Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1569

Chapter 1569

Chapter 1569 Acting within the rules

Jiang Xiaobai finished eating, and then Chu Beiping wiped the sweat from his forehead and sat down.

I have finished eating. Is this eating? This is a Hongmen Banquet.

Chu Beiping was a little helpless, didn't I just have some opinions in my heart, but I didn't say anything.

But no matter what, he is very happy to be the actual person in charge of the garment factory.

Because Huaqing Holding Company has a practice, after becoming a responsible person, there will be a share dividend of the responsible company.

This is not comparable to salary. Huaqing Holding Company has not yet been listed, so all the original shares are taken.

Now that I have taken the original shares, if the company goes public by then, it will not know how many times its value will double.

I heard that the company's headquarters is going to be relocated. He prefers Magic City or Pengcheng, because there are stock exchanges in these two places.

As soon as it is listed, hehe, the money will come if it's not smashed.

However, at the same time, he was a little puzzled. If Liu Jian is not the person in charge of the garment factory, where will he go?

I haven't heard of any company that has vacancies. Where can he go?

As for exempting Liu Jian directly, he has not considered this because he has not heard that Liu Jian made a mistake.

Furthermore, Liu Jian is an old man, one of the people who followed Jiang Xiaobai to fight the world.

Needless to say that he did not make a mistake, it means he has made a mistake. It is estimated that Jiang Xiaobai will give him a chance to correct it.

Some time ago, Li Laosan was full of troubles. In the end, there was a lot of thunder and a little rain. It was just a deduction of wages.

So Liu Jian must have been promoted, but he racked his brains and never thought of where Liu Jian could be promoted.

Are you going to be the deputy general manager of the company? The company's current general manager is Shi Sheng, and the deputy general manager is Zhang Weiyi.

For a company as big as Huaqing Holdings, a deputy general manager is really too few.

Now there are five or six deputies in a township, and there are more than ten deputies in a county.

In contrast, there are too few vice presidents in Huaqing Holdings, not to mention that the vice president is still on business abroad all day, and can't see anyone for a day.

At the beginning of Beiping, the more I think about it, the more I think this possibility is greater.

It's really no problem for Liu Jian to be a vice president. He has education, ability, and qualifications, and his personality is more suitable.

After eating a little bit of dinner, Chu Beiping came out of the private room and looked at the waiter nearby and saw that his eyes were strange, a little sympathetic.

This group of people definitely heard that they have been trained, and they know too much, don't you know about killing people?

Hmph, waiting for one day, the company completely bought your Jinling Hotel, I will open all of you, and anyone who knows the secret will die.

Furthermore, Lao Tzu will be the actual person in charge of an enterprise soon, you are just waiters, you sympathize with me, stop kidding, put your sympathy elsewhere, OK... OK...

Can you stop looking at me...Well, I was scolded very poorly, but I don't want to let others know if it's okay?

You sympathize with me like this. I don't know that I was scolded.

At the beginning, Peking fled from the Jinling Hotel. He swears that there will be nothing important in the future and he will definitely not come to the Jinling Hotel.

Early the next morning, Chu Beiping set off for a garment factory to take up his post. Zhao Xiaojin took the list of time when representatives of various cities came and handed it to Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai probably took a look. Liu Shi from the capital city came in the earliest time, and then the representative of the magic capital came to the capital the next day, basically just staggering.

The representatives of Pengcheng and Yangcheng came on the same day. The two are considered to be a family, and the competition between them is not too strong.

Then Qiongzhou, representatives from Pengcheng and Yangcheng in the morning come, and Qiongzhou in the afternoon.

Then the next day is the representative of Rongcheng and Shancheng.

For these cities for the time being, the time can basically be staggered.

Because Jiang Xiaobai estimates that these representatives will not stay too much when they come. Just like Liu Shi, the representative of the capital, and the leaders of the capital, Jiang Xiaobai does not know how busy he is, but he should be busier than himself.

After all, in a city as big as the capital, Liu City, as one of the main leaders, must be responsible for many things.

So Jiang Xiaobai guessed, it means staying for half a day, or one day, if you die. He won't say anything about staying and not leaving.

And Jiang Xiaobai believes that the leaders from other cities should be of the same level. Otherwise, the status is not equal, Jiang Xiaobai will not be able to talk to them.

Huaqing Holding Company is relocated, and you send a section chief to lead the team, or a division-level cadre to lead the team, you are totally despising people.

"Okay, you have arranged, prepared a place to live, the convoy to pick up and drop off, and the accompanying person." Jiang Xiaobai exhorted.

People such a big leader come over, if Huaqing Holding Company doesn't entertain him well, it would be a joke.

"Okay, I understand." Zhao Xiaojin turned and left, Jiang Xiaobai stood up and went to the window.

It is estimated that this kind of scenery has not been seen for a long time.

And once leaders from other places came over, it is estimated that Longcheng would know the truth of the matter, and would not think that he was frightening them and forcing the inspection team to withdraw.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai has not the guts to use the leaders of other cities and treat other cities as monkeys.

If Jiang Xiaobai really does this, then someone has taken the initiative to clean up the Huaqing Holding Company, and Jiang Xiaobai can't say a word.

Everything must be done within the scope of the rules. For example, Jiang Xiaobai can choose between several cities. He will go to whichever city offers favorable conditions.

No other cities will have ideas, nor can they embarrass Huaqing Holdings. This is the rule.

But Jiang Xiaobai said to relocate, then relocate. This is also the rule.

If Jiang Xiaobai used other cities to put pressure on Dragon City, he would be a player, and if he was taken care of by others, there would be no problem. This is also the rule.

So everything must be done within the rules.

However, Longcheng knew the truth as soon as he knew it, because he hadn't thought of hiding it, so he was always talking with fanfare.

It's just that they don't believe it, they understand it wrong.

Can you blame yourself for this? Obviously it's not surprising. Other cities know about it. You Longcheng said that you haven't received the news. I don't know. Is that a joke?

The news of your Dragon City is so backward, it should be the relocation of other enterprises, and up to now.

Jiang Xiaobai did not receive any news. Someone from Dragon City asked him if the rumor about the relocation of the headquarters was true.

So...hehe, people, always believe in what they are willing to believe, and are willing to judge the development of things based on their own experience,

As everyone knows, many times you think it's not what you think it is.

(End of this chapter)