Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 236

Chapter 236

Chapter 236 Announcement of College Entrance Examination Results

"Teacher Ma, are all the students in the class here?"

"For all, after the college entrance examination, the students are very concerned about their grades. During this time, they are waiting at school every day. Just waiting for the college entrance examination results.

There are still some who feel that they have no hope of going to university, and have already started studying in the review class. "

Ma Ronghua smiled and said.

"On the blackboard in our class, knowledge is the word that changes destiny, and it has not been erased."

Ma Ronghua feels that he is really proud today. As a widow, she has always been a teacher in school with her children.

It's not that no one is saying strange things behind their backs, and I don't know it, but I'm a widow, what else can I say.

But today, I finally raised my head and exaggerated in front of everyone.

The leaders shook hands cordially, and everyone looked enviously. All this made Ma Ronghua feel as comfortable as drinking three bottles of iced soda in the summer.

is not only sweet, but also refreshing.

"Are you all here? Where is Jiang Xiaobai? Are you there?"

The smile on Ma Ronghua's face suddenly became stiff.

Yes, the 108 classes are basically there. Except for Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai never showed up at school after the college entrance examination.

In addition, the college entrance examination has also ended. Ma Ronghua didn't say much. Before the college entrance examination, he asked for leave at two or two days. It would be more normal if the college entrance examination was not completed.

Jiang Xiaobai, regardless of his grades? Everyone can go to university.

It's normal to not care about the college entrance examination results. I still think that when the college entrance examination results come down, let Li Beibei tell Jiang Xiaobai and it will be over.

All the other students have come to school in the past two days, just waiting for the college entrance examination results, so Ma Ronghua did not count Jiang Xiaobai in at all.

Furthermore, the school does not ask to go back to school. The school came to the school itself.

What's more, when I was in school, the leader asked that everyone was there, and he said that they were all there and there was nothing wrong with it.

Does such a big leader still take a roster and roll the names one by one?

But the fault lies. It seems that the leader knows Jiang Xiaobai. I just said that all the students in the class are there.

As a result, someone is gone in a blink of an eye. What kind of behavior is this? Deceive the leader?

How beautiful and proud just now, Ma Ronghua will be embarrassed at this time.

But Ma Ronghua also felt wronged in his heart. Needless to say, he didn't think of Jiang Xiaobai. Even when he thought of himself, he couldn't be in the leadership and ask if everyone is there?

I said that I was missing one. In that case, it was not that the student was missing one, but that I was missing one.

"Jiang Xiaobai...Jiang Xiaobai..." Ma Ronghua faltered, thinking about how to put so many people's faces and leaders to explain.

"Jiang Xiaobai is not there? Where did he go? Didn't you come to school to find out about your academic records?"

Of course he will not embarrass a little teacher.

Who is Jiang Xiaobai? He knows a lot better than Ma Ronghua. After passing the college entrance examination last year, he organized people to inspect Jianhua Village.

It can even be said that he is paying attention to Jiang Xiaobai's development, but after the results this year, Jiang Xiaobai gave him another big surprise.

This is the time to go to Maxiang high school. The summary study that I had prepared last year was useless. I didn't think I might need to prepare a bigger stage for him this year.

"Yeah, yes." Ma Ronghua could only nod his head, and the other teachers on the side raised their mouths with smiles.

Let you beep, the student smashed the basket.

Several people said this and they arrived at the door of Class 108.

After the college entrance examination, the students could not stay at home. They came to the school and waited to know the college entrance examination results for the first time.

The big guy thinks he can almost pass the exam, chatting in the class, chatting, waiting for the announcement of the results.

Four people overweight this line, five have undergraduate line, and six have junior line, a total of 15 people, which can be said to be completely beyond everyone's expectations.

Many students with good grades have smiles on their faces. There are fifteen people in total, and they are definitely there.

At the very least, it was also a junior college student. Of course, I might have performed well in the college entrance examination at that time. Those on the undergraduate course would have my own.

Even, maybe even if you are lucky, one of the four heavy line is yourself?

This is not impossible. After all, the results are usually high, and the difference between the results is not too big.

(End of this chapter)