Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1568

Chapter 1568

Chapter 1568 is eligible to be scolded

Zhao Xiaojin was stunned. She didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to ask her own opinion.

"Sit down first, don't go out, let's talk." Jiang Xiaobai pointed to the opposite seat and motioned Zhao Xiaojin to sit down.

"Your time in the company is not short. You should also know what the company's situation is. The relocation of the headquarters is good for the company, and it is imperative..." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Well, I understand Jiang Dong." Zhao Xiaojin nodded. To be fair, this choice is of course the best without considering personal gains and losses.

But when people live in this world, why don't you think about personal gains and losses?

When there is a conflict between the interests of everyone and the small family, and between the individual and the collective, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons.

"You have been a secretary for many years. Recently, I have been looking for opportunities to train you. Of course, I don't mean to let you follow the company. The choice is yours.

This is not a condition for you to follow the company..." Jiang Xiaobai explained.

Zhao Xiaojin nodded, she understood that without Jiang Xiaobai saying more. When she was in the north, she rarely followed Jiang Xiaobai. Jiang Xiaobai had been letting her work independently with the group.

is to train her, there is no doubt that it will be reused in the next step.

And she knew in her heart that apart from having been with Jiang Xiaobai for many years, her own value was very different in terms of academic qualifications and abilities.

It's not worth Jiang Xiao's effort to deceive himself.

"I know your parents definitely want you to stay in Dragon City," Jiang Xiaobai continued. Zhao Xiaojin didn't refute it. No one who lives in Longcheng could refute this.

Even if it wasn't because Jiang Xiaobai was the boss, he himself would be willing to stay in Dragon City, after all, his home was in Dragon City.

"But it's a pity that you stay in Dragon City. You have been in the company for so many years, and you have given up staying in Dragon City. Of course, I know that with your ability, staying in Dragon City will definitely be very comfortable.

But you may miss a lot of scenery..." Jiang Xiaobai said to Zhao Xiaojin with a heart-to-heart.

"Let's do it, you do your work first. If you really consider staying in the end, I will try my best to arrange for you. Longgang is my father-in-law now, I can say hello." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand.

Zhao Xiaojin is a girl after all, and now people's conception is still relatively conservative. They think that if a girl doesn't get married, she would seem a little bit awkward if she ran out by herself.

"Thank you Jiang Dong, I will consider it carefully." Zhao Xiaojin stood up and bowed to Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai put her heart to heart, and she did not lie to fool Jiang Xiaobai, she still has to discuss with her parents whether to leave or stay.

I still want to get parental consent.

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand to send Zhao Xiaojin out, and sighed softly.

Then grabbed the phone on the desk and began to call the heads of various companies one by one, Wang Chao, Wang Meng, Li Laosan, Sun Jianyun, etc.... Tell them about the relocation of the company's headquarters.

The process went very smoothly. The heads of several companies unanimously supported Jiang Xiaobai's decision to relocate the headquarters.

They are all people who hold the company's stock, and of course they will consider the company wholeheartedly.

Furthermore, they do not work in Longcheng, which is the relocation of the branch office and after the relocation of the headquarters.

After all, several companies have factories. If you want to relocate, you need to build a new factory first.

After a round of phone calls, the sky outside was already dark.

Jiang Xiaobai cleaned up and was about to go home.

But I ran into Zhao Xiaojin when I went out.

"Dong Jiang, the president of Chu Bei Ping Chu is here, you see... I will arrange it until tomorrow morning?" Zhao Xiaojin asked tentatively.

"Well, you can..." Jiang Xiaobai nodded, but after thinking about it, he said, "Forget it, you let him come to the Jinling Hotel below. Let's eat and talk."

I finished talking tonight, and we can set off for the garment factory in Beiping early tomorrow morning. We will finish handover with Liu Jian early.

Liu Jian can also leave early for the north, Zhang Weiyi can come back earlier, the company's relocation is a major event, and he is very anxious.

"Okay." Zhao Xiaojin nodded.

Jiang Xiaobai went to the Jinling Hotel. As soon as he sat down, Zhao Xiaojin brought Chu Beiping over.

"Jiang Dong, why did you suddenly transfer me to the garment factory?" Chu Beiping asked inexplicably as soon as he sat down.

He worked well with Wang Chao in the real estate company, and also formed a property company. He is ready to work in the real estate company for a few years and make a career.

As a result, he received an order to go to the garment factory as the deputy director.

The garment factory was established earlier than the real estate company, and its scale is also larger than that of the real estate company.

But he has never been in contact with a clothing factory, and suddenly he levelled him over, he couldn't figure it out...

"Liu Jian, I want to transfer, I will be the director of the garment factory myself, and your deputy director is in charge of the overall work..." Jiang Xiaobai said directly.

At the beginning, Beiping was stunned, he heard what Jiang Xiaobai meant.

This means that although he is not the number one in name, he is actually the number one.

Because Jiang Xiaobai is the director of the factory, it must be in name and will not go to specific affairs.

"Dong Jiang, can I do it?" Chu Beiping asked embarrassedly.

"Fuck off, don't ask how to transfer you away, I didn't see it, you are still an official fan.

I didn't want to hear about Ping Tiao. When I heard that I was promoted, I smiled with joy. If it's OK, get me back and continue to be your vice president. "Jiang Xiaobai cursed with a black face.

"Hey, there is no Jiang Dong, I have no reluctance, this is not a transfer order, I rushed to pack up and take office." Chu Beiping said with a sad smile.

"I'm still here. Just now, there were a hundred people who looked like a thousand people. What are you unwilling to do? You have a temper, you can have a temper, but I tell you, don't play your temper in front of me, give me a suffocation..." Jiang Xiaobai patted the table and cursed.

Chu Beiping lowered his head, bearing the thunderous anger of Jiang Xiaobai.

It turned out that Jiang Xiaobai was so cruel, he just heard the company's seniors say.

But I have never enjoyed this treatment before, because his level is not enough.

Okay, he has enough level now and can enjoy it...

"You are also a college student anyway. I tell you if you can't do well after going to the clothing factory, then it is not going to return to the real estate company. You will not even have the qualifications to build a house for Lao Tzu..."

Chu Beiping was scolded by a dog-blood sprinkler, which made him feel insulted both physically and mentally. He wanted to refute, but he had no chance or ability.

The waiter passed by the private room door and carefully closed the private room door tightly.

(End of this chapter)