Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 234

Chapter 234

Chapter 234 Three Rings and One Turn

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai coming back, Li Laosan became even more excited.

"Director Xiaobai, just waiting for you to come back." Li Lao San smiled and greeted him.

"Okay, leave me alone, the bridegroom official is the biggest. If you have any work, arrange it for me, and I will work for you."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said.

Li Laosan's smile became brighter, and he ignored the few people on the side, did he see it?

Lao Tzu is so valued by the director Xiaobai. When I get married, the director Xiaobai not only comes here in advance, but also helps me with work.

"You don't need Xiao Bai, Director, you sit down quickly, and the table will start immediately." Li Laosan said.

Jiang Xiaobai is also the beauty who refuses any more, and he will start the meal as soon as the meal is served. It is just right to ride the bike and come back hungry.

"Uncle Xiaobai," Li Beibei also greeted Jiang Xiaobai, but after placing Jiang Xiaobai in his seat, he went to work.

Although Li Beibei has just graduated from high school, he is already an adult in the countryside.

After a while, Liu Cui'e also came over. Liu Cui'e is now the head of the canteen of the educated youth cannery.

Now in the canteen of the educated youth cannery, there are a total of three or four cooks, all under Liu Cui'e.

"Director Xiaobai, thank you for coming." Liu Cui'e followed Li Laosan, her face shy.

"You get married, can I not come?" Jiang Xiaobai and Liu Cui'e exchanged greetings, and the two of them went to work.

After eating the banquet for three days, Li Laosan is now the director of the Jianhua Pig Farm. Even those who did not have a friendly relationship with Li Laosan's family have come along.

But Li Laosan doesn't care about the gift money at all. After eating it for three days, the villagers have eaten it back with the little money.

What he wants, Li Laosan now, is the scene, his funds are out of the low-level taste of money.

On the wedding day, Jiang Xiaobai gave Li Lao San a bicycle, a radio, a sewing machine, and a plum watch.

"Lao San, you get married, I mean it in the factory, three rings and one turn." Jiang Xiaobai pushed the bicycle tied with the red cloth, and Song Weiguo carried the bicycle and watch.

Wang Chao and Wang Meng are pushing a sewing machine with a trolley.

"This, this...this is too expensive." The triumphant expression on Li Lao San's face could no longer conceal.

Looking at the envy and jealous gaze cast by other villagers next to him, Laosan Li wanted to laugh even more.

Liu Cui'e staring at the "three beeps and one turn" is also excited and hateful, three beeps and one turn, in this era, it is necessary for the little girls in the city to get married.

As for the countryside, she couldn't afford it at all, not to mention that she was still a widow, and she didn't dare to mention it at all.

However, she did not expect that Jiang Xiaobai and others would actually send it over.

"Okay, then we'll take it back." Jiang Xiaobai said, turning around and making a move.

"Hey, don't..." Li Laosan stopped subconsciously.

"Hahaha..." The people around laughed, and Jiang Xiaobai pushed the bicycle into the house.

Li Beibei also laughed loudly, turning a blind eye to the threatening gaze of his father Li San.

In the whole wedding, Jiang Xiaobai had a drink with Laosan Li. The other people toasted the wine with water instead of wine. There was no way for the sequelae of two bottles of Erguotou, which made Jiang Xiaobai feel sick when he heard the smell of liquor.

"Uncle Huang, Jian Liu, now the third child is also married, and the remaining 500 little piglets are on the agenda."

Jiang Xiaobai, Huang Zhongfu, Liu Jian and others said while eating.

"The 200 piglets promised by the city pig farm have not been given yet. I will send someone to go tomorrow, and I will stare at the city pig farm when I will give it and when will I come back."

Jiang Xiaobai explained.

"Okay, I'll take someone there tomorrow, and I will live in the city pig farm." Huang Zhongfu nodded and said.

"Well, the remaining 300 heads, I will arrange the garment factory in two days, and then go to the surrounding pig farms to find a way."

"By the way, Liu Jian, you should also pay attention to rest." Jiang Xiaobai said while looking at Liu Jian again.

Liu Jian has almost lived in a pig farm during this period, taking care of the five hundred piglets day and night.

"It's okay. I'm studying a kind of feed these two days. I still lack some information. It's a good time to go back to school and ask the professor after the graduation ceremony two days later." Liu Jiandao, he really leaned down and pounced on Jianhua. The village pig farm is up.

I am also very concerned about pig feed. Now the domestic market does not have a mature technology for pig feed.

Basically, each pig farm researches its own pig feed. The time when the pigs are released for slaughter is also different depending on the pig feed.

Some pig feeds are better, fattening faster, and can be released in half a year on average.

Some pig feeds are just a bit short, and the time for pigs to go out of slaughter is seven months, or even eight months.

"Okay, I strongly support you. If you need the funds, tell me that if you don't work, you can add more investment." Jiang Xiaobai said excitedly. If the pig feed can be studied successfully, then maybe it can compete with Hope Group in the future.

The three brothers estimated that they had not studied pig feed yet, so they started by themselves, plus Liu Jian was still a college student at the National Agricultural University.

Whether it is capital or talent, I am no worse than Hope Group.

"Or, go back to school and see if you can bring some more classmates over. Don't worry, whether it's salary or other aspects, I promise that it will not be worse than going to a state-owned enterprise. If the pig feed is successfully studied, I can also invest in building a feed for you. plant."

Jiang Xiaobai continued, college students are all talents at this time, but they can't meet them, especially for township and village enterprises.

"Okay, I try my best, but I can't guarantee it." Liu Jian said, he had no hope for this, and he knew his classmates too much.

They are the same as their original ideas. Needless to say, they are not necessarily willing to come to township enterprises, even state-owned enterprises in the provincial capital, and they probably want to stay in the capital.

Early the next morning, Jiang Xiaobai rode his bicycle back to the garment factory.

As soon as I arrived at the door, I saw Liu Meihua holding a notebook and looking anxiously.

"Master Liu, who are you waiting for?" Jiang Xiaobai got off the bicycle and watched Liu Meihua say hello.

"Who is waiting for? Manager Xiaobai, the day lily I was waiting for you is almost cold." Liu Meihua hurriedly walked over, looking at Jiang Xiaobai with a bitter expression in her eyes.

If Liu Meihua is younger, or a few years later, she will have to let others misunderstand her.

But that's it, Liu Meihua's bitter eyes made Jiang Xiaobai shiver all over.

Are we two so familiar? Didn't I owe you the salary? What do you mean by waiting for me in such a hurry? And the tone of speaking.

I don't owe you money!

Jiang Xiaobai took Liu Meihua to his office and sat down in his office.

(End of this chapter)