Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1567

Chapter 1567

Chapter 1567 The Collective Is Coming

Shi Sheng was silent for a while, and then said: "I'm sorry, Jiang Dong, I am responsible for this matter."

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "Old Shi, don't take responsibility for yourself. What does it have to do with you?"

What you have been conscientious in these years is that this group of things is not a good tool.

People say that it is easy to fight the country, but it is difficult to sit in the country. After you come to Longcheng, you will enter the city. Once you enter the city, everyone will lose their enterprising spirit. This is common in a stable environment.

So old history, we have to relocate this time. "

"Yes, it must be relocated, but in case they object..." Shi Sheng said with some worry.

"All objections will be fired, and a group of people will be recruited from the various companies below to form the backbone, and then recruit, re-set up the shelf, leave if they are willing to go, and leave if they don't want to." Jiang Xiaobai said very much Resolutely.

"I understand Jiang Dong." Shi Sheng left Jiang Xiaobai's office.

Jiang Xiaobai sighed helplessly. Among the people in today's meeting, some of them have been working in Huaqing Holding Company for seven or eight years. If it is possible that Jiang Xiaobai is a nostalgic person, he must be reluctant to let them leave.

But now...

Just as Jiang Xiaobai was thinking about it, the phone on the desk rang.

"Hey." Jiang Xiaobai just answered the phone and said, Mou Qi's anxious voice came from the phone.

"Jiang Xiaobai, you can really fool you. You fool me so hard, what memory bias, what Mandela effect, and I was fooled by the fact that I was looking for experts and professors one day yesterday, and finally I contacted those guys. A reporter knew that you were posing for a photo..."

"Haha." Jiang Xiaobai smiled, Mou Qizhong was not only anxious, but also a little angry.

Mou Qizhong was fooled by Jiang Xiaobai, thinking that something mysterious happened. After all, Qigong was still popular at this time.

It's normal for any weird things to happen.

In the end, I looked around and found that it was Jiang Xiaobai who had fooled himself.

"Still laughing, Xiaobai is too foolish, you make me ashamed, you know." Mou Qizhong said dumbfoundedly.

It's not that I am uneducated, but that the enemy is too cunning.

"I didn't tell you about the pose, but the other memory deviations and the Mandela effect are real. I didn't lie to you." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Don't talk." Mou Qizhong is now talking about Jiang Xiaobai, and he doesn't believe it at all. This kid knows to fool him.

"Really, nothing, there really is this Mandela effect."

"Okay, it doesn't matter whether it's true or false. In the future, you won't talk about science or something mysterious." Mou Qizhong said angrily.

"Haha, why is this angry? This is not enough, right?" Jiang Xiaobai said.

"This thing, you kid is posing for a photo by yourself, making you the protagonist alone. There are not even a picture of me in several newspapers..." Mou Qizhong complained.

"Brother, haven't you still been on stage to talk, I just pose for a photo..." Jiang Xiaobai and Mou Qizhong explained.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Xiaobai was still a little bit happier. This Lao Mou also sought an expert professor. The key is that the expert professor still doesn't know what the Mandela effect is.

Here, just as Jiang Xiaobai hung up, the phone rang again.

"Hey, this is Jiang Xiaobai."

"Jiang Dong..."

"It's Liu Shi, hello, hello..."

"This is Jiang Dong. I have finished the meeting here. In some cases, I want to talk to you." Liu Shi said on the phone.

"Then this... can't it be on the phone?" Jiang Xiaobai asked deliberately, letting him go to the capital, he must be reluctant to go.

It hasn't been three days since I came back, so I will go to Beijing again. Let Zhao Xinyi think.

And if he didn't guess wrong, this meeting is just the first negotiation, not the last time to make a decision.

It's not too late to go to the capital at that time.

"I don't know if Fang is inconvenient? Let me go to your Dragon City, and take a look at your Huaqing Holding Company by the way." Liu Shi said.

"Convenient and convenient. If Liu Shi wants to come over, then our company is really brilliant. We have to sweep the couch to welcome us. How can it be inconvenient.

In this way, Liu Shi has booked the flight and called me, and I will meet you at the airport..." Jiang Xiaobai was very enthusiastic.

As long as you don't have to toss yourself, Jiang Xiaobai is welcome.

The call was not hung up on this side, and Shi Sheng on the other side came in.

Jiang Xiaobai gestured to Shi Sheng to sit down first, and after a few words with Liu Shi, Jiang Xiaobai hung up the phone and looked at Shi Sheng.

"Old history, what's wrong?"

"Jiang Dong, just now there were calls from the magic capital, Yangcheng, and Pengcheng, to ask for your message.

As soon as I heard that you are back, I have to come and have a look. What do you think of your reply? "Shi Sheng asked.

"Are you all calling?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

"Yes, I'm still surprised, how come it seems that an appointment has been made, but it's impossible. They are all competing now, no matter what." Shi Sheng said puzzledly.

Jiang Xiaobai knew that Shi Sheng had misunderstood what he meant. He asked Shi Sheng that he had called, because he wanted to say that these cities were interested.

Rather than asking why I made an appointment to call together, I don't need to think about this question. The news of the successful launch of the satellite by Huade Satellite Technology has been published in the newspaper.

I saw the newspaper yesterday. It should be reprinted in newspapers from other places today, so other cities called again. This is normal.

Jiang Xiaobai raised a mouth, and Shi Sheng also wanted to understand.

"On the other side of the capital, I called and said that I would come back after the meeting. Go ahead and reply to other cities. Come here as soon as you like. Our Huaqing Holding Company will welcome you by sweeping the couch..." Jiang Xiaobai stood up and said proudly.

"I'm going now." Shi Sheng also smiled. Their Huaqing Holding Company has developed to this day, and they always release the news of the relocation when they pay back.

All cities have come to invite, Jiang Xiaobai's decision is right.

There is no harm if there is no comparison. They have been in Dragon City for so many years, and Dragon City does not pay attention to them.

In other cities, I heard that they are going to relocate, so they came to invite them from thousands of miles away and offered various favorable conditions.

How can this make them unwilling to go.

Shi Sheng went out, Jiang Xiaobai called Zhao Xiaojin in again and let Zhao Xiaojin take charge of the company's reception.

"Okay, Dong Jiang, I will prepare now." Zhao Xiaojin responded and was about to turn around and go out.

"That's right." Jiang Xiaobai stopped Zhao Xiaojin who was about to go out and asked: "Do you have any comments on the company's relocation? Or would you like to go out?"

(End of this chapter)