Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 235

Chapter 235

Chapter 235 Is it normal?

Back to the office, Liu Meihua explained his intentions, and Jiang Xiaobai knew what was going on.

Followed Liu Meihua to the workshop, and guided Liu Meihua one by one.

"This section, the cuffs are a little wider, it's okay, this dress, what you want is this effect. The wide cuffs are very powerful."

"This waist should be thinner to show the figure. Our clothes, no matter the attribute of warmth, should also look beautiful and highlight the female figure."

Jiang Xiaobai said and gestured. I don't know when Master Jiang and Qiang Xuejun will also come.

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai dancing in a daze, it is clear that Jiang Xiaobai's words make his face red, but Jiang Xiaobai's whole person has a sense of sacredness.

Liu Meihua was also shocked by Jiang Xiaobai. She felt that she did not know much about women as Jiang Xiaobai.

"Director Xiaobai, how do you feel that you know women better than me?"

Liu Meihua asked startledly.

"Is this abnormal? It is always men who understand women." Jiang Xiaobai was also stunned.

"Is it normal?"

"Is it normal?" Master Jiang and Qiang Xuejun on the side asked in unison.

Jiang Xiaobai spent three days in the workshop of the garment factory, studying clothing matters with three tailors.

Jiang Xiaobai will give theoretical guidance, and the other three have practical skills.

After three days of busy work, each piece of clothing has become a real design drawing again. It turns out that Jiang Xiaobai's casual graffiti can only make people see a rough picture.

But I can't make clothes according to the drawings. This time, I can make clothes with the drawings.

Song Weiguo had already taken people to the south two days ago to find the jeans and fabrics Jiang Xiaobai said.

After the design drawings are done here, all that is left is to follow the drawings and turn the drawings into real clothes.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help at this step, and it took a long time, so after Jiang Xiaobai completed his task, he rode his bicycle back to the educated youth cannery.

As soon as he returned to the educated youth cannery, the **** hadn't been hot, so Laosan Li came to the door.

"Director, the 200 piglets promised by the municipal pig farm have been brought back." Old San Li said as soon as he entered the house.

Newly married Yaner, but Li Laosan has no time to rest, so he gets busy.

As the director of Jianhua Pig Farm, Laosan Li is respected by the whole village, but he also bears the hope of the whole village.

"How is it? Has Liu Jian checked it? Are there any problems?" Jiang Xiaobai raised his head and asked. The piglets in the city pig farm forced Wang Haiyang to sell him.

Farewell King Haiyang, what do you do badly in the middle? Don't have the heart to hurt people, and the heart of defense is indispensable.

"Liu Jian has checked, and no problems have been found for the time being." Li Laosan nodded.

"That's good, we must pay attention to observation." Jiang Xiaobai exhorted.

"Well, I know, factory manager, here you see when you leave, let's see if we can figure out a way and buy another 300 piglets."

Laosan Li looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked.

"Are you making arrangements there?"

"Everything is settled." Li Laosan nodded and said.

"Then clean up, we will leave in a while, this matter is soon or late." Jiang Xiaobai said and stood up.

Piggy comes back a day earlier, and will be able to get out of the slaughter earlier.

The villagers can also pay dividends a day earlier.

"Okay, I'm going to prepare now." Li Laosan responded and turned around and went out.

The letter of introduction needed to go out and some daily necessities need to be brought by yourself.

In the afternoon, Jiang Xiaobai and Li Laosan entered the county seat.

Stayed at the guest house for one night, and the next day the two got on the bus to Tongliu City.

There are two pig farms in Tongliu City. On the first day, Jiang Xiaobai and Li Laosan did not see the person in charge. They waited at the concierge for a day, and the two people met the person in charge the next afternoon.

It's just that they came a step late. They just sold a batch of piglets a few days ago, and they have to raise the rest by themselves.

There is no good news for the second pig farm, and they will not sell it at all.

Tongliu City did not sell Piggy, and the two went to another city.

It's just that although the two have put in a lot of hard work, there is no result.

Three hundred piglets is not a small number. General pig farms control their own breeding pigs in a planned way.

At this time, pig farms are basically self-sufficient.

Basically, you raise as many piglets as your own breeding pigs produce, and part of the piglets is distributed to the supply and marketing agency for sale.

Therefore, there are almost no piglets that can be sold, and in previous years, no one came to sell piglets, and the factories did not reserve them.

Jiang Xiaobai and Li Laosan leaned on the seats of the train, and they fell asleep head-to-head, exhausted.

It's been more than half a month since the two came out, but they found nothing. The next stop is Dragon City. If there are still no piglets, maybe you have to go to the province next door.

"Dragon City, the next station in Longcheng will be at the station." The voice of the train attendant rang in the carriage, awakening Jiang Xiaobai and Li Laosan who were still sleeping.

"Director Xiaobai, I'm in Longcheng, or I'm waiting for you at the guest house, and you go home?" Li Laosan rubbed the sleeping eyes of the apes and said, looking at Jiang Xiaobai.

"No, do business first." Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and said, it is now late August, and there are not many days left to go to school.

When it's time to go to school, just pass by and take a look at home. The most important thing at the moment is to sell Piggy.

(End of this chapter)