatory work, and all the funds were transferred to Jiangcheng's account.

However, the expenditure of this fund shall be supervised by both parties.

is to get everything done. Can go back today.

"It's not Mr. Liu, you have spent so much effort, and there is only one last step left. Wouldn't it be a pity that you didn't show up." The assistant said.

President Liu shook his head without thinking about it: "Forget it, let's go quickly, if someone else's favor, it would be better to owe one, but it's better to forget this.

This guy doesn't know how to be grateful at all, and I really don't want to have anything to do with such a person. This is the last time, so let's go quickly. "

Mr. Liu put on his clothes and left without saying a word.

Mou Qizhong in Jiangcheng Detention Center is also packing up and preparing to come out.

In addition, China Mobile was established on this day in accordance with the overall deployment of the national telecommunications system reform.

The rest of the mall is quiet and peaceful, as usual.

Mr. Li, who was far away in Xiangjiang, woke up earlier and was exercising in the garden. He was getting old and couldn't sleep for long. Thinking of this, Mr. Li couldn't help thinking of Jiang Xiaobai.

Young people, you must be able to sleep well.

The time passed, and when the flat sun rose high, it was eight o'clock.

Jiang Xiaobai's car drove into the underground parking lot of Huaqing Building.

At 8:10, Jiang Xiaobai walked into his office. Zhang Weiyi, Mr. Huang, Lin Sheng, Song Xin and several people from the investment department were already waiting.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai come in, he got up immediately.

"Sit down." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand.

Jiang Xiaobai sat down in the middle of the living room, picked up the tea that Zhao Xiaojin had made, took a sip and looked at the time, it was almost 8:20.

"It should be almost right?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

Zhang Weiyi and others nodded.

"Okay, then let's wait. As soon as the time is up, we will proceed as planned. Keep the call open. Let's wait for the news."

Jiang Xiaobai drank tea and waited quietly. The time passed minute by minute, and soon it was 8:30.

Several phones in Jiang Xiaobai's reception room began to ring.

Zhang Weiyi, Mr. Huang, Song Xin and others answered the phone according to their own arrangements.

"Jiang Dong, the Evening News from Rongcheng has been published, and several reporters have already set off to the project department of Changjiang Real Estate Company, ready to interview..." Zhang Weiyi first reported.

Then Mr. Huang: "Dong Jiang, our Huahua Bank has already started to take shares of Changjiang Industrial in the Hong Kong stock market..."

"Jiang Dong, the magic capital has already started..."

"Jiang Dong, the upstream and downstream of the home appliance industry have begun to control, all contracts have been stopped, and the final payment of the project has been stopped."

"Jiang Dong, reporters have already visited Changjiang Industrial's major real estate projects in the mainland..."

"Dong Jiang, we have already found several experts and professors to criticize the current behavior of hoarding land in the real estate industry. We are looking for some well-known experts and scholars..."

Song Xin answered the phone and started reporting, but Jiang Xiaobai interrupted her just as she was talking.

"Okay, don't talk about well-known experts and scholars, don't you just talk about money? Experts and scholars." Jiang Xiaobai said, the corners of Song Xin's mouth twitched.

Isn't this holding up the bowl to eat and putting down the bowl to curse mother? What kind of person is this, and now they have to use people's family, so I'm scolding them.

This is scolding mother while eating.

The expressions on Zhang Weiyi and Mr. Huang's faces are also very strange, that is, Jiang Xiaobai can be unscrupulous, otherwise, it is estimated that he will be cursed.

Jiang Xiaobai looked up and found that there seemed to be something wrong with what he said, he waved his hand to let Song Xin continue.

However, the experts and scholars at this time have indeed begun to corrupt, but they are not as crazy as the later generations.

What "The poor can't go to school because the tuition is too low." "Qin Hui is also a loyal minister of the emperor. He has kneeled for thousands of years and should stand up." "Low-income people should put their idle houses. Let's rent it out to increase income. The educational resources of Qingbei University belong to a few people, and students from rural areas and children of the poor should not be allowed to go to school.

Normal people such as and so on would find it inconceivable. It should be said by a mentally ill person, but it came from the mouths of some experts and scholars in various fields.

And the status of these experts and scholars in the industry is still very high. Simply ridiculous.

Being called a brick house is not wrong at all.

So Jiang Xiaobai really doesn't look down on these people.

"Okay, Jiang Dong, some of these programs are broadcast live, and some are broadcasted after recording this morning, when they go back and edit them, and they will be broadcast tonight at the latest..."

"Jiang Dong, the capital is also ready, and it has begun to activate..."

Here, Jiang Xiaobai's office is reporting. On the other side, the entire shopping mall moved from peaceful and quiet to rumbling without any sign at all.

Although it was said that Huaqing Holding Group was targeting only Changjiang Group, but the action of the shot set off a great momentum of Nuoda with lightning speed.

If outsiders see it, they won't understand it at all, because Huaqing Holding Group's move is too loud, it doesn't look like a company's move, and the overwhelming all-round beating, like the entire domestic shopping mall is rejecting it. Changjiang Group is the same.

(end of this chapter)